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“Inspired to learn, motivated to achieve”. “The best Head teachers are often quite odd people” (Sir Michael Wilshaw 2012). Where we were. A year down the line from Ofsted Improved results on previous year 3 NQT joined the staff A new Deputy Head and SENCO A new curriculum map in place
“The best Head teachers are often quite odd people” (Sir Michael Wilshaw 2012)
Where we were A year down the line from Ofsted Improved results on previous year 3 NQT joined the staff A new Deputy Head and SENCO A new curriculum map in place Refined planning tools A new Teaching and Learning Policy in place In a position to move forwards
Overview target for Theme 1 – Raising Attainment and Accelerating Progress: To shift the SEF grade pupil attainment from satisfactory to good. • Overview target for Theme 2 – Quality of Learning and Teaching To ensure that by the end of the year at least 75% of teaching is judged good or better To shift the SEF grade for quality of teaching from satisfactory to good or better. • Overview target for Theme 3 – Leading on Learning To shift the current ‘capacity to improve’ SEF grade from satisfactory to outstanding. To shift the current ‘leadership of teaching and learning’ SEF grade from satisfactory to good or better.
What did we do? Ensured that everyone understood the expectations at the start Restructured the SLT Carried out rigorous monitoring of teaching Fed back to teachers verballyand in writing Introduced a Monday briefing Introduced a Thursday de-briefing Invested in ICT for the curriculum Trained all teachers in using ICT Worked with the local authority through J2O Mentored NQT’s and ensured 20% time out of teaching Applied policies consistently Employed new teaching assistants Employed new PE and French provision Tracked progress Evaluated the impact of interventions Highlighted target groups and focus children Carried out whole staff moderation of core subjects Introduced individual class Governors
Where we are now • Last lesson observations by the School Improvement Advisor • Outstanding • Good • Good • Good • Satisfactory • = 80% good or better
Key Stage 2 Attainment Maths English Overall 2009 27.0 30.0 28.8 2010 27.9 28.3 28.1 2011 29.4 30.0 29.7 2012 31.1 29.9 30.5 Expected National Average = 27.0
2 Levels or more Progress between KS1 and KS2 • Maths 89% • Reading 100% • Writing 83% • English 91.5% • More than 2 levels! • Maths 67% • Reading 95% • Writing 72% • English 84% Expected National Average between KS1 and KS2 is 2 levels progress
Teaching and learning are improving Leadership below the Headteacher is effective and developing We have one change to teaching staff We have one member of staff on maternity leave Assessment is now accurate and consistent Attendance figures are high Children have had opportunities for school trips All of the children now learn to speak French All of the children now learn to read musicand to play an instrument We continue to provide a high standard and range of extra curricular activities We will have a properly fitted out ICT suite by September We will have a refurbished staff room by September Children will be able to cook on the premises from September We will be implementing a new Art curriculum from September to raise standards We have started training staff to make Science more inspiring and investigative
Where now? We expect Ofsted and welcome them We wantto be at least good We aim to be outstanding We recognise that it will take time We believe teaching standards are central to success We aim to have 100% of teaching good or outstanding We aim to ensure every child makes at least 2 levels progress or more from KS1 KS2 We want to maintain a rich and diverse curriculum We will work hard
“Be courageous and tough” “ Be a warrior and a battler” “Do things out of the ordinary” “Don’t be afraid to be slightly maverick” (Sir Michael Wilshaw 2012)