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Functions, Domains & Ranges, Simplifying & Comparing, Solving Equations, Slope

This interactive quiz covers topics such as identifying functions, determining domains and ranges, simplifying expressions, solving equations, and finding slopes.

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Functions, Domains & Ranges, Simplifying & Comparing, Solving Equations, Slope

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Functions Domain & Range Simplifying & Comparing Solving Equations Slope Slope Continued $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

  2. $200 Question from Functions Is this a function? Why or why not? Answer

  3. $200 Answer from Functions No, the input of 3 has two different outputs

  4. $400 Question from Functions Is this a function? Why or why not? Answer

  5. $400 Answer from Functions Yes, it passes the Vertical line test

  6. $600 Question from Functions Answer

  7. $600 Answer from Functions 13

  8. $800 Question from Functions Answer Find the input if the output is 24: f(x) = -3x + 9

  9. $800 Answer from Functions The input is -5

  10. $1000 Question from Functions Identify the output if the input is 0 Answer

  11. $1000 Answer from Functions 3 and -3

  12. $200 Question from Domain & Range Answer

  13. $200 Answer from Domain & Range Domain: All real numbers Except -3

  14. $400 Question from Domain & Range Answer

  15. $400 Answer from Domain & Range Domain: All Real Numbers except -2

  16. $600 Question from Domain & Range Find the domain of the graph: Answer

  17. $600 Answer from Domain & Range Domain: All Real Numbers

  18. $800 Question from Domain & Range Find the domain & range of the graph: Answer

  19. $800 Answer from Domain & Range Domain: all real numbers Range: y ≥ 0

  20. $1000 Question from Domain & Range Find the domain and range of the graph: Answer

  21. $1000 Answer from Domain & Range Domain: All Real Numbers Range: y ≥ 0

  22. $200 Question from Simplifying & Comparing Answer Simplify: 3 + x – 2x + 4 – 8x

  23. $200 Answer from Simplifying & Comparing -9x + 7

  24. $400 Question from Simplifying & Comparing Answer Simplify: 2(x + 4) – 5 + 10x - 6

  25. $400 Answer from Simplifying & Comparing 12x - 3

  26. $600 Question from Simplifying & Comparing Answer -(x + 4 – 3x) + 2(x + 7x + 6)

  27. $600 Answer from Simplifying & Comparing 18x + 8

  28. $800 Question from Simplifying & Comparing Compare the expressions: -(x + 3 -2x) vs. 4x – 7 - 3x Answer

  29. $800 Answer from Simplifying & Comparing x -3 > x-7

  30. $1000 Question from Simplifying & Comparing Compare the expressions: x + x – 3x + 4 + 8 + x Vs. 7x – 8 + 2 – 5x – 2x Answer

  31. $1000 Answer from Simplifying & Comparing 12 > -6

  32. $200 Question from Solving Equations Answer 4x + 5 = 21

  33. $200 Answer from Solving Equations x = 4

  34. $400 Question from Solving Equations Answer 3x + 8 = 10x - 6

  35. $400 Answer from Solving Equations x = 2

  36. $600 Question from Solving Equations 3(x + 5) = -(x + 8x) + 39 Answer

  37. $600 Answer from Solving Equations x = 2

  38. $800 Question from Solving Equations Answer -x + 3(4x – 5 + x) = 2x – 3 + x + 5 + 10x

  39. $800 Answer from Solving Equations x = 17

  40. $1000 Question from Solving Equations Answer 5(x + 4 + 3x) = -x + 7x – 13 + 14x

  41. $1000 Answer from Solving Equations No Solution

  42. $200 Question from Slope Find the slope from the two points: (-8,4) (2,5) Answer

  43. $200 Answer from Slope

  44. $400 Question from Slope Find the slope from a graph: Answer

  45. $400 Answer from Slope m = 1

  46. $600 Question from Slope Write the equation from a graph: Answer

  47. $600 Answer from Slope

  48. $800 Question from Slope Write the equation given a point and a slope: m = -2 point: (2, -3) Answer

  49. $800 Answer from Slope y = -2x + 1

  50. $1000 Question from Slope Write the equation given two points: (1,2) (4,-1) Answer

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