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Demolition is one of the most dangerous operations in the construction industry, making catastrophic accidents and injuries very likely. The potential for such risks makes it important for employers to bear the responsibility of preventing injury to their employees and others.
NewYorkDemolitionAccidentLawyer Demolition is one of the most dangerous operations in the construction industry, making catastrophic accidents and injuries very likely. The potential for such risks makes it important for employers to bear the responsibility of preventing injury to their employees and others. Under New York law, property owners and construction companies are responsible for operating safe systems of work, using safe and properly maintained equipment, and providing adequate personal protective equipment,suchashardhats,gloves,bootsandmasks. If you or a loved one has been injured in a demolition accident at a construction site, the demolition accident attorneys at Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. have the experience, knowledge and resources to help you obtain the full compensation that you deserve. We are aggressive, yet compassionate, in fighting for the rights of our clients who are injured in accidents caused by the negligence of other parties. CommonTypesofDemolitionSiteAccidents At the New York law firm of Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C., our attorneys have more than 30 years of experience helping clients injured in various types of construction site accidents, including demolition. We continuously build on our experience to develop strong cases that seek full compensation for injured individuals. Some of the most common types of demolition site accidents thatwehavehandledinclude: ● ● ● ● ● Fallsfromscaffolding Fallsfromladders Lackofoverheadprotectionatademolitionsite Failureofbracingandshoringtools Fallingobjects
● ● ● Jackhammerinjuriesfromdefectsormisuse Blastingaccidents Explosiveaccidents As with any other construction site accidents, demolition accidents can result in catastrophic injuries or death. When a construction worker or passerby dies in these types of accidents, we will help the family and loved ones file a wrongful death claim. Although filing a lawsuit will not undo the accident and bring back a loved one, it can provide the grieving family with financial security while they try to moveforwardwiththeirlives. SeriousInjuriesResultingFromDemolitionAccidents Demolition activities are inherently dangerous, both to workers and passersby. When a demolition accident occurs, construction crew managers and equipment manufacturers may be held responsibleforanyresultinginjuriesanddamages. Belowaresomeinjuriesthatarecommontomostdemolitionaccidents: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Headinjuries,includingtraumaticbraininjury Neckandbackpain Spinalcordinjuries Fracturedorbrokenbones Bruising Scarringanddisfigurement Lossoflimbs Tornligaments Death Regardless of what type of injury you suffered in a demolition accident, you can count on the construction accident law firm of Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. to work hard to get the compensation that you deserve. We will help you obtain compensation for your past and future medical bills, loss of wages, pain and suffering, and any other out of pocket expenses you incurred as a result of your accident. TrainingisKeytoDemolitionSiteSafety Although some accidents cannot be avoided, demolition site accidents can be significantly reduced if workers are provided with proper training. Such training is especially important if the demolition involvesanolderbuilding.Propertrainingshouldinclude: ● Whattypesofprotectiveequipmentshouldbeused,includingboots,shoes,helmets,masks, fallprotectionsystemsandanythingelsethatwillhelpreducepotentialhazards. Properplanningofhowthedemolitionwillproceed. Detailsoftherightwaytosureandbraceanareathatwillbedemolished. ● ●
This is not an exclusive list of the training that workers need in order to safely demolish a site. If the construction management team fails to provide its employees with proper training, it may be held liable for any resulting injury sustained by workers or passersby. At Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C., our legal team will investigate the facts of your case and determine whether your employers followed the training and safety protocol. If their failure led to your injuries, we will help you hold the right partiesaccountable. DoYouHaveaValidClaim? In order for you to have a valid demolition site accident claim, at least one of the following must have occurred: ● Anelevatedfallcausedsometypeofinjury:NewYorkLaborlaw240(1)provides constructionworkerswithcompensatoryreliefwhentheysufferanonsiteinjuryfroman elevatedfall. ViolationofNewYorkLaborLaw241(6):Underthissection,generalcontractorsand propertyownersmustcomplywithallspecificsafetyrulesofIndustrialCoderule23during thedemolitionofabuilding.Thesepartiesmaybeheldvicariouslyliableifaninjuryresults duetotheviolationofrule23. Injurycausedbyathirdparty:Workersmayalsobeentitledtocompensationfromthird partieswhocausedtheirinjury. ● ● We will look at the specific facts of your case to determine whether you meet at least one of these requirements. If you do, we will fight for your rights and the rights of your loved ones who have sufferedasaresultofyougettinginjuredintheaccident. CallUsToday If you or someone you know has been the victim of an injury due to a demolition in New York or New Jersey, you need knowledgeable and experienced attorneys on your side. The legal team at GersowitzLibo&Korek,P.C.hasbeenwinningthesetypesofcasesforover30years. In order to ensure the best possible resolution of your case, it is important to schedule a consultation with a New York City demolition accident lawyer at Gersowitz Libo & Korek P.C. by calling (212) 385-4410. Our consults are free. We look forward to hear your story, answer your questions and lay outallofyouravailableoptions.