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How Technology is Changing Education.

Teachers nowadays use interactive whiteboards. These boards are quite complex, and they provide a variety of options for teaching and sharing information with pupils. This is only one example of how contemporary technology is transforming our educational institutions daily.https://blog.eduminatti.com/schools/education-and-modern-technology/

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How Technology is Changing Education.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Technology is Changing the WayofEducation Alookattheimportanceoftechnology inteachingandlearning

  2. Index Theimpactoftechnologyoneducation Settingup a virtuallearningspace Theroleofinteractivetechnologyineducation Thebenefitsofinteractivetechnology Remotelearningandthenewnormal Newtrendstowatchoutfor

  3. TheImpact ofTechnology on Teaching andLearning Technology is a powerful tool that has changed how teachers teach and how students learn. It has provided peoplewithaccesstoeducationandaccesstodifferent waysofcommunicatingandworkingtogether.

  4. Traditional Teachingand Learning Teachingand Learning withTechnology Physical learning materials and equipmentlikepaper,pensand chalkboard Limitedaccesstoeducationmaterials andinformation Teachingandlearningtypicallyoccurs inanin-personclassroomsetting Wideraccess toeducationmaterials andinformation More available channels and tools for communicationaswellascollaboration Enables a more personalized kind of learningforstudents

  5. Howtosetupavirtualclassroom STEP1 Pickalearning management system. STEP2 Review all onlinelearning materials. STEP3 Invest in a calendarand commsapp. STEP4 Selectasecure live streaming platform. STEP5 Choose apps that foster collaboration. Study the system so you can maximizeitsuse. Staypreparedand know how to use thematerials. Usethenecessary tools to manage yourtimewell. Choose a robust platformthatcan help with your objectives. Createalearning environmentthat encourages teamwork.

  6. AsofJanuary2021 Item5 20% Item1 20% Virtual classroom adoptionin theworld Item4 20% Item2 20% Learningsessionsarenowconductedonline in95%ofschoolsintheworld. Item3 20%

  7. Interactivetechnologyopensup thewayweteachandlearn The Role of Interactive TechnologyinLearning Interactivetechnologyhelpscreateopportunitiesforcommunication.It can encourage teachers and students to communicate more, share and discussideas,andcollaboratewitheachother.

  8. Benefits of Interactive Technology

  9. ALLOWSTEACHERSTO BEMOREFLEXIBLE Teachers can use different teaching methods and tools tosuittheirlessonsorstudents. 01 Benefitsto teachers How technology helps teachersdotheirwork HELPSTEACHERSCONNECT MOREWITHSTUDENTS Teachersareabletobettercommunicatewiththeir studentsandsupportthemintheirlearning 02 ALLOWSACCESSTO MORERESOURCES Teachers are able to find additional and updated learningresourcesthatcanhelpthemwiththeirwork 03

  10. ALLOWSFORAMOREPERSONALIZED LEARNINGEXPERIENCE Studentshavemorefreedomtochoosethemethods andtoolsthathelpthemlearnbest. Benefitsto Students Howtechnologyhelps studentslearn IMPROVES STUDENTS' COMMUNICATIONSKILLS Studentshaveaccesstodifferentchannelswheretheycan communicateandcollaboratewithteachersandfellowstudents. HELPSSTUDENTSPREPARE FORTHEFUTURE Studentsbecomeequippedtofaceahighlytechnologicalfuture andwillbeabletoeasilyadapt.

  11. It'simportantrightnowbutisitthefuture? Remote learning asthenewnormal Remotelearningtechnologyhasbeencrucialtoeducationright now, and it will likely be as critical in the future as schools determine the best way they can move forward. Schools can adoptorofferacombinationofremoteandin-personlearning.

  12. Technology is thatcanmake aneffective education tool more meaningfulandengagingfor bothteachersandstudentsalike.

  13. What'sNextinDigital Learning Onlineclassroomsmeandigitallearningforeveryone. Aglobalmarketforpracticalcoursesandcredentials. Improvement in the quality of blended learning Risingdemandforskills-basedprograms. Greaterinvestmentoninteractivetechnologyin solvingthedigitaldivide

  14. We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which weexperiencemuchofourworld. DAVIDWARLICK

  15. Do you have anyquestions? Visitusatwww.eduminatti.comandaskanything.

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