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How do you think the boxes are related?

How do you think the boxes are related?. B. God is most great. Got is most Great. I bear witness that there is only on e God I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God. Come to prayer. Come to success. Prayer is better than sleep. . A. Salah : Collective prayer. .

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How do you think the boxes are related?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How do you think the boxes are related? B God is most great. Got is most Great. I bear witness that there is only on e God I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God. Come to prayer. Come to success. Prayer is better than sleep. A

  2. Salah: Collective prayer. • There are 2 types of prayer in Islam: • Collective • Individual • To describe how Muslims pray. (:L4) • To explain why Muslims pray and why they do so together. (L5) • To evaluate the idea of collective prayer. (L6-7) What is the difference between collective and individual prayer in • WHAT you say, • HOW you say it ?

  3. Prayer: Preparation and performing watch the following clip to find out why Muslims wash before prayer# What them meaning of the prayer movements is What order do Muslims wash in ? (hands, hair, feet, mouth, face, arms, nostrils , ears,) Describe it in your book. A B C D E F

  4. Activities **Copy the following quote into your books and explain it’s importance. “Woe to those who pray, but are unmindful of their prayer, or who pray only to be seen by people”Qur'an 107:4-6 explain the importance of the movement and what they represent. Hands behind head Arms crossed Bowing Prostration Look both ways

  5. Your own opinion Beetle Technique! Arguments For Arguments Against “The Best way to pray is privately” Discuss Draw the following diagram in you book. Answer the question in the middle by writing in your own opinion and ONE argument FOR and ONE argument AGAINST. Remember to use PEE! Otherwise you cannot get above a level 4a!

  6. Evaluation: Collective Vs Private Prayer • What are the benefits of private and collective prayer? • Draw the following table in your books • Ext: How would you prefer to pray? In a group or privately? Why

  7. Teacher slide: Correct order Wudu • Wash hands up to wrists 3times • Rinse mouth 3 times • Rinse nostrils 3 times • Clean face from forehead to chin 3 times • Clean arms from the fingertips to elbows 3 times • Pass water over hair and outside the ears 3 times • Wash feet to ankles 3 times Explanations of prayer movements • Hands by ears pushing concerns behind you concentrating on prayer and Allah • Cross arms and praise Allah. Thanks and Praise. Ask for guidance. • Ruku – Bowing – Showing respect to God. • Sujud – Prostration making commitment to God. • A Rak’ah is made up of recitation, standing, bowing and 2 prostrations. • Look over each shoulder as a sign of respect to each of the angels that are recording you goo/bad deeds. In preparation for Judgement day • This movement ends prayers.

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