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TETN Accountability Update Session

TETN Accountability Update Session. June 11, 2008. State Accountability. June 18 Completion/Dropout Release. Preliminary Longitudinal Cohorts for Planning Purposes.

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TETN Accountability Update Session

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  1. TETN Accountability Update Session June 11, 2008

  2. State Accountability

  3. June 18 Completion/Dropout Release

  4. Preliminary Longitudinal Cohorts for Planning Purposes • On May 22, preliminary cohort lists were made available to districts via TEASE to help determine which year a student is expected to graduate for accountability purposes. • The preliminary cohort lists provided cohort membership information and selected demographic information only. • The final student status will be reported in the final completion rate lists that, concurrent with annual dropout lists, will be released on Wednesday, June 18.

  5. Preliminary Longitudinal Cohorts for Planning Purposes (continued) • The preliminary cohort lists were provided to districts on a pilot basis from the Division of Accountability Research. • Districts are encouraged to provide comments on the usefulness of the lists by contacting the division by e-mail, by phone at (512) 475-3523, or by fax at (512) 463-0028.

  6. Dropout and Completion Release • June 18, 2008 • Dropout/Completion information posted to TEASE • Two products for Dropouts: • Summary Tables (district & campus) • Student Listings of Dropouts (PDF or Excel format) • Two products for Completion: • Summary Tables (district & campus) • Student Listings of Completion Cohort (PDF or Excel format) • Explanatory Documents (2)

  7. Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-8) Indicator – Standard Procedures Comparison of 2007 and 2008 Standards Numbers in bold indicate a change from the prior year

  8. Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-8) Indicator – Standard Procedures (continued) Comparison of 2007 and 2008 Criteria Information in bold indicate a change from the prior year

  9. Completion Rate I (Grade 9-12) Indicator – Standard Procedures Comparison of 2007 and 2008 Standards

  10. Completion Rate I (Grade 9-12) Indicator – Standard Procedures (continued) Comparison of 2007 and 2008 Criteria Information in bold indicate a change from the prior year

  11. Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-12) Indicator – AEA Procedures Comparison of 2007 and 2008 Standards Information in bold indicate a change from the prior year

  12. Completion Rate II Indicator – AEA Procedures Comparison of 2007 and 2008 Standards Information in bold indicate a change from the prior year

  13. 2008 Accountability Manual

  14. Exceptions Provision What Has Changed for 2008 • Campuses and districts may now use the provision to achieve a Recognized or an Exemplary rating. • Districts and campuses will be eligible to receive four possible exceptions in order to achieve the Academically Acceptable rating or four possible exceptions in order to achieve the Recognized rating. • The minimum performance floor values are altered for mathematics and science for the Academically Acceptable rating.

  15. Exceptions Provision (continued) What Remains Unchanged • The Exceptions Provision will continue to be applied to only the 25 TAKS measures (5 subjects multiplied by 5 groups: All Students, African American, Hispanic, White, and Economically Disadvantaged). • The Exceptions Provision will not be applicable to either Completion Rate I or Annual Dropout Rate indicators. • The Exception Provision cannot elevate a rating more than one rating category. • An exception cannot be used for the same measure for two consecutive years.

  16. Exceptions Provision (continued) Use for Academically Acceptable or Recognized • The campus or district must meet a minimum performance floor to be eligible to use this provision. The floors vary by subject and rating category, as shown in the following table.

  17. Exceptions Provision (continued)

  18. Exceptions Provision (continued) Use for Academically Acceptable or Recognized • The ranges for the number of measures evaluated in order to earn an exception are changed from the ranges used previously, as shown in the following table.

  19. Exceptions Provision (continued)

  20. Exceptions Provision (continued) Use for Exemplary • Districts and campuses will be eligible to receive one possible exception in order to achieve the Exemplary rating. • A minimum of 10 assessment measures must be evaluated in order to be eligible to use the one exception. • The campus or district must meet a minimum performance floor that is 5 points below the Exemplary standard. Because the Exemplary standard is 90% for all subjects for 2008 and beyond, the floor is 85%.

