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Algorithms for maximizing and minimizing functions through selection, subset, or permutation. Learn common strategies like greedy, dynamic programming, and divide & conquer to solve problems efficiently. Example problems included.

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  1. Algorithms • For the next few weeks, we are studying optimization problems • Analogous to some problems of differential calculus. E.g. “What number exceeds its square by the greatest amount?” • Input contains a list of numbers • A function is applied to a selection of values in the list • individual value, subset, or permutation • We seek the selection that gives us the max or min value of the function • E.g. Which pair of values has the greatest difference? • Algorithm needs to be correct and efficient.

  2. Algorithms • Consider: What is the difference between Dijkstra’s algorithm and the TSP? Common algorithm strategies: • Brute force • All combinations of a set: 2n • All permutations of a set: n! • Random sampling • Greedy (Ch. 10) • Often a good approach • Divide & conquer (Ch. 11) • Dynamic programming (Ch. 12) • When greedy doesn’t give us the best answer

  3. Examples • What is the probability that the product of two 3-digit numbers ends in 0? • We can quickly enumerate all instances of the problem • What if we tried 7-digit numbers instead? • Brute force impractical. Why? • Better to randomize the input, and do as many trials as desired to achieve an acceptably precise answer. • Exhaustive comparison of two similar sorting methods • For small array size, can generate all permutations. • Otherwise, choose random permutations.

  4. Chapter 10 • “Greedy algorithms” • It’s a strategy of solving some problems • Need to make a series of choices • Each choice is made to maximize current benefit, ignoring the future. • Often, some sorting is necessary. • How do we know a greedy technique works? We try to show that no other algorithm can achieve a better result. • Several examples

  5. (1) Maximizing jobs • Given a set of jobs, with specific start and finish times, what is the maximum # of jobs we can schedule? • Assume that you can’t do 2 jobs at the same time. • Assume time is represented as a whole number, and you may start a job as soon as another is finished. • Try this: Sort list of jobs ascending by finish time. W = set of jobs we’ll do: initialize to empty. for j = 1 to n: if (job j doesn’t conflict with W) add j to W return W

  6. Example • Suppose we have this list of jobs, with (start, finish) times. j1=(1,4) j2=(3,5) j3=(0,6) j4=(4,7) j5=(3,8) j6=(5,9) j7=(6,10) j8=(8,11) • Jobs are already sorted.  • Add j1 to W. • We see that j2 and j3 conflict. (They don’t get reconsidered later.) • Add j4 to W. • We see that j5, j6 and j7 conflict. • Finally, add j8 to W.

  7. Optimal • This greedy algorithm produces an optimal schedule. • Goal is to maximize # jobs, given fixed start and finish times. • If the algorithm can schedule k jobs, no other algorithm (an optimal solution) would be able to give you k+1. • Proof by contradiction • Let i1, i2, i3, … ik be the set of jobs given by greedy algorithm. • Let j1, j2, j3, … jm be the set of jobs in an optimal solution. (m > k) • Define r: The largest integer where first r jobs in each set match. • The corresponding #r+1 job in each list differ. In particular, jr+1 finishes after ir+1. • In the optimal solution, after job jr, ir+1 finishes no later than jr+1. So, replace jr+1 with ir+1. The set of jobs is still legal and optimal. But we have a contradiction, because now the first r+1 jobs match.

  8. (2) Minimizing rooms • A conference consists of many events: lectures and workshops of various lengths. • Like a job, each event has a known start and finish time. • To simplify the model, again we’ll assume time is expressed in whole numbers. • Produce a schedule that minimizes the number of rooms. • Assume that no 2 jobs may take place at same time in same place. • Inside a room, an event may begin as soon as another one ends. • Similar to previous problem except we have to schedule all events. We are not necessarily interested if 1 room has a maximal number of events taking place inside.

  9. Algorithm Sort list of events ascending by start time. numRooms = 0 for i = 1 to n: if event #i is compatible with some room r schedule event #i in room r. else ++numRooms schedule event #i in the new room return room list schedule • Example e1(0,7) e2(0,3) e3(4,7) e4(4,10) e5(8,11) e6(8,11) e7(10,15) e8(12,15)

  10. Optimal • We can scan the list of events to see what the minimum number of rooms is. At each time t, see how many rooms are needed. • Want to show the greedy algorithm will generate a schedule with this optimal number of rooms. • Let d = # rooms the greedy algorithm schedules. • “Critical instant” is when Room #d is created. We only allocate Room #d if there exists an event #i conflicting with other d–1 rooms. • Event #i and other d – 1 events at that time all finish after #i’s start time, or else there would have been no conflict. • The other d – 1 events started before event #i. • Therefore, at the time event #i starts, we indeed have d events taking place at the same time. So the optimal schedule must use d rooms.

  11. (3) Fractional knapsack • You discover a treasure chest. But you can only carry away some of the treasure. Each type of treasure has some weight and some value. • Subject to a total weight constraint, need to maximize total value of treasure to haul away. • Formally: • For each item in some set, we have a value vi and a weight wi. We may select xi of the item. • Limits: total weight W you may take away, and available weight wi of each item. • We wish to maximize xi vi / wi. You can think of xi / wi as what proportion of all the wi you are taking. • For example, chest may contain silver and gold; nickels and dimes, etc.

  12. Algorithm We’re given L, list of items to loot. Sort L descending by v_i/w_i. This ratio is a rate, such as value per pound. w = 0 while w < weightLimit: x_i = Take as much of L[0] as you can. w += x_i If L[0] depleted, remove it from list. • Not hard to see that there is no other way to return with more valuable loot given our weight limit. • Final note: what is the complexity of the algorithms we’ve seen?

  13. 0/1 Knapsack problem • A thief wants to rob a store. Item i has value vi and weight wi. Knapsack has max capacity W. • Want to take as valuable a load as possible. Which items to take? • “0/1” means each item is taken or not. No fractions. • Greedy algorithm doesn’t work. For example (W=5): • Item 1 has value 3, weight 1 (ratio 3.0) • Item 2 has value 5, weight 2 (ratio 2.5) • Item 3 has value 6, weight 3 (ratio 2.0) • Taking items 1+2 (no room for #3): total value 3 + 5 = 8. • Taking items 1+3 (no room for #2): total value 3 + 6 = 9. • Taking items 2+3 (no room for #1): total value 5 + 6 = 11. •  Greedy algorithm actually gave “worst” solution.

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