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This project focuses on high-intensity proton accelerators for scientific research in nuclear and particle physics, life sciences, and materials science. It aims to explore the origin of mass, neutrino oscillation, nuclear transmutation, and more. The project has made recent progress and has a future project plan.
KEK-JAERI Joint Projecton High Intensity Proton AcceleratorsShoji NagamiyaProject Team • What is the Joint Project ? • Sciences with the Joint Project • Recent Progress and the Future Project Plan • Issues for Nuclear and Particle Physics
Site View of the Project Life & Material Science (Neutron, Muon, RI) Particle Nuclear Physics 3 GeV Synchrotron Linac 400 MeV normal linac 400-600 MeV superconducting linac 50 GeV Synchrotron Neutrino Nuclear Transmutation
Why Do We Need High Intensity Protons? ・Materials & Life Sciences at 3 GeV ・Nuclear & Particle Physics at 50 GeV ・R&D toward Transmutation at 0.6 GeV
Three Questions about Mass • Concept of the Mass Itself • Higgs Mechanism(LHC, Lepton Collider, etc.) • Neutrino Mass? • Beyond the Standard Model • Generation of the Mass of Matter (= Generation of the Mass of Proton or Neutron) • Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking
Nuclear/Particle Physics (1) • Neutrino oscillation and neutrino mass (SuperK + K2K) • SuperK’s atmospheric n experiment + recent SNO experiment suggests the finite mass for nm and n. • K2K nmdisappearance experiment also suggests the finite mass of nm. • From measurement of mn to the lepton family mixing (Joint Project) • Flux (nm) at the Planned 50 GeV PS > 100 x Flux (nm) at KEK 12 GeV PS • Future facility … towards CP violation
Atoms and Neutrinos in the Universe Three types of neutrinos (ne, nm, n) Proton + Electron One each One billion each! 2m 2m
New Data from K2K 2 year (1999-2001) data observed at SuperKamiokande No oscillation (expected) = 64 + 6.1 - 6.6 Observed = 44 97% confident that n carries a finite mass.
Nuclear/Particle Physics (2) • Methods of how to study the origin of hadron mass • Lattice QCD (theory) • Implantation of a hadron in nuclear matter (Joint Project) • Behavior of hadrons at hot and dense nuclear matter (RHIC) • mu, d-quark (5-10 MeV/c2) • < (1/100) mproton (1000 MeV/c2)
Possible Mass Modification? p + A Reactions K. Ozawa, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5019 (2001).
Materials/Life Sciences (1) Neutron Scattering Li O Mn O Li Material for Li-battery seen by X rays (left) and Neutrons (right) X-rays interact with electrons. X-rays see high-Z atoms. Neutrons interact with nuclei. Neutrons see low-Z atoms. T. Kamiyama, et al.
Materials/Life Sciences (2) Hen Egg-White Lysozyme Water molecules Observed with neutrons N. Niimura, et al. X-rays Neutrons Protein From structure to function
Materials/Life Sciences (3) CuGeO3 M. Arai, et al.
Materials/Life Sciences (4) Muon Sciences
World Centers For Kaons: World’s center. For neutrinos and for neutrons: One of three big centers. For transmutation: A unique facility.
Accelerator-Driven Transmutation (ADS) Atomic Power Station 群分離 核変換処理 Target Proron Proton Accelerator Short-lived Nuclei High-Level Waste Neutron Without transmutation ・・・ Long-lived Nuclei Short-lived Nuclei With Transmutation ・・・ Radiation Level(about1/200) Takes 102 yrs to reach the negligible level Takes 〜104 yrs to reach the negligible level
Recent Events (1) • August, 1998: Suggestion of a joint effort between Monbu-sho and Science and Tech. Agency (STA) • March, 1999: MoU between JAERI and KEK signed. • New organization for the project was initiated. • April, 1999: International Review: Y. Cho (chair) • Emphasized the importance of the joint effort. • May, 1999: Positive Movement at both Monbu-sho and STA • Monbu-sho: Science Council emphasized the importance of a cooperative effort between KEK and JAERI. • STA: The Joint Proposal was submitted to the Atomic Energy Council of Japan. Enthusiastic! • December, 1999 - June, 2000: Another (& the last) major review of the project. • The Review Committee was formed under the Atomic Energy Council of Japan and the Science Council of Japan. • Final report was published in August, 2000. • Encouraged strongly the project. Need to set priorities.
