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EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES IN THE PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICAL RECREATION AND SPORT To increase participation in sport and active rec across the population there is a need to target specific groups who are below national average Who is perceived as the dominant group in society? White, male middle class section of society (highest participation rates) Why? - Most access to employment, decision-making and control of major social institutions eg law, education, media, etc - Traditionally protects its own position eg establishing laws or membership clauses or has discriminatory practices that limit the opportunities of other groups What is DISCRIMINATION? To give unfair treatment especially because of prejudice What does sport do for society? Its good for people It contributes to health Increases educational attainment It provides enjoyment Creates a sense of pride in community and country Helps reduce crime levels
SOCIAL EXCLUSION What is SOCIAL EXCLUSION? When people or areas suffer from a combination of linked problems - unemployment - poor skills - low incomes - unfair discrimination - poor housing - high crime - bad health - family breakdown Which targets groups are likely to be affected by social exclusion/discrimination? Ethnic minority groups Disabled Women Low socio-economic group Youth 16-24
WHERE YOU LIVE Geographics affects opps/choices YOUR SCHOOL + or – school experiences THE GOVERNMENT Politics/exchequer funding YOUR FRIENDS Peer group opinions YOUR FAMILY + or - role models FACTORS AFFECTING PARTICIPATION YOUR AGE YOUR GENDER YOUR SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS Income and employment YOUR RACE/RELIGION some ethnic groups still hold negative attitudes towards sport STEREOTYPING YOUR ABILITY/DISABILITY
What is the cost (social/community) of SOCIAL EXCLUSION to the individual, taxpayer and economy?
What are the general barriers to participation in sport (Attitude, Access, Programme)?
SOCIO-ECONOMIC GROUPS - Individuals from lower socio-economic groups have poorer health/mortality rates, therefore the health benefits of participation are important • This group is likely to suffer from social exclusion as they have less - power • - opportunities • - decision-making • - disposable income - Values are transferred through generations and can continue to alienate people who’s values are different to the dominant culture What factors might make this group difficult to MOBILISE (motivate)? Feelings of inadequacy Low self-esteem Isolation from major social institutions What is SOCIAL MOBILITY? Movement of individuals up or down the social class structure
ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS DEFINING ETHNICITY What are Ethnic Groups? People who have racial, religious, linguistic and/or certain other traits in common What Ethnic groups can people be classified into? White Black African Black Caribbean Black other Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese None of these The gap between men’s/women’s part is greater amongst ethnic minority groups than it is in the population as a whole REASONS FOR LOW PARTICIPATION RATES What reasons are there for low participation rates? Work/study demands Home/family responsibilities Lack of money Laziness Negative experiences in sport
Weight training amongst Black males Running/jogging amongst Black other males/Black Africans Badminton by Chinese men Cricket by Pakistani, Black other and Indian Basketball amongst Black Caribbean/Black Africans What activities are popular with ethnic minority groups? - There’s variation in levels of participation between ethnic groups, between men and women and between sports Give examples of racism in sport? STACKING disproportionate concentration of ethnic minorities in certain positions in a sports team based on stereotype that they are more valued for their physical skills than decision-making eg black fly halves CENTRALITY restricts ethnic minority groups from more central positions requiring decision-making and social interaction LABELLING agents of social control (eg teachers) attach stereotypes to particular groups of people eg having lower educational expectations of black children compared to white, or girls compared to boys on the sports field CHANNELLING teachers/coaches channel children from ethnic minority groups into certain sports that they feel they are most likely to succeed in ATTITUDES/PREJUDICE RACIST ATTACKS
SOLUTIONS TO THE LOWER PARTICIPATION MINORITY RATES FROM ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS What solutions are there to lower participation rates from Ethnic Minority Groups? Sport policies that are sensitive/respectful of other cultures eg single sex swimming for Muslim women Use of policy planning, race relations advisors and customer care Info should be available about sport provision in a local area Clubs should be supported but integration not enforced People from ethnic minorities in local communities trained as sport leaders and SDO’s Greater media coverage raising awareness of ethnic minority sports and role models Campaigns to eliminate racism Can you name a high profile Anti-Racism campaign? “Kick it Out” in football, from the “Let’s Kick Racism out of Football” campaign, est in 1993 by Commission for Racial Equality and PFA It was supported/funded by PFA, FA Premier League and the FA
FEMALE PARTICIPATION What sports have high female participation? • Swimming • keep fit • yoga What are the reasons for lower female participation rates in active recreation? Domestic role Social stereotyping society less positive about female sport participation compared to men. Stereotype that females should not be seen to be too competitive, assertive, achievement orientated Sport traditionally the preserve of males it was est/controlled by men, actively discouraging women Less media coverage Traditionally less money/power women generally earn less money, occupy fewer positions of power (esp in sporting institutions) Sexism Overt eg legislation/club membership Covert eg society’s more negative attitudes towards female participation Evidence of inequality in sporting opportunities unequal provision of facilities, less variety of activities eg traditionally football, boxing, rugby. Fewer female coaches/administrators
SOLUTIONS TO LOW PARTICIPATION RATES What are the solutions to low participation rates? Equal opportunities NGBs must create/deliver equal opportunity policies following Sex Discrimination Act 1975 WSF est to raise awareness of inequalities in female sporting provision More facilities for women Women only sessions, effective child-care facilities Better links between school and clubs Help lower the “post school gap” Media coverage Health related activities Women should be aware of all possibilities in their area and the health benefits of sport participation should be promoted What does the term “sex” mean? The biological aspect of a person, male or female What does the term “gender” mean? Roles that different societies/cultures attribute as appropriate behaviour for that sex What gender roles do we assign to women in this country? A dainty/delicate female, physically slim/emotionally vulnerable What impact does this have on modern day sport? Sports like tennis/gymnastics receive more social acceptance than sports requiring “masculine” orientated features
Historically sport was always seen as a male preserve as they developed/controlled sports whilst women have had to fight hard to achieve similar opportunities • Limitations/restrictions were based on medical grounds and idealistic image of femininity • This led to many myths/stereotypes regarding medical problems women would encounter if they participated in sport too strenuously How has female sports participation increased in the 20th C? Greater independence via more disposable income Transport Availability of more sports Clubs and competitions Media coverage Women in positions of responsibility in sport orgs SEX DISCRIMINATION ACT 1975 A female should be treated in the same way as a male in similar circumstances
THE WOMEN’S SPORT FOUNDATION • Set up 1984 by women working in sport concerned about lack of sport/rec opportunities for women/girls and low representation of women in sports coaching/management/media • Its leading org dedicated to improving/promoting opportunities for women/girls in sport/physical activity • Committed to improving/increasing/promoting opportunities for women/girls (in all roles at all levels) in sport/fitness/physical activity What do you think is the biggest factor for female participation in sports? The growing emphasis placed on health/fitness and the toned/slim stereotypical female form What is the no.1 sport for women and girls? Football • There are 61,000 women competing in clubs affiliated to the FA • Increase in number of girl’s teams developing in schools What is the major problem holding back the number of girls taking part? Lack of career prospects
DISABILITY AND PARTICIPATION IN ACTIVE RECREATION AND SPORT What do you refer to as disability? People with a PHYSICAL, SENSORY or MENTAL impairment What are the most popular sports for the young disabled? Horse riding and swimming What is it about these sports? These are sports that tend to organise events specifically of people with disabilities Participation in other sports alongside non-disabled is low Have sports been modified for the disabled? Modified (volleyball or wheelchair basketball) Specifically designed (goalball for the blind) What is Goalball?