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Comparative Effectiveness Research Key Function Committee (CER KFC) Monday, March 19, 2012, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM ET. Co-Chairs, Tim Carey and Tom Concannon PI Liaison, Harry Selker NIH Coordinator, Rosemarie Filart PM, Alecia Fair (C4).
Comparative Effectiveness ResearchKey Function Committee(CER KFC)Monday, March 19, 2012, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM ET Co-Chairs, Tim Carey and Tom Concannon PI Liaison, Harry Selker NIH Coordinator, Rosemarie Filart PM, Alecia Fair (C4)
CTSA CER Key Function Committee (KFC) Monthly Meeting AgendaMonday, March 19th, 2012, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET
ACTIVITY UPDATES • Steering Committee (CCSC), • Executive Committee (CCEC), and SGC 4 Liaison News: • March CCEC meeting • News impacting the CER KFC and members • Harry Selker • 11:02 AM
Five Draft priorities in the PCORI document • 1) Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options. Research should focus on 1) clinical options with emphasis on patient preferences and decision-making, 2) biological, • clinical, social, economic, and geographic factors that may affect patient outcomes. • 2) Improving Healthcare Systems. Research should focus on 1) ways to improve access to care, receipt of care, coordination of care, self-care, and decision-making, 2) use of non-physician • healthcare providers, such as nurses and physician assistants, and the impact on patient outcomes, 3) system-level changes affecting all populations, diseases, and health conditions. • 3) Communication and Dissemination. Research should focus on 1) strategies to improve patient and clinician knowledge about prevention, diagnosis and treatment options, 2) • methods to increase patient participation in care and decision-making and the impact on health outcomes, 3) communication tools that enhance decision-making and achieve desired • outcomes, 4) ways to use electronic data (“e-health records”) to support decision-making, 5) best practices for sharing research results. • 4) Addressing Disparities. Research should focus on 1) ways to reduce disparities in health outcomes, 2) benefits and risks of healthcare options across populations, 3) strategies to • address healthcare barriers that can affect patient preferences and outcomes. • 5) Accelerating Patient-Centered and Methodological Research. Research should focus on 1) ways to improve the quality and usefulness of clinical data in follow-up studies, 2) methods • to combine and analyze clinical data that follow patients over time, 3) use of registries and clinical data networks to support research about patient-centered outcomes, including rare • diseases, 4) strategies to train researchers and enable patients and caregivers to participate in patient-centered outcomes research
Identify current activities and collaborations with CER KFC members with NIH I/Cs NIH Updates Rosemarie 11:06 AM
CER SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATION Cliff Goodman, PhDThe LewinGroup Multi-Payer Claims Database for Comparative Effectiveness Research11:08AM
UPCOMING CER SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATION April 16thorganizational readiness- to- change Presented by: Christian D. Helfrich, PhD, MPH VA Puget Sound Health Care System Seattle Division, Seattle, WAWELCOME VOLUNTEERS or SUGGESTIONS
Education/Training/Workforce DevelopmentWorkgroup: Lead: Jodi Segal November 2011-January 2012 November 2011- November 2012 March 2012-July 2012 February 2012- June 2012 Understand education needs of patient advocacy groups CER Video Project Learn about CER teaching in professional schools Review short courses in relevant organizations Completed In Progress Cancelled To be Completed
DIR Workgroup co-Leads: Paul Meissner and Jonathan Tobin October 2011 Fall –Winter 2011 2012 • Merged Collaboration and Dissemination and Implementation Workgroups launched into one WG: newly named as Dissemination and Implementation Research WG • White Paper on Stakeholder Engagement • - Working paper on CTSA wiki • - Submitted for peer review • 2. Best Practices in Translational Research • 7 interviews completed • Developed preliminary results • 15 interviews proposed & scheduled • Identification of variables of interest for D&I research from EHRs and other data sources. • 1. Stakeholder engagement demonstrations • Tufts EPC (5) • PPP KFC (1) • Other • 2. Best Practices in Translational Research • Manuscript on best practices • Variables of interest for D&I research • 4. Rapid D&I Network / Pilot DIR demonstrations • - Needs leadership Completed To be Completed
