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UK VFS Checklist By Edugo Abroad

If you want to go overseas after a passport visa is the most important part. without a visa, you can't visit other countries and when it comes to the UK, home of the Royal Family and living History. It was harder to get a UK visa, not only the process but the waiting is also a concern. While with The new VFS process you can take advantage of the faster and easy process to get your UK visa. <br>Here we are sharing a Checklist that will make this process more easy and fast for you. Don't miss to apply for UK visa with VFS.

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UK VFS Checklist By Edugo Abroad

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  1. VFS Checklist for UKVisa Ranked #1 Europe EducationConsultant

  2. The visa process sounds like a lot of hassles, tons of documents, and a lengthy process, but not right now with the VFS process. The VFS process is the newly updated solution, whichhelpstogetforeignstudyvisasintheUKquickly.Itreducesyourirrelevanteffortand giveswingstoyourdreams. So,let'sconsidersomeimportantVFScheckliststoensurebeforeapplyingfortheUK.

  3. From an approvedclinic: www.gov.uk/tb-test-visa/countries-where-you-need-a-tb-test-to-enter-the-uk Health Surcharge referencenumber Thiswillbeissuedoncethepaymentprocessiscomplete. ConfirmationofAcceptanceforStudies(CAS). AndanyoriginaldocumentsreferencedbyyourTier4sponsorontheCAS. ATAS Certificate is required by somestudents. ThiswillbeindicatedonyourCAS. Tuberculosis testcertificate

  4. Youmustproveyourrelationshiptoyourparentsiftheabovefundsareheldunderaparent’s name. You can submit one of the following original documents: birth certificate or adoption certificate.Andaletterfromyourparent(s)orlegalguardian(s)providingconsentforyoutouse themoneyiftheabovefundsareheldintheirname(s). Proof ofrelationship ForTier4(General)applicantsaged16or17 (onthedateofyouronlineapplication)and Tier 4 (Child)applicants: Aletterfromyourparent(s)orlegalguardian(s)providingpermissiontosupportyourtravelto theUK,receptiononarrivalandlivingarrangementswhileintheUK.Proofofrelationshipto yourparent(s)orlegalguardian(s).Youcansubmitoneofthefollowingoriginaldocuments: birth certificate or adoptioncertificate.

  5. Youcanonlyqualifyasasponsoredstudentifyouaresponsoredbyoneofthefollowingofficial sponsors: UK government, British Council, your government, or any international organisation, internationalcompany,universityorUKindependentschool.Youcannotbesponsoredbyanyone else,includingotherfamilymembersorfriends.

  6. A bank-slip, bank statement or certificate of deposit that shows you have held enough money tocoveryourcoursefeesandyourmonthlylivingcostsforupto9months.Theymustshowthat youhaveheldtherequiredmoneyfor(atleast)aconsecutive28dayperiodwhichendswithin the 31 day period before you paid your visa fee online. For example, if you paid your fee online on15August,thebank-slip,bankstatementorcertificateofdeposityousubmitmustshowthat youheldtherequiredmoneyfor(atleast)a28dayperiodthatendedbetweenthe15July and 15August. UKVI will accept money that is frozen in a certificate of deposit. However the certificate of deposit must prove that the money has already been held for 28 days. For example, if you depositedyourfundsinafixed-termaccounton1March,andyourdateofonlineapplicationwas 15 August, it is not enough to only submit the original deposit slip from 1 March. You must also submitanadditionalcertificateofdeposittoshowthatthemoneywasstillheldbetween15July and15Augusti.e.withinthe31dayperiodbeforeyouronlineapplicationdate. Do not provide a bank letter or certificate quoting an average balance. Fundsmustbeheldinyournameorbyyourparentsoranofficialsponsor. Moneyheldbyanyotherthirdpartywillnotbeaccepted. Financialrequirements

  7. Ifyouareagedunder16,orunder18ifyouaredisabled,andgoingtobecaredforonaIfyouareagedunder16,orunder18ifyouaredisabled,andgoingtobecaredforona full-time basis in the UK by adults who are not your parents or a close relative (a grandparent, brother,sister,step-parent,uncleorauntagedover18),youmustprovideproofthatthatperson hasnotifiedtheappropriateUKlocalauthority.Youdonotneedthisifyouraccommodationison your schoolcampus. For Tier 4 (Child) applicantsonly

  8. +91706-900-7131/32 inquiry@edugoabroad.com www.edugoabroad.com Edugo Abroad(HO) 604-609,VenusAmadeus,JodhpurCrossRoads, Satellite, Ahmedabad,India

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