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Explore practical exercises for addressing an audience in economics and administration. Learn through theory, videos, and pair exercises to enhance your public speaking abilities. Prepare for a future presentation on an international company.
Taalblokken Beroepsgerichte modules
AdressinganAudience First, go to: taalblokken online. Then click on ‘Beroepsgerichte Modules’ in the bar on the left hand side. Next, click on ‘Economie en Administratie’ (below ‘Beroepsgerichte Modules). Afterthat, click on ‘AdressinganAudience’. This is the module youwillbeworking on this term.
AdressinganAudience As youwillsee, this module has a couple of different parts. First of all, some background information! On the leftyou willsee the theoryand on the right there are someexercises! Please do these as best as youcan!
AdressinganAudience In the second part of this module, youwillseesomeexamples (videos) andwill have topractise in pairs (withone of yourclassmates). The presentationsyou do togethershouldbevery short, youcanseeit as a speakingexercise. Even thoughthismayseemweird, it is actuallyveryuseful, soplease do practisetogether. It willdefinitely help youwhenyou’redoingyourownpresentations. Remember, don’tlaugh or make fun of eachother. We’realllearning!
AdressinganAudience Next up: take the test! There are only 11 exerciseshere, soyou’llbedonewiththisfairlyquickly. But don’t rush, there’s no need!
AdressinganAudience Goodnews! Youdon’t have to do the finaltwoparts! We’regoingto skip the taskandyoufinalassignment is yourpresentation next term!
Presentation Year 2 In term 3, youwillgive a presentation on aninternational/English language company. Pleasesign up what company youchoose. Theremaynotbetwo of the same companies in class! These are a couple of companies youcouldthink of.
Presentation Year 2 The idea is thatyouwillgive a presentationtointernational fellow studentstoinform tem about the company you’regoingto talk about. (Check withyour teacher ifyour company is suitable!) Yourpresentationshould last a minimum of 4 minutes (up to 6) andshouldcontain 6 points (see next slide). Soifyouwouldbeableto talk about 1 minute per point, you’vedefinitelygot the time right! Obviouslyyouwill have toanswerquestionsfrom the audience(soyoushouldallbeactivelisteners). This time is notincluded in those 4-6 minutes!
Presentation Year 2 Include the following in yourpresentation: Tell uswhich company you chose andwhy. Giveus a brief historyabout the company. Explainwhere is the company located. Link the cityto the company. Why is the company locatedthere? Whatexactly do they do at this company? Answer the question whether or notyou’dliketowork (or do youinternship) there. If yes, what do youexpect of this company? Ifnot, telluswhynot!
Presentation Year 2 Youcanuse a dictionarytoprepareyourpresentation. Youcan have a piece of paper withkeywords(not a whole story). Youshouldusepresentationmaterialslike a PowerPoint, Keynote of Prezi. Have yourpresentation ready online, in your email or on a USB-stick! Youwill do thispresentation at A2 level. Youcanfindall the points on whichyouwillbe ‘judged’ on the document ‘Presentation Year 2’ on my website (underspeaking).