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WGCapD: Working Group on Capacity Building and Data Democracy

This presentation summarizes the WGCapD's deliverables within CEOS Work Plan, highlighting global and regional activities, collaborations, and training infrastructure. It covers topics such as awareness building, FDA outreach, and implementation plans for capacity building initiatives.

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WGCapD: Working Group on Capacity Building and Data Democracy

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  1. WGCapD: Working Group on Capacity Building and Data Democracy Committee on Earth Observation Satellites • Dieter Hausamann, PhD, DLR, WGCapD • Prakash Chauhan, PhD, ISRO, WGCapD Chair • Nancy Searby, PhD, NASA, WGCapD Vice Chair • WGISS-46 • Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany • 22 – 25 October 2018

  2. Expectations Summary of WGCapD deliverables within CEOS Work Plan (2018-2020) Potential WGCapD & WGISS synergies Overview of Presentation

  3. Global activities • CB-28, 30, 31: MOOCs on Radar Backscatter, SAR applications, LCLUC • CB-29: Webinar series on multiple topics, e.g. GEOGLAM, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and disasters • Regional activities – training in GEO regions • CB-20, 26: AmeriGEOSS, AfriGEOSS - complete • CB-27: AOGEOSS • CB-32: Regional hands-on training in land cover land use change • CB infrastructure • CB-21: portal-based access to CB and training resources • WG collaborations • CB-19: SDG AHT awareness building • FDA-5: FDA´s awareness building and outreach – joint with WGISS CEOS Work Plan 2018-2020v0 WGCapD’s 11 deliverables

  4. CB-19: SDG AHT awareness building • Due Q4 2018 • Liaison from SDG AHT to WGCapD for this action: Argie Kavvada/NASA • Planning awareness webinar to CEOS and associated community • SDG AHT collaboration for upcoming workplan • Start with 2 mature indicators 6.6.1 (water) and 11.3.1 (Urban) • Determine if need to name a different liaison for these next steps • FDA-5: FDA´s awareness building and outreach • Due Q2 2019 • WGISS Technology subgroup co-chairs to serve as liaison to WGCapD • WGCapD will support WGISS in their development of a series of awareness-level (1 hour?) webinars targeting potential users of FDA technologies. • Potential topics include: Analysis Ready Data and CARD4L, Exploitation and Application Platforms, Data cubes, Data and Information Access Services (DIAS’s) WG Collaborations

  5. CB-21: portal-based access to CB and training resources • Due Q4 2020 • NASA, DLR, ISRO • First activity within this broader action – implement consistent training calendar by Agencies and WGCapD • Endorsed at CEOS Plenary. CB Infrastructure

  6. Three Pilot Efforts • NASA, DLR and CEOS SEO will implement the training calendar for its capacity building program to advertise trainings offered by ARSET and by SERVIR, through EOCollege and for WGCapD, respectively. • Work with EUMETSAT for revised API and to train someone in how to use and maintain the calendar. • Each pilot will define their “front end” based on their understanding, compare their approaches, and together agree on the approach that should be recommended for implementation for the WGCapD calendar. • The WGCapD calendar design will be provided to the WGCapD participating agencies for final review and implementation by Q3 2019 Approach for Implementing Training Calendar

  7. Background: • WGCapD provides training resources on CEOS website and INPE learning center, and is included in the GEOCAB portal. • WMO Global Campus is implementing an open source library catalog. • Questions/discussion points • Advantages of different approaches • Other approaches? WGISS feedback? • What would be useful for CEOS agencies, WGCapD? • Next steps? Collecting Training Resources

  8. Potential WGCapD-WGISS synergies (1) • What could CapD be doing in the future & can WGISS help? • Collection of single Agency resources discoverable at each Agency’s storage location • CapD collection housed together and discoverable • User interface tailored for each end user class • Users: decision makers, policy makers, EO professionals and scientists • Use cases and trainings available by GEO region, national, sub-national scales • Use cases and trainings available by GEO societal benefit area

  9. Potential WGCapD & WGISS synergies (2) • What could CapD be doing to help WGISS? • Raise awareness of the value of EO data products and services to user communities, including • Support to locate and access data, products, and tools • Targeted training workshops • Support CEOS initiatives and helps WGs and VCs undertake their own capacity building initiatives • E.g. guidance on best practices • Build awareness of WGISS efforts in CapD Workshops • What else?

  10. Thanks Dr. Dieter Hausamann Chair: Dr. Prakash Chauhan Vice Chair: Dr. Nancy Searby

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