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T E A C H I N G. GENERATION Z. David Odom, PhD Associate Professor of Student Ministry New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary dodom@nobts.edu. Generation Z Born Between 1996-2010 (2000-2015). Also Known As iGeneration net-gen digital natives mobile natives. Recent Stats on Generation Z.
T E A C H I N G GENERATION Z David Odom, PhDAssociate Professor of Student Ministry New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary dodom@nobts.edu
Also Known AsiGeneration net-gendigital nativesmobile natives
Largest Generation Sparks & Honey. Meet Generation Z: Forget Everything You Know About Millennials
57% use smartphone 4 hours or more a day Barna Group, Gen Z, 24
Use 3-5 Screens Compared to 1-2 for Millennials
Social Activistwho want to join aCause Vallone, et. al. Agents of Social Change: A Model for Targeting and Engaging Generation Z across Platforms
of Generation Z prefer Face-to-Face Communication * Turner, “Generation Z,” 105.
78%believe in God Seemiller & Grace. Generation Z Goes to College and Northeaster University. Innovation survey
41%attend weeklyreligious services Seemiller & Grace. Generation Z Goes to College
8%cite a religiousleader as a role model “Innovation Imperative: Meet Generation Z,” Northeastern University
Twiceas likely as adults to beatheist * Seemiller and Grace, Generation Z Goes to College