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Bayesian Evolutionary Distance Calculation and Alignments Analysis

Determine divergence time between aligned sequences using Bayesian model with flat prior assumption for distances. Calculate evolutionary distance with match/mismatch scoring. Analyze ungapped local alignments for evolutionary comparison.

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Bayesian Evolutionary Distance Calculation and Alignments Analysis

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  1. Bayesian Evolutionary Distance P. Agarwal and D.J. States. Bayesian evolutionary distance. Journal of Computational Biology 3(1):1—17, 1996

  2. Determining time of divergence • Goal: Determine when two aligned sequences X and Y diverged from a common ancestor AGTTGAC ACTTGCC • Model: • Mutation only • Independence • Markov process

  3. Divergence points have different probabilities X Ancestor Y Probability time

  4. DNA PAM matrices • Similar to Dayhoff PAM matrices • PAM 1 corresponds to 1% mutation • 1% change ≈ 10 million years • Simplification: uniform mutation rates among nucleotides: • mij =  if i = j • mij =  if i  j • Can modify to handle different transition/transversion rates • Transitions (AG or CT) have higher probability than transversions • PAM x = (PAM 1)x

  5. DNA PAM 1 A G T C A G T A

  6. DNA PAM x A G T C A G T A

  7. DNA PAM x • As x , (x) and (x)  1/4 • Assume pi = ¼ for i ={A,C,T,G} • Leads to simple match/mismatch scoring scheme

  8. DNA PAM x: Scoring

  9. DNA PAM

  10. ( ) ( x ) log 4 ( x ) a = s ( ) ( x ) log 4 ( x ) b = r DNA PAM n: Scoring Log-odds score of alignment of length n with k mismatches: Odds score of same alignment:

  11. Probability of k mismatches at distance x Note: Need odds score here, not log-odds!

  12. Conditional expectation From odds scores ?? Expected evolutionary distance given k mismatches Over all distances By Bayes’ Thm:

  13. Assumptions • Consider only a finite number of values of x; e.g., 1, 10, 25,50, etc. • In theory, could consider any number of values • “Flat prior:” All values of x are equally likely • If M values are considered, Pr(x) = 1/M

  14. Calculating Pr(k) and Pr(x|k)

  15. Fraction of the probability of k mismatches that comes from assuming distance is x Calculating the distance

  16. X Y Ungapped local alignments An ungapped local alignmentof sequences X and Y is a pair of equal-length substrings of X and Y Only matches and mismatches — no gaps

  17. 23 matches 2 mismatches 34 matches 11 mismatches Ungapped local alignments A: B: P. Agarwal and D.J. States. Bayesian evolutionary distance. Journal of Computational Biology 3(1):1—17, 1996

  18. Which alignment is better? Answer depends on evolutionary distance

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