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Session 4: Using OPeNDAP-enabled Applications to Access Australian Data Services and Repositories

Session 4: Using OPeNDAP-enabled Applications to Access Australian Data Services and Repositories. eResearch Australasia 2011, ½ Day Morning Workshop, Thursday 10 th November 2011. GENERAL INFORMATION. This is a half-day workshop (9am to 12:30pm) 9:00am Introductions and Participants Goals

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Session 4: Using OPeNDAP-enabled Applications to Access Australian Data Services and Repositories

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  1. Session 4: Using OPeNDAP-enabled Applications to Access Australian Data Services and Repositories eResearch Australasia 2011, ½ Day Morning Workshop, Thursday 10th November 2011

  2. GENERAL INFORMATION • This is a half-day workshop (9am to 12:30pm) • 9:00am Introductions and Participants Goals • 9:15am Session 1: Discovering OPeNDAP data access services • 10:00am Session 2: Applicable use cases of OPeNDAP data services • 10:30am Tea Break for 15 minutes • 11:00am Session 3: OPeNDAP service protocols and features • 11:45am Session 4: Accessing complementary features and services • 12:30pm End of Workshop 11:45am Session 4: Accessing complementary features and services

  3. Session 4 • Accessing OPeNDAP servers with geospatial services, aggregation services, virtual datasets and data libraries. • A short tutorial on data access to these services using an OPeNDAP- and OGC-enabled client application or web servlet. • 45 minutes in length

  4. OPeNDAP crawler • Both Hyrax and TDS support THREDDS catalogs • THREDDS catalogs are hierarchical: • Each catalog describes a set of local resources and • Provide links to child nodes • Analogous to a files system directory tree • Our crawling code • Uses simple ‘rules’ to form aggregations • Optimizes reads to actual data • Can write NCML and/or EML • Can also exhaustively read DDX responses • Is ‘pipelined’ and stores stages’ results in Postgres

  5. OPeNDAP crawler availability • Our crawler is made up of six shell programs: • ddx_crawler.sh: Crawl the THREDDS catalogs (NB: The misnomer) • ddx_retriever.sh: Get DDX responses • print_cached_urls.sh: Extract TCs and DDXs from the cache • url_classifier.sh: Use TCs and URL characters to form ‘logical groups’ • eml_writer.sh: Write EML for groups • ncml_writer.sh: Write NCML for groups

  6. NcML • NcML can provide two basic features: • Augmenting/Modifying data sets with new • Attributes • Values • Combining two or more data sets (i.e., files) in an aggregation • Three kinds of aggregation are aupported: • Tile files • Join files along an existing axis • Join files along a new axis • The creation of these logical data sets can replace the old idea of an ‘inventory’ of files in some important cases • While very powerful, these aggregations are not applicable to every data set made up of multiple files

  7. NcML demo • Access aggregation of data files on a service: • Access an aggregation of http://satdat1.gso.uri.edu/thredds/dodsC/NWAtlanticRaw_6km • Look at the DDS and DAS • This is an aggregation of 18,000 discrete files • The times run from 473452108 to 987018422 • Lets get data from a given latitude over time (Hoffmüller plot) • Here’s the Constraint: ?dsp_band_1[17108:1:17208][600][0:1023] • Really cool, but gads that’s hard to write. • The NcML Documentation: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/ncml/ Using the grid function is much easier, but this particular server does not support it. Here’s the function version: ?grid(dsp_band_1,"lat=30","954794345<time<987018422")

  8. Providing certificates to clients • There are a variety of ways to get PKI certificates • The general process is as follows: • Make a private key • Use that to request a certificate from some ‘Authority’ • When the authority sends you the requested cert, install it. • How do you do this with OPeNDAP clients? • Right now, the answer is ‘it depends’ • We hope it will become more uniform in the future • For clients made using the netCDF C library, version 4: • Add some lines to the .dodsrc file • For clients made with the netCDF Java library: • Add the cert to a Java Keystore

  9. netCDF C case • # DODS client configuation file. See the DODS • # users guide for information. • USE_CACHE=0 • … • # This is the 'verify peer' function of curl. For this to work, the • # server's certificate must be signed by a real CA, not the mock CA • # we use for demos, hacks, etc. • CURL.SSL.VALIDATE = 0 • [https://localhost:8443/opendap/] CURL.SSL.CERTIFICATE = /Users/jimg/certtest/client.crt • [https://localhost:8443/opendap/] CURL.SSL.KEY = /Users/jimg/certtest/client.key • [https://localhost:8443/opendap/] CURL.SSL.CAPATH = /Users/jimg/certtest/

  10. netCDF Java case • When you invoke Java, you need to set four flags: • -Dkeystore=<path to the keystore> • -Dkeystorepassword=<password for the keystore>

