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GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Silent Preparation Song : 1. “Wait for the Lord” Collect of the Day Song: 2 . “In the Lord” WORD Scripture Readings ( 3. “Kyrie Eleison ” ) Sermon Prayers of the People: 4. “O God Hear My Prayer” ASHES Preparation & Imposition of Ashes
GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Silent Preparation Song: 1. “Wait for the Lord” Collect of the Day Song: 2. “In the Lord” WORD Scripture Readings ( 3. “Kyrie Eleison” ) Sermon Prayers of the People: 4. “O God Hear My Prayer” ASHES Preparation & Imposition of Ashes Song: 5. “Jesus, Your Spirit in Us” Closing Prayer Song: 6. “Jesus, Remember Me”
GATHERING + silence + Song: 1. “Wait for the Lord” (seated) + silence+ Collect of the Day
Song: (seated) 2. “In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful” + silence+
WORD Psalm of Confession: Psalm 51:1-17 Response:3. “Kyrie Eleison” (seated) Old Testament: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 The Word of God. Thanks be to God. Sermon
Prayers of the People The Iona Community, alt. Response: (seated) 4. “O God, Hear My Prayer” + silence + ASHES Preparation of Ashes Prayer over the Ashes
God our Creator, you have formed us out of the dust of the earth. May these ashes be to us a sign of our mortality, repentance and renewal: a humble remembrance of our life in you, and our relationship with your creation; a witness to the Way of Jesus in your world and your promise of a new creation. Guide us on our Lenten journey, we pray, in the Spirit of Jesus. Amen.
Imposition of Ashes “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” Gen. 3:19 Song: 5. “Jesus, Your Spirit in Us” You may come forward to receive the sign of ashes on your forehead or on the back of your hand. + silence +
Closing Prayer Song: (seated) 6. “Jesus, Remember Me” whenever you are ready you may depart in silence Next week: Community Lunch & Colloquium “Intentional Community as a Spiritual Practice” 12:30-2:45 pm