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Correlating Additives to Deterioration in Historical Rubber Objects. Jessica Lafrance. What is Rubber?. Havea Brasiliensis tree cis-1, 4 polyisoprene A dispersion of rubber particles in water
Correlating Additives to Deterioration in Historical Rubber Objects Jessica Lafrance
What is Rubber? • HaveaBrasiliensis tree • cis-1, 4 polyisoprene • A dispersion of rubber particles in water • 60% water, 36% solid components, 1-1.5% protinacious substances, 1-2.5% resinous substances, 1% sugar, less than 1% ash (Waentig 2008) • Must be ‘cured’ after harvesting • After curing it is light in colour, soft, tacky,little mechanical strength • Limited number of crosslinks between polymer chains
The Purpose of Additives • Mesoamericans coated rubber with earth to reduce the tack • Rubber pioneers tested numerous additives to change the properties, most common additives are those related to vulcanisation, others include: • Fillers • Accelerators • Stabilizers • Special ingredients • Additives were also added for for economic reasons
Deterioration of Rubber • Oxidation, reactions with sulfur compounds, ozone • Accelerated by heat and light • Oxidation: new cross links form - rubber hardens, old cross links break – softening, polymer chain breaks – flaking and crumbling • Sulfur: creation of hydrogen sulfide, ketones, aldehydes and acids • Ozone: addition of double bonds at the surface to form brittle ozonides • Additives have an effect on these processes • Example: Blooms of waxes or oils on the surface, the absorption of antioxidants by other additives reducing their effectiveness, accelerated deterioration due to minerals
This Research • Is there a relationship between specific additives and deterioration? • Can this be seen through changes in manufacture over time? • Is the relationship between the amount of additives present and the level of deterioration linear? • Does the inclusion of carbon black have as a great of a protective effect in the presence of other additives prone to UV degradation? • Do the additives have a strong effect on the formation of protective surface on rubber?
Experimental • WORK IN PROGRESS • The sample material must meet the following criteria: a) one sample type must include carbon black as an additive, the other sample type must not; b) the type of object must span a wide timeline of production to allow for samples to be taken from objects at intervals in production history (for example, one object from every decade of production); c) the object must have been employed during it’s working life and exposed to the stresses of use. • FTIR-ATR, P-GC, SEM • Determination of current level of deterioration and physical properties • Correlations will be made between the data and ‘mapped’
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