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INTRODUCTION • Electronics technology is a diverse field that is playing a leading role in the scientific and technical advancement. This area of technology is applicable in almost all aspect of human endeavour. The achievements of electronics have formed the basis of an industry that produces electronic equipment used in communications, automation, television, radar, computer technology, instrument-making, and industrial-process control systems, as well as illuminating-engineering, infrared, and X-ray equipment (Shokin, 2010).
INTRODUCTION CONTINUE • At the technical college level, electronic technology is aimed at providing trained manpower in applied science, technology and commerce particularly at sub-professional level. It is also geared towards giving training and imparting the necessary skills leading to the production of craftsmen, technicians, and other skilled personnel who will be enterprising and self-reliant. (Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN), 2004).
INTRODUCTION CONTINUE • The attainment of the above aims has been rigidly controlled under the tutelage of poor quality teachers, teaching facilities and methods. These, according to Aina (2000) are responsible for the high failure rates in main trade subjects. He asserted that over the years, records have shown that there is a sharp decline in the level of students’ performances in the National Technical Certificate Examination (NTC). Aina stressed that a close examination of the factors responsible for this wastage indicate that technical college education is no longer attractive to youths because of poor teaching, poor instructional techniques and scanty infrastructural facilities.
Statement of the Problem • As a result of increasing industrialization of modern times and the role of electronics in our society, knowledge and skills in electronics become indispensible. According to O’Haver (2008), Electronics is playing a leading role in the scientific and technical revolution. The introduction of electronic devices in various areas of human activity contributes in large and often decisive measure to the resolution of complex scientific and technical problems, to an increase in the productivity of physical and mental labour, and to the improvement of economic indexes of production.
Statement of the Problem Continue • Technical colleges are expected to produce craftsmen. However, in the past ten years, they have recorded a failure rate of over sixty per cent in the WAEC and NABTEB NTC trade component of the examination that should certify them as craftsmen, (FME,2010). Similarly, the chief examiners report asserted that Radio-Television and Electronic work candidates general performance in the three components was very poor.
Statement of the Problem Continue • Also worthy of note is the fact that the modern industry emphasises efficiency and accuracy in order to enhance production as well as save cost. A personal interview with some technical employees of Multinational Telecommunication Network (MTN) and Ericson revealed that most of their jobs like networking and signal testing are simulated before putting into practice. As a result of this, these employers prefer fresh recruits with requisite knowledge in computer application in various aspects of the profession.
Circuit Simulation • Electronic Circuit Simulation is the use of computer software to design, analyse and test circuits before construction. According to Rozenblart(2003), it is a computer program predicting the behaviour of a real circuit. It replaces real components with idealized electrical models. • To analyse a circuit, one could build it on screen by selecting components (resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes, power sources, etc.) from a library of parts which then position and interconnect the desired circuit.
Circuit Simulation Continue • You can perform most Circuit Maker tasks using the buttons on the Toolbar, which is conveniently located at the top of the workspace. The tools are as shown below
Circuit Simulation Continue • To design a circuit, click parts from the tool bar and select the desired part and value, then click place to place the part in the working space. • After placing the desired parts in the working space, select the wire tool from the tool bar and run the wiring. • To analyse the circuit, select run from the tool bar to run simulation.
Circuit Simulation Continue • An interactive SPICE simulation window appears during the SPICE data collection process showing the progress of the simulation. When the SPICE data collection process is completed, the MultimeterWindow appears. • To determine the voltage click the wire connected to the + terminal of the battery or resistor with the tip of the Probe Tooland notice the voltage value in the multimeter.
Circuit Simulation Continue • The current at the battery or resistor is computed by Clicking the + pin of the battery or one of the resistor pins. • While power is at any load is determine by clicking directly on the resistor. All the values appear in the multi-meter window.
Experimental Procedure • To determine the achievement of students, the total sample was divided into control and experimental groups and a pre-test was conducted to ensure that the students from the two groups had the same aptitude. • The control group was taught using lecture demonstration while the experimental group used circuit simulation.
Experimental Procedure • And the end of the lessons, a post-test was administered to determine groups’ achievement.
Results • The result from the findings showed that: • There was no significant difference observed on the mean pre-test scores between the control and the experimental groups. • There was a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the control group. • There was a significant difference in the pre-test and post test scores of the experimental group.
ResultsContinue • The students in the experimental group scored higher than those in the control group on the post-test. • The overall result showed that students taught with circuit simulation achieved higher than those taught with the lecture demonstration method.
Recommendations The following recommendations were made at the end of the study. • Technical teachers should be encouraged to employ Circuit Simulation instructional strategy in delivering their lessons, since it enhances academic achievement. • The tertiary institutions that train teachers should include circuit simulation instructional in the technical education courses in order to impart its usage to student teachers
Recommendations Continue • Curriculum planners should include the use of circuit simulation in the electronics curriculum considering its benefits in the teaching and learning of electronics. • Circuit simulation should be used to complement laboratory experiment to save cost and reduce the waste of materials.