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Introduction to the Measures Review Database www.nctsn.org/measures Iliane Morrissey imorrissey@mednet.ucla.edu. Measures Review Database. Overview :
Introduction to the Measures Review Database www.nctsn.org/measures Iliane Morrissey imorrissey@mednet.ucla.edu
Measures Review Database Overview: The NCTCN Measures Review database is a searchable database containing reviews of measures important for the field of Child Traumatic Stress. All reviews were conducted using a uniform review template to allow comparison across measures. Our goal was to provide easy access to comprehensive clinical and research information so that a given user can determine whether a measure is appropriate for a specific individual or group, given factors such as the purpose of the assessment, age, cultural and linguistic group, and trauma type. You enter search terms, and the database identifies those measures that meet your search criteria. A short review is available on the website. If you determine that you would like more information, for many reviews a more extensive review is available via downloadable PDF. The short review indicates whether a more extensive review is available. In some cases authors have given permission for the full measure, including alternate language versions, to be posted. A Glossary of Terms is available to help you understand psychometric terms that appear in the reviews. For more information regarding how the work was conducted (measure selection, template development, domain selection), please see History. 1
Measures Review Database, Cont. • For more information regarding how the work was conducted (measure selection, template development, domain selection), please see History. • For information regarding the future of the database, please see Keeping the Database Going. • We hope that this database will serve as a useful resource for the field. Should you use the information provided, please acknowledge the work that was done by citing this resource (see Using and Citing the Reviews). 2
Search Measures Review Database Search a growing database of assessment and screening tools designed to measure children's experience of trauma, their posttraumatic reactions, and the impact of trauma across a range of developmental domains. Each review includes: basic information about the measure, and how to obtain a copy; a general description of the measure, its format, and how it is administered and scored; and information about scales and sample items. You enter search terms, and the database identifies those measures that meet your search criteria. A short review is available on the website. To print the short review, click on the measure and click the 'print' button. If you determine that you would like more information, for many reviews there a more extensive review is available via downloadable PDF that can be located under the 'Assets' tab for each measure. To print the PDF, open it, and print. A glossary of terms is available to help you under psychometric terms that appear in the reviews. In some cases, authors have given permission for the full measure, including alternate language versions, to be posted. 3
Search Combinations • Author AND Title • Domain AND Acronym • Age AND Language • Global Rating AND Author, etc. • Author OR Title • Domain OR Acronym • Age OR Language • Global Rating OR Author, etc. Among many different search combinations. 9
Basic Information Fields • Basic Information • Training • Psychometrics • Pros and Cons • Author Comments • Assets 11
Training 13
Assets 17
Keeping the Database Going • Over 100 reviews are still in progress, including many measures that are central to the field. Check back to see these reviews. • NCTSN members are working to secure additional funding and develop strategies to continue this valuable work. Check www.NCTSN.org for updates. 18
How to get to the database www.NCTSN.org/measures 19