  21. Exceptions Provision (continued)

  22. Table 34 – Attribution of Test Results Appendix D – Table 34 • Table 34 in Appendix D of the 2008 Accountability Manual is a new table designed to help districts determine whether a student taking a specific test at a particular grade level will be included in the assessment results used for state accountability.

  23. Key Dates for 2008 Accountability

  24. Preview Data Table Release • July 17, 2008 • Preview data tables released to districts (and ESCs with access) through TEASE. (Data on TEASE is confidential. TEASE data are not masked). • Districts may submit appeals after review of preview data tables. No appeals will be resolved prior to August 1, 2008. The appeals deadline is August 15, 2008.

  25. August 1 Events • August 1, 2008 • Lists of 2008 Accountability ratings for districts and campuses within respective ESC regions are transmitted to each ESC director (tentatively planned to be sent as PDF via email). • On July 31, districts can access their list of district and campus ratings on the TEASE Accountability site. • District and campus ratings are posted to the public website in the afternoon (exact time T.B.D.) • 2006-07 annual dropout and 2007 completion information is also officially released to the public. See Accountability Research site at: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/research/index.html

  26. Review of Appeals Process and Dates • See Appeals Chapter in Manual (Chapter 15, p. 125). • Particularly note: • Appeals calendar (p. 125) • Situations unfavorable for appeal (p. 126) • Special circumstance appeals (p. 129) • How to submit an appeal (p. 129)

  27. Review of Appeals Process and Dates (continued) • August 15, 2008 is appeals deadline (postmarked). • Ratings changed due to granted appeals published in late October.

  28. Remaining Calendar Items • Appeals Panel meets - late September/early October • Final ratings Release – late October • Gold Performance Acknowledgments issued – late October • 2007/08 AEIS Reports issued (TEASE) – early November • 2008/09 TAT list notification – November 6, 2008 • 2007/08 AEIS Reports issued (Public) – late November • 2009/10 PEG list notification – mid-December • 2007/08 School Report Cards – mid-December

  29. Federal Accountability

  30. Today’s Topics • USDE Approval of 2008 AYP Workbook Amendments • Frequently Asked Questions about the Federal Caps • Update on the 2008 AYP Guide • Key Dates for 2008 AYP

  31. USDE Approval of 2008 AYP Workbook Amendments Texas AYP Workbook Amendments Approved: • Removed the provisions based on the expired agreement of the November 30, 2005, US Department of Education Agreement on Inclusion of Certain Students with Disabilities in the Texas AYP calculation. • New alternate assessments in spring 2008 include (1) TAKS-Alternate, and (2) TAKS-Modified. • Use of TAKS-Modified assessment test results in AYP calculations and modified timeline for 2008 AYP results. • Resubmission of an 2006 Workbook amendment to the AYP Performance Safe Harbor calculation.

  32. USDE Approval of 2008 AYP Workbook Amendments (continued) Resubmission of 2006 Amendment on Performance Safe Harbor • Current AYP Performance Safe Harbor calculation for Reading/ELA and Mathematics: either (1) Standard Met, or (2) Performance Safe Harbor • Current Performance Safe Harbor calculation: • Performance Improvement: 10% decrease in percent not passing, and • Improvement on the Other Indicator.

  33. USDE Approval of 2008 AYP Workbook Amendments (continued) Proposed Amendment Approved: • If a district, charter, or campus meets the absolute standard on the other measure for the specific student groups that meet minimum size criteria (in addition to all students), they do not have to show improvement on the other measure as a condition of safe harbor. Proposed AYP Performance Safe Harbor calculation: • Performance Improvement: 10% decrease in percent not passing, and • Other Measure requirement: • Meet the standard on the Other Indicator or • Improvement on Other Indicator

  34. AYP Frequently Asked Questions about the Federal Caps • General Questions • Campus Rankings • Student Selection Process • Exceptions to the 1% Cap

  35. 2008 AYP Guide Update • A portion of the Guide will be posted in Late June.

