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Addressing Noncommunicable Diseases in Sudan: Challenges, Achievements, and the Way Forward

Explore the situation of noncommunicable diseases in Sudan, including statistics, programs, major NCD burden, achievements, challenges, lessons learned, and future strategies for prevention and management.

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Addressing Noncommunicable Diseases in Sudan: Challenges, Achievements, and the Way Forward

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  1. NCD Situation in Sudan By: Dr.Zeinab SwarEldahab Director/NCD 2011

  2. Health System in Sudan • Sudan is the largest country in Africa. Decentralization was introduced as an appropriate system of governance compatible with the needs of the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society of Sudan. The population of Sudan was over 39 million in 2009 census with 63% living in rural areas and the growth rate is 2.6%. Children of the age 0-14 years comprise 44% of the total population while the under-five children comprise 16.4% • The country is divided into 15 states and 134 Localities and the majority of the population is concentrated in the Central Region. • The system is founded upon a three-tier government: federal, state and local governments. The federal level is concerned with policy making, planning, supervision & co-ordination.The second is the States ministry of health, and the local health system based on (District health system approach -PHC).

  3. ....Introduction Natinal NCD Control prgram: • The National noncommuniable disease (NCD) control program was established at the request of the WHO at the year 2002/ under the umbrella of the primary health care/FMOH/Sudan to respond to the increasing epidemic of the chronic diseases. • Recently NCDs moved to be under the public health and emergency directorate. • The aim of the program is to improve health status of the Sudanese population through promotion of healthy lifestyles and prevention of NCDs through the strengthening the health care system that focuses on access, equity, efficiency, quality and sustainability.

  4. Structure & HR Organogram-hyperlink HR • FMoF/ most are community physicians • Primary care FPH,GPs &MAs and the paramedical staff • Secondary and tertiary care different specialists

  5. Burden of Major NCDs SHHS 2006

  6. 1996-2005 Pts frequency and admission-renal failure (ASR)

  7. Step Wise RFs-Survey -Khartoum State 2005 • Diabetes 20 % • HTN 23.7% • Smoking 29.i% • High cholest. 19.7% • Physical inactivity 86.6%

  8. Cancer • Breast cancer is the First among the top ten cancer in Sudan • Cervical is the third one

  9. Priority working area • Diabetes M control program (CP) • Cancer CP • CVD (RHD( & Hypertension-CP • Asthma –CP • Mental Health (MH) promotion P • Injuries prevention and safety promotion-RTIs CP

  10. Main Achievements • Development of NCD strategic plan in an alignment with the WHO global and regional action plan • Integration of Major NCD management into the PHC level (feasibility study) • Establishment of D mini clinics in high prevalent states • Development of D,HTN, Cancer, MH and Asthma preventive and management GLs • Development of NCD -PHC protocol for the Mas • Cancer registry only 80 HF in collabration with WHO • Policy on tobacco control

  11. Challenges • Limited resources, HS is still oriented to the communicable and the infectious diseases • Fragmented data collection system-(HIS-HI system) • Ineffective pre-referral & referral management • Poor coordination between the relevant sectors • Efforts are not fully translated into practice • Turn over

  12. Lesson learnt • Promotive environment to control the NCD at the international community e.g availability of global and regional action plan • Primary prevention is cost effective the more you invest in PHC the more is the saving of resources • Quantify and prioritize your NCD problem-strong and sustainable intervension

  13. The way forward.... • Endorsement &implementation of the national NCD strategic plan for 5 years • Policy formulation to expand the coverage by the NCD integration at PHC • Enforcement of coordination mechanism &partnerships with non health sectors and national & international partners

  14. Thank you

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