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AMENNORHEA. Dr. Hazem Al-Mandeel, M.D Assistant Professor & Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecology College of Medicine King Saud University OB/GYN Rotation-course 481 GYN. Definition of Amenorrhea. 1ry Amenorrhea: is the lack of onset of menses
AMENNORHEA Dr. Hazem Al-Mandeel, M.D Assistant Professor & Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecology College of Medicine King Saud University OB/GYN Rotation-course 481 GYN
Definition of Amenorrhea • 1ry Amenorrhea: is the lack of onset of menses • by age 16 in female with 2ry sexual characteristics OR • by age of 14 in female without 2ry sexual development • 2ry Amenorrhea: is the cessation of menses for a period of 6 months in a female who previously had initiation of menses
Classification of 1ry Amenorrhea Gonadal Failure 43% Congenital Absence of the vagina 14% Constitutional delay 10%
Classification of 2ry Amenorrhea Chronic anovulation 39% Hypothyroidisim/Hyperprolactinemia 20% Weight loss/anorexia 16%
UterusAbsent Primary Sexual characteristics HCG + 5 -Reductase def. 17-20 Desmolase def. 17 Hydroxylase Def. (All XY Karyotype) Pregnancy Absent Present HCG -ve PE No Primary Secondary R/O Asherman’s Cx Stenosis Normal • Karyotype • XX • Y line • Turner (XO) Yes High FSH PE MullerianAbn AIS True Hemaphrodite Normal Normal • Kallman’s Syndrome • Physiologic Delay TSH, PRL, FSH
TSH, PRL, FSH HypoThyroidism HyperThyroidism TSH Abnormal Normal Prolactin High Hyperprolactenemia Normal • Ovarian Failure • Radiation • Chemo • Infection • Autoimune • Galacrosemia • Idiopathic FSH High Normal Normal Low Estrogen CNS Exam PCOS Idiopathic Ovarian Neoplasms Obesity Cushing’s CAH Chronic Disease • Pituitary Hypothalamic Lesions: • Tumors • Infection • Infarction • Failure • Toxic
BREAST ABSENT UTERUS PRESENT:GONADALDYSGENESIS 1-TURNER SYNDROME: 45XO 2-Mosaicism of Turner’s: XO/XX not always short, they will have menses , get pregnant then develop premature menopause 3-Structural abnormalities of the X chromosome: deletion of the short arm of the X chromosome Short stature deletion of the long arm normal Ht., 2ry Amenorrhea, & streak gonads
TURNER SYNDROME • 1ry amenorrhea • No breast development • Normal ♀ genital organs (external /internal) • Streak gonads (ovaries are replaced by nonfunctioning tissue) • Short stature • Webbed neck (Short broad neck) with a low hair line • Cubitusvulgus • Shield chest / Widely spaced nipples • High arched palate • Short 4th metacarpal • Coarctation of the aorta or VSD • Horse shoe kidney or single kidney • Lymphedema
GONADAL DYSGENESIS: continued 4-Pure gonadaldysgenesis : 46XX, mutation in an autosomal gene accelerated germ cell loss streak gonads. Features: ♀ genetalia with normal mullerian structures 5- Pure gonadaldysgenesis : 46 XY. Features: normal♀ genitalia and mullerian structureswith streak gonads ↑ risk of malignancy
GONADAL DYSGENESIS: continued 6- 17-αhydroxylase deficiency (rare) • ovarian synthesis of estrogens 1ry Amen • Sexual immaturity • cortisol ↑ ACTH • ↑ Na K ↑ BP • ↑ Progestrone as it is not converted to cortisol 7- Galactosaemia (rare) galactosaemia is toxic to oocytes
Hypothalamic Failure: Kalman’s Syndrome • Anosmia & HypogonadotropicHypogonadism • X linked ----Mutation in the KAL gene • More common in ♂ > ♀ • Midline defects Cleft lip & Palate • Somatic defects color blindness, renal agenesis, retinitis pigmentosa, neurosensory deafness • Lack 2ry sexual chct & the ability to smell • HT & bone age appropriate for age
HYPOTHALAMIC FILUREHypogonadotropic Amenorrhea • CNS tumors GnRH pulses LH & FSH estradiol • Hypothalamic Lesions Craniopharyngioma granuloma, aqueduct stenosis , & encephalitis • CNS tumors interfere with the –ve feedback of Dopamine on Prolactin ↑ Prolactin • Other causes of HypoGonadotropic Amen hypothyroidism