  11. Data Discovery and Access • Data discovery services • NASA’s Global Change Master Directory • http://gcmd.nasa.gov • IMOS eMII portal • http://imosmest.aodn.org.au/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home • Help --> http://emii1.its.utas.edu.au/drupal/?q=node/25 • TERN AusCover portal • http://data.auscover.org.au/ • My Ocean portal • http://www.myocean.eu/web/24-catalogue.php • TPAC Digital Library • http://dl.tpac.org.au • Data access services • Unidata’s THREDDS Data Service • http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THREDDS/ • OPeNDAP’s Hyrax Data Service • http://opendap.org/download/hyrax.html • NOAA’s ERDDAP Data Service • http://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap

  12. Web services and GIS • Data analysis/visualization services • NOAA PMEL’s Live Access Server • http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/LAS/home • COLA’s GrADS Data Service • http://www.iges.org/grads/gds/ • Geospatial Information Services (GIS) • Unidata THREDDS WCS (Web Coverage Service) • http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/THREDDS/ • Reading e-Science/TPAC’s ncWMS (Web Map Service) • http://www.resc.rdg.ac.uk/trac/ncWMS/ • Reading e-Science Centre’s Godiva2 • http://www.resc.rdg.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/Resc/GodivaTwo

  13. Some of the Technology in the TDS • THREDDS Dataset Inventory Catalogs provide virtual directories of available data and associated metadata. • The Netcdf-Java/CDM library reads NetCDF, OpenDAP, and HDF5 datasets, as well as other binary formats such as GRIB and NEXRAD, essentially an (extended) netCDF view of the data. • TDS can use the NetCDF Markup Language (NcML) to modify and create virtual aggregations of datasets. • An integrated server provides OPeNDAP access with subsetting data access method. • An integrated server provides bulk file access through the HTTP protocol. • An integrated server provides data access through the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) Web Coverage Service (WCS) protocol, for any "gridded" dataset whose coordinate system information is complete. • An integrated server provides data access through the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) protocol, for any "gridded" dataset whose coordinate system information is complete. • The integrated ncISO server provides automated metadata analysis and ISO metadata generation.

  14. Some of the Technology in Hyrax • THREDDS Dataset Inventory Catalogs provide virtual directories of available data and associated metadata. • Supports many formats and data stores: netCDF3, netCDF4, HDF4, HDF5, FreeForm, SQL data bases • Uses a plug-in based architecture and includes tools to write custom handlers • NetCDF Markup Language (NcML) to modify and create virtual aggregations of datasets. • OPeNDAP access with subsetting data access method. • bulk file access through the HTTP protocol. • ncISO server provides automated metadata analysis and ISO metadata generation. • RDF output • Code that has passed a formal security audit • A true multi-system architecture that can fit in a variety of enterprise settings • An administrator’s interface

  15. A quick look at Digital Library services • The TPAC Digital Library, see e.g. https://dl.tpac.org.au/tpacportal/ the Oceans and Climate Digital Portal • Searchable, aggregatable OPeNDAP community research portal • Includes text descriptions of data sets with rich and structured metadata • The IMOS or AusCover Portals should be explored. • http://imosmest.aodn.org.au/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home • http://data.auscover.org.au/

  16. Open Data through the digital library Tim Pugh 03 9669 4345 t.pugh@bom.gov.au

  17. Exercise • Open the web browser and visit the following sites for a couple of minutes. • NASA’s Global Change Master Directory • http://gcmd.nasa.gov • Find a reference to sea surface temperature data in the Southern Ocean • Visit the IMOS, AusCover, or TPAC portal • Are the site similar or different? • NOAA PMEL’s Live Access Server • http://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/data.html • Select “+ Live Access Server (Intermediate Edition)” and view some data • Reading e-Science Centre’s Godiva2 • http://www.resc.rdg.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/Resc/GodivaTwo • Access TDS server with wms available, launch the Godiva2 java applet

  18. LIST OF OPENDAP SERVERS • OPeNDAP servers located at • Bureau of Meteorology ( http://opendap.bom.gov.au:8080/thredds ) • CSIRO ( http://opendap.csiro.au/thredds ) • ANU/NCI ( http://opendap.nci.org/thredds ) • OPeNDAP, inc ( http://test.opendap.org:8080/hyrax ) • TPAC ( http://opendap-tpac.arcs.org.au/thredds )

  19. Thank you • Authors: • Tim F. Pugh1, James Gallagher2, Dave Fulker3 • 1Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, t.pugh@bom.gov.au2 OPeNDAP, Butte, Montana, USA, jgallagher@opendap.org • 3 OPeNDAP, Boulder, Colorado, USA, dfulker@opendap.org

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