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Tecnic Products Pty Ltd. THE OPEN AIR CULTURE. About Us. Tecnic has designed the Alutecnic Series – Retractable Fabric Roofs to easily integrate with your building and play an important part on many commercial , hospitality & high - end residential projects .
AboutUs Tecnic has designed the Alutecnic Series – Retractable Fabric Roofs to easily integratewithyourbuildingandplayanimportantpartonmanycommercial, hospitality & high-endresidential projects. InnovativeandFunctionalDesignSolutionsforHospitalityProjects.Offering yearroundall-weatherprotectionidealforallhotel,bar,ClubandRestaurant Projects. Tecnicishelpingarchitectsbyredefiningtheboundriesbetweeninside&out.
Awnings Retractable awnings unquestionably make shade for your open air spaces, howevertheydoassuchconsiderablymore,makingawellknownspaceinthe home morning, twelve and night. Regardless of whether you are having breakfast outside, investing energy with the family toward the evening, or facilitating a get-together at night, Solar shades make an atmosphere, transformingyourporchintoanopenairwithdraw. Retractableawningsaretheidealexpansiontoyourhome,enablingadaptability to benefit as much as possible from your space. Whenever broadened, solar overhangsgiveshadeandhelptocharacterizeaspace.
WaterproofAwnings The correct waterproof awningcan keep your outside livingspaceagreeableconsistently.Amidthe hot summer months, the canopy will keep your outside living space cool, shaded and agreeable.Likewise,theshadewillcoveryour lawn deck, and enables you to utilize the zone on blustery days. In light of your decision, you can choose the plan, style, elements and texture of the shade. You likewise have alternatives to pick the overhangs that are made utilizing materials viableinopposingsubstantialrain.
EVO SteelFrame TheEvomodelistheidealsystem for when you are integrating the system with a separate support structureandorlargercommercial installations. The Evo provides complete design flexibility, functionality andsafety. It is specifically designed tointegrate easily with existing pergola structures.
FeatuesofAlutecnicSeries–EVOdesignRetractable Roof: The Alutecnic EVO retractable roofhas beenspecificallydesignedtoeasilyand efficiently integrate with you existing outdoorpergolaorroofstructure. Delivering optimum protection against sun,windandrain.Alutecnicretractable roofshavepassedextensivewindtesting andwillwithstandwinduptp90km/hr. Withamaximumwidthof15metresand projectionof12metres,theAlutecnicwill cover up to 120 suare metres with one continious waterproofmembrance.
TecnicProductsPtyLtd,isaprivately owned company that specialises in the design, manufacturing & installation of Retractable Fabric Roofs, Opening Louvred Roofs & StreetUmbrellas. Tecnicholdsaproudhistorythrough our projects, we commenced in Sydney&nowareveryproudtooffer our systems throughout Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe & North America.
ContactDetails Tecnic Products PtyLtd SydneyOffice 2 / 410 PittwaterRoad NorthManly NSW,2100 Australia Telephone: 1300 78 2878 Email: info@tecnic.com.au
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