HYPOTHALAMIC FILUREAnorexia Nervosa, Malnutrition, Excessive Exercise & Chronic Illness • Functional GnRH deficiency • May present with or without Breast development • Physical stress delay menarche • Each year of athelitic training before menarche delayed menarche 5 M • Osteoporosis could occur with prolonged periods of Amenorrhea, low body Wt
BREAST PRESENT , UTERUS PRESENT • HYPOTHALAMIC CAUSES: CNS lesions (tumors) Stress, Excessive exercise & low body Wt • PITUITARY CAUSES: Hyperprolactinemia Hypothyroidism ↑ TRH ↑ prolactin • OVARIAN CAUSES: Polycystic ovarian disease/syndrome • OUTFLOW TRACT OBSTRUCTION: Imperforate hymen Transverse vaginal septum
BREAST PRESENT , UTERUS ABSENTTesticular feminization/ Androgen insensitivity • XY Karotype produce MIF Mullerian structures are absent • Complete/ Partial absence of androgen receptors • X-linked recessive or dominant • Female external genitalia with Short blind vagina • Testosterone normal ♂ range • Breast development due to peripheral conversion of androgens to estrogens • Sexual hair is absent due to absence of androgen receptors • Gonadectomy after puberty ↑ risk of malignancy (gonadoblastoma, dysgerminoma)
BREAST PRESENT , UTERUS ABSENT5 αreductase deficiency • Autosomal recessive • Formation of the ♂ external genitalia requires 5α REDUCTASE testosterone dihydrotestosterone • Formation of the internal wolfiane structures respond directly to testosterone • External genitalia ♀ with mild musculinization • Absent uterus • At puberty testosterone secretion virilization
BREAST PRESENT , UTERUS ABSENTMulerian Agenesis: Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Huser syndrome • Etiology ? • Failure of mullerian duct development absence of the upper vagina, cx & uterus (uterine reminants may be found) • The ovaries & fallopian tubes are present • Normal 46XX ♀ with normal exrenal genitalia • Pt present with 1ry amenorroea • 47% have asociared urinary tract anomalies • 12% skeletal anomalies • Rx psychological counseling surgical treatments: vaginoplasty, excision of utrinereminant (if it has fuctioningendometrium)
BREAST ABSENT, UTERUS ABSENT • The least common presentation of 1ry Amenorrhea • All patients are 46 XY • Testosterone or N • FSH/LH ↑ • 17-20 DESMOLASE DEFICIENCY The enzyme required for the synthesis of Androgens androgens estrogen The testes produce MIF therefore no mullerian structures ♀ external genitalia Insufficient estrogens for breast development
D-BREAST ABSENT, UTERUS ABSENT • 17 α HYDROXYLASE DEFICIENCY Similar to 17-20 desmolase deficiency. Cortisol synthesis also ↑ BP, hypernatraemia & hypokalaemia • AGONADISM Degeneration of the testes (in utero) after the production of the MIF
2RY AMENORRHEA WHAT IS 2RY AMENORRHEA? • Cessation of menses for a period of 6 months or 3 consecutive menstrual cycles in a ♀ who previously had initiation of menses WHAT IS THE PREVELANCE OF AMENORRHEA? • 1.8-3% WHAT IS THE CLASSIFICATON OF 2RY AMENORRHEA? • Hypergonadotropic • Hypogonadotrpic • Euogonadotrpic • Hperprolactinemia • Anatomic defects
HYPOGONADOTROPIC AMENORRHEA “CNS / HYPOTHALAMIC ” • Stress ↑ β-endorphins GnRH FSH LH Estrogens • Exercise Excessive streneous exercise e.g.: runners Mechanism Similar to stress • Wt. loss “Anorexia nervosa” More frequent in adolescent & young adults 0.5-1% of women aged 15 –30 years 15% < Ideal Body Wt. • Functional “Non of the above causes” No LH pulses or persistent pulse frequency of “Luteal Phase ” 2ry to neurotransmitter abnormality of the CNS (? ↑ Opioid activity)
HYPOGONADOTROPIC AMENORRHEA IS IT OF ANY CONCERN IF THESE YOUNG WOMEN BECOME AMENORRHEIC ? • HYPOESTROGENISM is the main concern WHY IS IT MORE WORRYING THAN THE MENOPAUSAL WOMEN ? • During adolescence estrogen plays a critical role in determining PEAK BONE DENSITY which reached in the 2nd decade of life