  36. Key Dates for 2008 AYP Oct., 2007 - June, 2008 • Exception to the 1% Federal Cap via RF Tracker - Districts with residential treatment facilities (RF) and group foster homes apply for an exception to the federal cap by registering with the Division of Program Monitoring and Interventions’ RF Tracker Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEASE) application. February 15, 2008 • TEA Requests for Amendments - TEA submits requests for amendments to the Texas Consolidated State Application Accountability Workbook (Texas AYP Workbook).

  37. Key Dates for 2008 AYP (continued) May 19, 2008 • AYP Calculations Approved - USDE approves amendments to the Texas AYP Workbook related to the 2008 AYP calculations. May 27, 2008 • Campus Priority List for the 2% Federal Cap available online - Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEASE) Accountability web application available for school districts to view and/or modify their 2008 Campus Priority List for the 2% Federal Cap.

  38. Key Dates for 2008 AYP (continued) June-July, 2008 • AYP Guide Released July 10, 2008 • Deadline for Campus Priority List for the 2% Federal Cap - Changes to the Campus Priority List for the 2% Federal Cap must be submitted by July 10, 2008. School districts that have not provided campus ranking changes by 5:00 p.m. on July 10 agree to accept the TEA Default Campus Ranking for 2008 AYP.

  39. Key Dates for 2008 AYP (continued) August, 2008 • Districts Retain SIP Status from 2007-08 - Texas school districts retain all SIP evaluations from the prior year (based on 2007 AYP results) and continue implementation of SIP requirements. Mid-August, 2008 • TAKS-M Standard setting process for AYP grades and subjects completed

  40. Key Dates for 2008 AYP (continued) October 2, 2008 • Release of 2008 Preliminary Data Tables to Campuses and Districts - TEA provides 2008 AYP preliminary data tables to school districts on TEASE for Title I and non-Title I districts and campuses, alternative education campuses, and open-enrollment charter schools. • Appeals Begin - Student-level data for submission of appeals are available to districts electronically. Appeal letters for district and campus AYP results are accepted. • Open Other Circumstance Exceptions Application - Districts may submit applications for Other Circumstance Exceptions online via TEASE.

  41. Key Dates for 2008 AYP (continued) October 8, 2008 • Public Release of 2008 Preliminary Data Tables - TEA releases preliminary 2008 AYP masked data tables, including preliminary AYP status, electronically on public website. October 17, 2008 • Appeals Deadline - Appeals of district and campus preliminary 2008 AYP Status must be submitted in writing under the signature of the superintendent by Friday, October 17, 2008. • Exceptions Deadline - Online application process for submission of Other Circumstance Exceptions closes.

  42. Key Dates for 2008 AYP (continued) Mid-December, 2008 • Final 2008 AYP Status - TEA releases final 2008 AYP masked data tables with final AYP Status electronically on public website.

  43. TETN Accountability Update Sessions2008 Dates and Tentative Agenda Topics • August 14 2008 State Accountability Results • November 13 2008 State Accountability Ratings Update 2008 AYP Results Gold Performance Acknowledgments AEIS Reports School Report Cards PEG List The above dates are for 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

  44. TETN Accountability Update Sessions2009 Tentative Dates and Agenda Topics • February 19 Update on Accountability Development • April 23 Accountability Decisions for 2009 and Beyond • June 18 Accountability Manuals – State and AYP • August 20 Accountability Results for 2009 • November 19 Accountability Ratings Update Gold Performance Acknowledgments AEIS Reports School Report Cards PEG List The above dates are for 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

  45. Accountability Resources • Email the Division of Performance Reporting at performance.reporting@tea.state.tx.us. • Phone the Division of Performance Reporting at (512) 463-9704. • ESC Accountability Contacts. • Online: • ACCT: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/perfreport/account/ • AEA: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/aea/ • AYP: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/ayp/

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