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Jeopardy. Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin. Choose a point value. Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy. Minor Char- acters. Elements of Plot. Major Characters. Literary Terms. Examples. Who Said

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

  2. Choose a point value. Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy

  3. Minor Char- acters Elements of Plot Major Characters Literary Terms Examples Who Said It? 10 Points (5) 10 Points (15) 10 Points (25) 10 Points (35) 10 Points (45) 10 Points (55) 20 Points (7) 20 Points (17) 20 Points (27) 20 Points (37) 20 Points (47) 20 Points (57) 30 Points (9) 30 Points (19) 30 Points (29) 30 Points (39) 30 Points (49) 30 Points (59) 40 Points (11) 40 Points (21) 40 Points (31) 40 Points (41) 40 Points (51) 40 Points (61) 50 Points (13) 50 Points (23) 50 Points (33) 50 Points (43) 50 Points (53) 50 Points (63)

  4. Answer-Minors for 10: “Father Judge”

  5. Question-Words 10: What was the name of the Fire Dept. Chaplain who died in the WTC and is the first “official” death of the attack ?

  6. Answer-Minors 20: “James Hanlon.”

  7. Question-Minors 20: Who was the narrator and friend of the Naudets from film school?

  8. Answer-Minors 30: “Larry Byrnes”

  9. Question-Minors 30: Who did Tony go to the WTC with?

  10. Answer-Minors 40: Kevin Pfeiffer.

  11. Question-Minors 40: What was the name of the Chief’s brother who died?

  12. Answer-Minors 50: Firefighter Casaleggi

  13. Question-Min-50 He made the remark that the WTC “collapsed to dust.”

  14. Answer-Plot 10: The climax.

  15. Question-Plot 10: What is the name for our point of highest interest in a story?

  16. Answer-Plot 20: Resolution

  17. Question-Plot 20: What is the point in the plot where loose ends are tied up?

  18. Answer-Plot 30: Rising Action

  19. Question-Plot 30: What is the name for when “the plot thickens”?

  20. Answer-Plot 40: Falling Action

  21. Question-Plot 40: What is the name for when the plot settles?

  22. Answer-Place 50: The French word for the Resolution.

  23. Question-Plot 50: What is the Denoument?

  24. Answer-Majors 10 The first names of the Naudet Brothers.

  25. Question-Minors 10 What are Jules and Gedeon?

  26. Answer-Majors 20 Tony, a rookie fireman, is called this.

  27. Question-Majors 20 What is a “proby”?

  28. Answer-Majors 30: What Tony said he’d become after he’d seen the deaths.

  29. Question-Majors 30 What was a soldier?

  30. Answer-Majors 40: 9 months

  31. Question-Majors 40: What was The probationary period for Tony?

  32. Answer-Majors 50: Tony’s “first fire”.

  33. Question-Majors 50: What was a car fire?

  34. Answer-Lit 10: When an author uses hints to tell what will happen later on.

  35. Question-Lit 10: What is Foreshadowing?

  36. Answer-Lit 20: Coming of Age

  37. Question-Lit 20: What is a type of story that shows an immature or young character who matures.

  38. Answer-Lit 30: Frame Story

  39. Question-Lit 30: What is a type of story that is “a story within a story”?

  40. Answer-Lit 40: An irony

  41. Question-Lit 40: What is a term for the contrast between expectation and reality?

  42. Answer-Lit 50: Paradox

  43. Question-Lit 50: What is an apparent, or seeming, contradiction that is actually true?

  44. Answer-EX. 10 When they film Tony on a ladder with the Twin Towers in the background.

  45. Question-EX. 10 What is an example of foreshadowing?

  46. Answer-EX. 20 That Tony does not fight any fires for the first months of his probationary period.

  47. Question-EX. 20 Who is an example of irony?

  48. Answer-LIT. 30 “HOLY S***!!!!!!”

  49. Question-B.A. 30 What is an example of non-gratuitous profanity in the film?

  50. Answer-EX. 40 Tony grows up; they get new rigs; the men go to funerals.

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