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Wendy’s Wonderful Kids Database Training January 2012. Webinar Logistics. All phones are automatically muted Control Panel “Grab tab”: click on the arrows to open/close control panel throughout the presentation. Questions pane How to ask a question
Wendy’s Wonderful Kids Database Training January 2012
Webinar Logistics • All phones are automatically muted • Control Panel • “Grab tab”: click on the arrows to open/close control panel throughout the presentation. • Questions pane • How to ask a question • Type into box at the bottom of the question pane and hit “SEND” • Ask a question over the phone when we periodically call for questions (please “raise hand!”) • Problems during today’s webinar? Email wwksupport@childtrends.org From GoTo Webinar Attendee Quick Reference Guide, 2008, Citrix Online.
Purpose of the WWK database Security procedures Key dates for transition to new database Live demo of *new* database Procedures for data entry and submission, including step-by-step instructions for each section What We Will Cover Today
The WWK database: Is a highly-secure, encrypted web-based system that captures information on recruitment efforts and outcomes, children served, and recruited families Is a tool for storing, compiling, and analyzing data on the WWK program Provides summary reports of progress towards program goals at each site Is designed for the needs of: WWK recruiters and supervisors DTFA staff Researchers/evaluators Purpose of the WWK Database
PASSWORDS Passwords must be at least 6 characters, with at least 1 letter and 1 number Do NOT share your password with anyone else (including your supervisor) Do not have your computer “remember” your password Refrain from writing the passwords down Security Procedures
Security Procedures PASSWORDS, cont. • New procedures for resetting/changing passwords: • No need to change your password every 90 days anymore • You can change your password on the database if you suspect or know it has been compromised (or if you just want to change it) • A “Forgot your password ” link will now be available on the log-in screen • You will be emailed a one-time-use link (similar to how the process works with online banks) • This process will also work after a “lock-out” (3 incorrect log-in attempts)
Confidential data (full names of children, etc.) should NEVER be transmitted electronically without being contained in a password-protected document When sending the Helpline information through email or voicemail messages, only use WWK numbers and/or child’s first name (last initial is OK) Store all confidential information in locked files, and use caution when printing documents Security Procedures
You are responsible for entering and submitting data on each child on your caseload each month Data must be submitted between the 1st and 7th of the following month. However, data can be entered and saved at any point throughout the month For children in active and monitoring statuses, answer every question in the Monthly Child Update section each month For children in inactive status, you must at a minimum answer three questions: status, placement, match Child Trends conducts regular audits of submitted data and requests your assistance with correcting any errors and/or inconsistencies The Basics: RECRUITERS
You can view any data entered by the recruiter, but cannot enter data yourself At a minimum, each month supervisors must review the Key Indicators report for your recruiter’s caseload each month for accuracy Your approval of the report must be submitted between the 1st and 15th of the following month The Basics: SUPERVISORS
Help is always available for any questions, concerns, confusions about the database Review the Database Handbook, which contains: A list of EVERY question on the database and how to answer A list of Frequently Asked Questions and glossary of terms used in the database Read the Database Newsletters emailed to you periodically For technical questions about the database (e.g., how do I remove a child?) please contact the Database Helpline Staffed by Avis Thompson and Ana Yrasquin at Child Trends 1-800-217-6741 wwksupport@childtrends.org For programmatic questions about what you are entering in the database (e.g., should I remove this child?) please contact the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption Help!
Database Transition Timeline & Key Dates • January 25th – 27th • Database “blackout” period • All data from old site will be moved over to the new one • NO USERS may access the database or enter any data at this time. • Reminder will be sent out closer to the date, along with exact times that the site will not be available • January 28th • New site is “live” and ready for use! • February 1st -7th • First submission period on the new site (for JANUARY DATA)
Materials/Emails to Look For • New Database Handbook • Recording of this training • Both will be available on the Grantee website (NOT the database) by the end of January • Memo with outline of new/changed questions • Email with instructions for first accessing the NEW database • Will be sent by the end of January • Will include information on verifying your acct, setting up your initial password, and dates when the site will be “live”
Let’s go into the site! NEW DATBASE URL: https://wwkdb.childtrends.org
Thank you for your patience as we make this transition to the new site! REMINDERS Child Trends and/or DTFA will be in touch over the next several weeks to provide important info for the transition Please read all emails/memos thoroughly Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions! wwksupport@childtrends.org; 1-800-217-6741 Thank you!