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Unraveling Breastfeeding Myths & Facts

Addressing common misconceptions about breastfeeding and infant feeding along with fact-based recommendations for mothers, emphasizing the importance of support and reassurance. Learn the truth to support a healthy breastfeeding journey.

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Unraveling Breastfeeding Myths & Facts

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  1. Misconception ‘Stress makes the milk dry up’ ‘Malnourished mothers cannot breastfeed’ Fact / Recommendation Stress might temporarily affect the milk let down reflex, but does not affect milk production. Mothers need reassurance & support Studies show only extreme cases of severe acute malnutrition is lactation significantly effected. Feed the mother & let her feed her infant. Common misconceptions about breastfeeding & IFE (1)

  2. Common misconceptions on IFE (3) Fact / Recommendation It is usually possible to re-lactate. Mothers need support to do this. Breastmilk production can go up as well as down! Breastfeeding will relax both mother & baby – this is normal. Tiredness may make the woman not breastfeed so often – this will effect milk supply. Mothers need reassurance & support. Misconception Once breastfeeding has stopped, it cannot be resumed’ ‘If the mother is tired she will pass the tiredness on to the baby’

  3. Misconception Being in flood water or dirty means that the milk is ‘bad’ Stop breastfeeding if mother is sick Fact / Recommendation Breastmilk does not go ‘bad’. Just normal body cleaning is all that is needed. Cleaning of hands after going to the toilet or changing the baby is important. Mothers make antibodies to protect infants from their sicknesses. (Very few illnesses / medicines need to stop – Doctor advice) Common misconceptions on IFE (2)

  4. Misconception ‘Babies with diarrhoea need water/rice water’ Formula is better for babies – makes them fat or more intelligent Fact / Recommendation Breastmilk provides all the fluids an infant <6 months needs, including when it has diarrhoea. Formula is NEVER as good as breastmilk which changes to be right for the baby at that time. Formula companies say these things to make mothers buy formula/milk powder Common misconceptions on IFE (2)

  5. Misconception If mother is pregnant again she should stop breastfeeding Baby is crying all the time they must be hungry Fact / Recommendation A mother can continue to breastfeed during pregnancy and after the new baby has arrived. The mother should eat more good foods in order to keep her healthy. Babies cry for lots of reasons – especially in an emergency when people are upset, moving around, living in a new place, etc. Breastfeeding more will both feed and calm the baby Common misconceptions on IFE (4)

  6. Misconception Baby is feeding all the time so my milk must not be enough Fact / Recommendation Babies have ‘growth spurts’ which means at times they will feed more often – this is normal behaviour. Also before their longest sleep of the day many babies will want feeding a number of times. This is normal behaviour. Common misconceptions on IFE (4)

  7. Also • Donations and untargeted distribution of infant formula and milk may undermine confidence • If given and she is not confident likely to try it • This will reduce milk production…

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