Recent Events (2) • April, 2001: Phase 1 construction started. • Phase 1 + Phase 2 = 1,890 Oku Yen. • Phase 1 = 1,335 Oku Yen for 6 years. • Cash in fund = 30 (JFY00) + 47 (JFY01) Oku Yen. • Construction budget does not include salaries. • May, 2001: Construction Agreement between KEK and JAERI signed. A new construction team initiated. • About 300 people from KEK and JAERI are now working. • June, 2001: Interim Report from the Prefecture Committee, called “Science Frontier 21”. • Connection to industry, Internationalization of Tokai Village, etc. • Final report will be published in March, 2002. • July, 2001: Approval by the Tokai Village. • Geological studies have been started. • December, 2001: Budget for JFY2002 (+ Supplemental budget for JFY2001).
今年5月の調印式 Ceremony in May, 2001
Phase 1 Items to be Constructed at 50 GeV • Accelerator • Stable operations up to 30 GeV guarenteed. Most likely, up to 40 GeV is possible. • Magnets and all accelerator elements to be constructed in Phase 1 are for the 50 GeV operation. • The power storage device is deferred to Phase 2. • Slow Extraction • Very limited experimental areas (see the later talks). • Fast Extraction • Elements that must be installed at the beginning will be constructed. • The minimum accelerator components + building for the fast extraction from 50 GeV. • Crossing point between the neutrino line and the 3 GeV BT. to allow Phase 2 neutrino construction without any major shutdown of the accelerators
RFQ and DTL RFQ with π-mode stabilizing loopDTL with quadrupole magnet imbedded
Novel RF Cavity with Finemet • 高透磁率金属磁性体の開発 • 最高加速性能 • ( 50kV/m )を達成 FINEMET(高透磁率金属磁性体)装荷空胴
Issues for 50 GeV PS • Accelerator • Phase 1: 40 GeV could be possible instead of 30 GeV. • An additional power storage device is needed for 50 GeV (Phase 2 includes the power storage device). • Slow Extraction • Need to select a few experiments for Phase 1. • Will form PAC-like Committee soon to select possible experiments for Phase 1 (This point is a discussion item at this Workshop.) • When do we propose Phase 2 ? • Fast Extraction • Neutrino experiment has a very high priority. KEK will submit Phase 2 neutrino construction budget to the Government soon. • Need to form a high-level review committee at the Government.
Issues for 50 GeV PS (continued) • Other Issues • What to do about an anti-proton accumulator ring? • LEAR magnets were shipped from CERN to KEK. • The site has to be saved before the Phase 1 construction. • Are there any other important areas to be reserved before finalizing the Phase 1 construction design? • Polarized protons? • Experimental Activities until the Completion of the Project • KEK 12 GeV activities and the experimental activities outside Japan. Most likely, the PAC-like Committee will be formed within half a year. Call for LOI will be made at that time. -- Need discussions at this Workshop, though.
Possible Upgrades • From 1 MW to 5 MW • Strong voice toward 5 MW from neutron scattering community. • Also, this upgrade is useful for nuclear transmutation. • Nuclear/particle physics • Neutrino factory • Muon factory • Anti-proton accumulator ring • Ultra cold neutrons • Heavy-ion beams at about 20 GeV per nucleon • Polarized protons
Summary • Uniqueness of the Project • Goal: World’s highest intensity for proton beams. • Variety of secondary beams + Variety of frontier sciences. • International Research Center • Would like to create a research center in the Asian/Oceanic region. • Would also like to invite scientists from Europe and the US. • Variety of Possibilities for Future Upgrades • First Example of the Joint Project between the Past Two Agencies, Monbu-sho and STA. • Need to Establish “Strategy” for the 50 GeV Experimental Activities This Workshop