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Grace Defined: Our Response to Willful Sin

Exploring the consequences of choosing willful sin over God's grace, this text delves into the impacts of unforgiven sin, judgment, punishment, shame, and fear. Discover the wrong response to grace and its effects on our spiritual journey.

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Grace Defined: Our Response to Willful Sin

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  1. GRACE -Defined It -Applied It -Our Response to It -The Right Response --- a life of holiness and godliness -The Wrong Response --- willful sin

  2. takes place when a human being understands, grasps, or has experienced God’s amazing grace, but in spite of that understanding they still choose to walk down a path of which God does not approve Willful Sin = -It is the wrong response to the grace of God

  3. The Impact of Willful Sin 1. Unforgiven Sin -Because of what Jesus has done we can be forgiven, made clean, made holy 1 JOHN 1:9 -Willful sin slams the door shut on God’s forgiveness, God’s willingness to forgive us, God’s grace

  4. The Impact of Willful Sin 1. Unforgiven Sin v. 26 “If we willfully sin after that we have received the knowledge of the truth...” “there remains no more sacrifice for sins”

  5. The Impact of Willful Sin 2. Judgment and Punishment v. 27 --- “Judgment” v. 29 --- “Punishment” -Our God is a God who is full of . . . love, mercy, and grace. -Our God is also a God who is . . . holy, just, a judge

  6. The Impact of Willful Sin 3. Shame -To feel shame or to be ashamed is to experience disgrace, embarrassment, humiliation because of your actions EX. SIMON PETER “And Peter went out and wept bitterly.”

  7. The Impact of Willful Sin 3. Shame “Trodden under foot the Son of God” “Counted the blood of the covenant . . . an unholy thing” “Done despite unto the Spirit of grace”

  8. The Impact of Willful Sin 4. Fear v. 30-31 Q ---What is your response to these verses? -You are . . . warned -You are . . . afraid

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