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CityBit2. Benchmarking the Learner Experience. The Strategy. Set the standards Communicate the standards Measure the standards Drive up the achievement Provide the support. Setting the standards. Displayed on every course page. Setting the standards. Displayed on every course page.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CityBit2 Benchmarking the Learner Experience

  2. The Strategy • Set the standards • Communicate the standards • Measure the standards • Drive up the achievement • Provide the support

  3. Setting the standards Displayed on every course page

  4. Setting the standards Displayed on every course page

  5. Communicating the standards

  6. Measuring the standards • Reports out of CityBit2 • Tweaked over the last few months • Producing a complex spreadsheet • Counting student enrolments • Calculating student hit-rates • Measuring the no. & variety of activities • Weighted algorithms • Automated with manual moderation

  7. The Data

  8. The Data

  9. The Data

  10. The Data

  11. …the algorithm produces the BSG award

  12. Driving up the achievement

  13. Improving the quality • GSB table • Ofsted were impressed • By setting the standards we know where we are going and how we are going to get there

  14. Business – long courses

  15. Provide the support ILT Coaching • Individual support • Available in the classroom • With feedback

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