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Optimized HE-STF Sequences for 160/80+80MHz in 11ax.SFD

This paper presents improved 1x/2x HE-STF sequences for 160/80+80MHz in 11ax.SFD. The proposed sequences optimize PAPR by applying phase rotations. For 1x HE-STF, phase rotation minimizes PAPR for the entire band, while 2x HE-STF considers PAPR for all RUs and the entire band. Results show low PAPR compared to duplicated sequences.

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Optimized HE-STF Sequences for 160/80+80MHz in 11ax.SFD

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  1. HE-STF Sequences for 160/80+80MHz Date: 2016-03-14 Authors: Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  2. Authors (continued) Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  3. Authors (continued) Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  4. Authors (continued) Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  5. Authors (continued)

  6. Authors (continued) Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  7. Authors (continued) Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  8. Authors (continued) Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  9. Authors (continued) Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  10. Authors (continued) Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  11. Authors (continued) Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  12. Introduction • 1x/2x HE-STF sequences have been agreed for 20/40/80MHz [1] • In this contribution, we propose 1x/2x HE-STF sequences for 160/80+80MHz based on the agreed 1x/2x HE-STF sequences for 80MHz, respectively • The agreed HE-STF sequences for 80MHz are just used for the primary 80MHz HE-STF sequences • To determine the secondary 80MHz HE-STF sequences, we simply apply the optimized phase rotation to each 20MHz sub-band of the primary 80MHz HE-STF sequences • The phase rotation values are optimized in terms of the PAPR • For the 1x HE-STF, we only consider the entire band (160/80+80MHz) PAPR • For the 2x HE-STF, we consider PAPR of all of the RUs as well as the entire band PAPR Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  13. Proposal – 1x HE-STF • 1x HE-STF160MHz(-1008:16:1008) = [M, 1, -M, 0, -M, 1, -M, 0, -1*[M, 1, -M], 0, -M, 1, -M] *(1+j)/sqrt(2) • M = {-1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1} • 1x HE-STF80+80MHz = [1x HE-STF80MHz,Prime, 1x HE-STF80MHz,Second] • We choose phase rotation values which minimize the maximum PAPR among all of the 160/80+80 MHz cases 1x HE-STF80MHz,Prime  agreed 80MHz 1x HE-STF sequence [1] 1x HE-STF80MHz,Second  Phase rotation of 180° is applied to the first 40MHz sub-band of the agreed 80MHz 1x HE-STF sequence [1] Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  14. Proposal – 2x HE-STF • 2x HE-STF160MHz(-1016:8:1016) = [M, -1, M, -1, -M, -1, M, 0, -M, 1, M, 1, -M, 1, -M, 0, -1*[M, -1, M, -1, -M, -1, M], 0, -M, 1, M, 1, -M, 1, -M] *(1+j)/sqrt(2) • 2x HE-STF160MHz(±1016) = 0 • 2x HE-STF160MHz(±8) = 0 • 2x HE-STF80+80MHz = [2x HE-STF80MHz,Prime, 2x HE-STF80MHz,Second] • We choose phase rotation values which minimize the maximum PAPR among all of the RUs and 160/80+80 MHz cases 2x HE-STF80MHz,Prime  agreed 80MHz 2x HE-STF sequence [1] 2x HE-STF80MHz,Second  Phase rotation of 180° is applied to the first 40MHz sub-band of the agreed 80MHz 2x HE-STF sequence [1] Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  15. PAPR – 1x HE-STF • 1x HE-STF for the entire band • 160MHz PAPR : 5.93/5.05 (dup.(1)/proposed) • 80+80MHz PAPR (1) Duplicated sequence, i.e., the secondary 80MHz sequence is equal to the primary 80MHz sequence Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  16. PAPR – 2x HE-STF (1/2) • 2x HE-STF for all RUs Prime[dB] / Second[dB] Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  17. PAPR – 2x HE-STF(2/2) • 2x HE-STF for the entire band • 160MHz PAPR : 7.87/6.34 (dup.(1)/proposed) • 80+80MHz PAPR (1) Duplicated sequence, i.e., the secondary 80MHz sequence is equal to the primary 80MHz sequence Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  18. Conclusion • We proposed 1x/2x HE-STF sequences for 160/80+80MHz • The secondary 80MHz HE-STF sequences are designed by applying phase rotation of 180° to the first 40MHz sub-band of the primary 80MHz HE-STF sequences • Compared to the duplicated sequences, the proposed sequences have quite low PAPR Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  19. Straw poll #1 • Do you agree to add the following 1x/2x HE-STF sequences for 160/80+80MHz to the 11ax SFD? • 1x HE-STF160MHz(-1008:16:1008) = [M, 1, -M, 0, -M, 1, -M, 0, -M, -1, M, 0, -M, 1, -M] *(1+j)/sqrt(2) • M = {-1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1} • 1x HE-STF80+80MHz = [1x HE-STF80MHz,Prime, 1x HE-STF80MHz,Second] • 1x HE-STF80MHz,Prime(-496:16:496) = [M, 1, -M, 0, -M, 1, -M] *(1+j)/sqrt(2) • 1x HE-STF80MHz, Second(-496:16:496) = [-M, -1, M, 0, -M, 1, -M] *(1+j)/sqrt(2) • 2x HE-STF160MHz(-1016:8:1016) = [M, -1, M, -1, -M, -1, M, 0, -M, 1, M, 1, -M, 1, -M, 0, -M, 1, -M, 1, M, 1, -M, 0, -M, 1, M, 1, -M, 1, -M] *(1+j)/sqrt(2) • 2x HE-STF160MHz(±1016) = 0 • 2x HE-STF160MHz(±8) = 0 • 2x HE-STF80+80MHz = [2x HE-STF80MHz,Prime, 2x HE-STF80MHz,Second] • 2x HE-STF80MHz,Prime(-504:8:504) = [M, -1, M, -1, -M, -1, M, 0, -M, 1, M, 1, -M, 1, -M] *(1+j)/sqrt(2) • 2x HE-STF80MHz,Prime(±504) = 0 • 2x HE-STF80MHz, Second(-504:8:504) = [-M, 1, -M, 1, M, 1, -M, 0, -M, 1, M, 1, -M, 1, -M] *(1+j)/sqrt(2) • 2x HE-STF80MHz,Second(±504) = 0 Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  20. References [1] 11-15-0132-15-00ax-spec-framework Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

  21. Appendix • Worst PAPR comparison between HE-LTF and HE-STF Eunsung Park, LG Electronics

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