HYPOGONADOTROPIC AMENORRHEA IS THERE ANY EVIDENCE OF ITS EFFECT ON THE BONES? • Amenorrheic Athletes Bone Mineral Density (BMD) in lumbar spines, femur, tibia • Athletes with menstrual irregularities BMD but less than athletes with regular cycles • Anorexia nervosa Pt BMD (0.64) • Anorexia nervosa Pt may have osteoporotic fractures
HYPOGONADOTROPIC AMENORRHEA SHEHAN’S SYNDROME • Pituitary failure following sever post partum hemorrhage • Deficiency of all pituitary hormones • FSH & LH Failure of ovarian follicular development estrogen Amenorrhea • Rx HRT
TREATMENT OF HYPOGONADOTROPIC AMENORRHEA • In training intensity to a level where regular menses resume • HRT Cyclic estrogen / progestrone; e.g.: Premarin continuously + Medroxyprogestrone acetate for 12 days OCP better compliance • Anorexia nervosa Psychiatric Rx + HRT Long term follow up Frequent relapses after attaining ideal body wt. • Functional Amennorhea HRT / ovulation induction
EUOGONADOTROPIC AMENORRHEA Polycystic Ovarian Disease / Syndrome • Amenorrhea / anovulatory cycles • Enlarged polycystic ovaries • Infertility • Hyperinsulinemia / Obesity • Hyperandrogenism / hirsutism • ↑ LH • Acyclic estrogen production / unopposed by progesrtrone ↑ risk of endometrial hyperplasia/Ca • Inheritable disorder with a complex inheritance pattern
HYPERGONADOTROPIC AMENORRHEA WHAT IS PREMATURE OVARIAN FAILURE (POF) ? • 2ry Amenorrhea • ↑ FSH & LH • Estrogen • Before the age of 40 years WHAT IS THE INCIDENCE OF POF ? • 1% WHAT IS THE CAUSE? • Unknown / autoimmune / genetic factors • Associated autoimmune disease 39%
Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) WHAT ARE THE PATHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF POF ? • Ovarian sclerosis & lack of follicles • Resistant ovary syndrome HOW TO MANAGE POF? • R/O other autoimmune diseases RH factor ANA, Antithyroid Antibodies, Antichromosomal Antibodies, glucose, cortisol, Ca , Ph, TSH • HRT to prevent osteoprosis • Spontaneous pregnancy can occur in 8% of women with POF on HRT
HYPERPROLACTINEMIA • The most common pituitary cause of 2ry Amenorrhea • Causes -Pituitary adenoma -Idiopathic -Loss of inhibition by dopamine Hypothalamic or pituitary stalk lesions -Hypothyroidism -PCOS -Medications phenothiazines , haloperidol monoamineoxidase inhibitors, TCA, H2 receptors blockers
HYPERPROLACTINEMIA • Galactorrhea 1/3 of Pt • Amenorrhea/ Hyperprolactinemia Pt at risk of osteoporosis due to estrogen • TREATMENT - Hypothyroidism L-Thyroxin If still amenorrheic after RX Parlodel + Thuroxin -If no substitute for the medications that cause hyperprolactinemia HRT -Hypothalamic or pituitary stalk lesions Surgical excision
TREATMENT OF HYPERPROLACTINEMIA • PITUITARY ADENOMA (PROLACTINOMA) *Macroadenoma > 10 mm Respond to medical Rx Dopamine agonist (bromocriptin) size of the tumor & prolactin level Pt not responding to medical Rx or not tolerating it Surgery/ Irradiation *Microadenoma < 10mm remain stable in size Rx Bromocriptin prolactin level to normalize the menstrual cycle
TREATMENT OF HYPERPROLACTINEMIA • IDIOPATHIC HYPERPROLACTINEMIA Rx Dopamine agonist Bromocriptin or Pergolide • Side effects of dopamine agonists -Postural hypotension -Nausea -Headache -Nasal stuffiness • Starting with a low dose & gradually ↑ it helps to avoid the side effects
ANATOMICAL CAUSES • Uncommon cause of 2ry Amenorrhea • Asherman’s Syndrome Hx of D/C for RPOC after abortion / puerperium or previous uterine infection • Intrauterine Adhesions • Normal hormones • Negative progestrone chalange test • Dx HSG / HYSTROSCOPY • Rx Hystroscopic resection of the adhesions followed by estrogen therapy