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Enhancing Professional Practice Assessment Through Portfolios Study - IPL Day 28th Feb. 2007

This study evaluates and develops practice learning assessment methods, focusing on the use of portfolios for assessing professional practice. It aims to explore perceptions of validity and reliability of practice assessment methods and their impact on student learning experiences. The research involves a longitudinal case study over 3 years with students from Midwifery, Emergency Care, and Social Work degree programs, as well as staff interviews. The study also includes literature searching for best practices in professional practice assessment, evaluating assessment documentation, and exploring latent aspects of learning's impact on professionalism.

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Enhancing Professional Practice Assessment Through Portfolios Study - IPL Day 28th Feb. 2007

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  1. ASSESSMENT OF PRACTICEand the use of Portfolios Proficiency in Practice IPL study day 28th February 2007 Margaret Fisher

  2. Evaluating and developing practice learning assessment methods eg: The CRAG document (midwifery) The student led verification tool (post qualifying health studies) Graded assessment of practice (social work and midwifery) Other practice assessment processes What is this Ceppl activity about?

  3. Generic Guidelines for ASSESSMENT OF PRACTICE which are relevant across professional boundaries. What is our overall goal?

  4. What are perceptions of validity and reliability of the practice assessment methods? What are perceptions of the impact of the practice assessment process on the student learning experience? Research questions

  5. Longitudinal case study over 3 years, following the student’s journey from start to completion of their programme. Students from Midwifery, Emergency Care and Social Work degree programmes are participating. Focus groups/ interviews of staff involved in practice assessment, exploring their views. 3. Literature searching and conference networking, to seek and give a wider airing to other examples of excellent practice within the assessment of professional practice. 4. Evaluation of assessment documentation 5. Exploration of latent aspects of learning and its impact on professionalism How are we doing this?

  6. What have we discovered about portfolio assessment to date?

  7. Assessment of practice is crucial in determining whether or not a student meets the criteria required of their profession, thus ensuring safety of the public (UKCC 1999, Watkins 2000, Cowburn et al 2000). Defining competence has long been a challenge (Cowan et al 2005). Efforts to ‘measure’ competence and professional abilities have resulted in a wide variety of methods of assessment, including portfolios (Baume and Yorke 2002, McMullan et al 2003). Literature background

  8. It can be difficult to assess portfolios objectively (Snadden and Thomas 1998). Unless outcomes are clear, the result may be that the student focuses too heavily on completing the portfolio rather than learning from the experience itself (Scholes et al 2004). Reflections on practice may form part of portfolio assessments, and this process may also contribute to the student’s learning (Mountford and Rogers 1996). The student may also be required to fulfil set criteria or outcomes and practice may be graded (Caraccio and Englander 2004, Slater and Boulet 2001)

  9. Portfolios can be valuable learning tools, increasing self-awareness and guiding objective-setting They make the student think They motivate identification of learning Checklists and objectives provide a focus They provide evidence of capability and record progress and achievement Findings from year one interviews

  10. They may be prescriptive and restrictive Learning objectives may be repetitive Completing portfolios may cause anxiety They contribute heavily to workload and are time-consuming Size may be an issue – some students recommend electronic options Insufficient preparation in their use may be given, and timing of their introduction is an issue to consider However…

  11. There may be issues around confidentiality Elements requiring self-assessment may be misjudged Weighting of marks may be unbalanced There is a perception of “ticking the boxes” Reflections are valuable, but there is the potential to “cheat the system/ twist the truth”, raising concerns about validity and reliability (as well as professionalism!) Some students feel that service-user involvement could increase reliability

  12. These are clearly very early findings, and it will be interesting to see how the students’ views develop as their programme progresses… …as well as the staff views… …and profession-specific issues…

  13. We are keen to involve others in this Ceppl activity

  14. Our posters to date…

  15. Some in the PAHC have already contributed…

  16. Practice The application and development of the appropriate skills and knowledge to the professional role in the environment where that professional activity takes place Practice learning Distinguished by the framework of support, teaching and assessment for students on professional programmes, working alongside others to deliver a service to the public as part of their course The FHSW Conference workshop 2006 helped us to define:

  17. Practice assessment May not necessarily take place in the clinical/ practice environment, but must incorporate practice Involves both formative and summative elements Includes all the evidence contributing to the judgement about whether the student can progress or not in practice The team’s consensus is that…

  18. We therefore invite you to become involved in this Ceppl activity today

  19. Bearing these definitions in mind, and the issues raised about the use of portfolios in assessing practice… Rotate between the viewing areas of professional portfolios Comment on what you see as the strengths and weaknesses Think about how you might apply aspects of these examples to your own professional practice The portfolio workshop

  20. Thank you… ..... And enjoy the workshop

  21. Station 1 – Midwifery – FF23 Station 2 – Podiatry – FF24 Station 3 – Physiotherapy – FF25 Station 4 – Occupational Therapy – FF26 Workshop rotation explained….Change over every 15 minutes

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