Methods Workgroupco-Leads: Sean Tunis , Mark Helfand, Jerry Krishnan and Peter Neumann October 2011- Jan 2012 Feb 2012-Summer 2012 June – October 2011 Fall 2012 Develop and conduct an Methods WG Mini-Workshop of the October 2011 CER KFC Annual meeting with stakeholders. Focus on specific ways to advance methods research as detailed in the forthcoming CER Methods Agenda Paper. Discuss WG projects in light of the current CER/PCOR environment. • Dec 2011– Jan 2012: • Key informant interviews on current consortium efforts to expand national infrastructure for conducting community-based PCTs • Jan 2012: Compile findings from key informant interviews Feb-March 2012: Create prioritized list of discrete projects related to overall workgroup focus, and for discussion at summer workshop. Establish planning committee. 2012: Workshop to convene individuals and groups from CTSA program and other initiatives with shared interest in expanding national infrastructure for community-based PCTs • Fall 2012: Produce white paper with strategic plans for CTSA CER methods workgroup to contribute to expansion of national infrastructure for community based PCTs Completed To be Completed
CER Informatics TaskforceOpen Discussion:Current Draft Project ideas and Prioritizing Projects/Activities would you like to see for the CER Informatics TaskforceCo-Leads: Joel Saltz and Bill Hersh
1st Quarter deliverables • Authenticated space • Committee management and consortium targeted information • Collaborative space • A virtual sandbox for collaborative research activities
CER KFC Monthly Meeting: Monday, April 16thfrom 11 AM-12PM Education/Training/Workforce Development Workgroup: Wednesday, April 11thfrom 11 AM-12 PM EDT Dissemination and Implementation Research Workgroup: Tuesday, March 20thfrom 4-5 PM EDT Methods Workgroup: Thursday, March 22ndfrom 12-1 PM EDT Informatics Taskforce: Thursday, April 5th from 12 - 1 PM EDT Operations Group: Tuesday, March 27th3-4 PM EDT *attended by Co-Chairs /WG-TF Leads/ KFC Coordinator/PI Liaison SGC #4 Bi-Monthly Meeting : Monday, March 26thfrom 11 AM- 12 PM EDT *attended by CER and Comm. Eng. KFC Co-Chairs /WG-TF Leads/ KFC Coordinator/PI Liaison CER KFC Upcoming meeting schedule
CTSA Consortium Executive Committee Three Objectives for SGC #4 Objective 1: (Recognized as the Priority Objective by CCEC) :Develop a CTSA Consortium-wide strategy for community-engaged and comparative effectiveness research that leads to improvements in the access, quality, and efficiency of healthcare delivery and the health of diverse communities and the public. (*Metric followed by CCEC). Objective 2: Collaborate and create synergies with a wide range of stakeholders (i.e., communities, health departments, CTSA and other academic medical centers, NIH Institutes and Centers and other DHHS Federal Partners) in planning and implementing community-engaged and comparative effectiveness research and in disseminating the research findings. Objective 3:Facilitate collaborations across CTSA institutions, PBRNs, and a broad cross-section of practice settings that increase the nation’s capacity for innovative community-engaged and comparative effectiveness research leading to the development of novel methodologies for both conducting research and for implementing and disseminating the findings of that research.
Mission Statement The Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) Key Function Committee builds the field of comparative effectiveness research (CER) and patient-centered outcomes research by creating a learning community across CTSA institutions, spurring the development of methods, expanding training and education, promoting community and public engagement, applying CER findings and sharing successes and lessons learned. Vision Statement Through collaborative work products, the Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) Key Function Committee facilitates the generation and synthesis of evidence about alternative interventions that results in actionable findings for policymakers, clinicians, patients, and purchasers to use in improving the quality and outcomes of patient-centered health care. CER KFC Mission and Vision Statements https://www.ctsawiki.org/wiki/display/CER/Comparative+Effectiveness+Research-+Home