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L’Imparfait The pass é composé and the imparfait Adverb placement. Fran çais 2 Chapitre 6 Grammaire 1. The imparfait.
L’ImparfaitThe passé composé and the imparfaitAdverb placement Français 2 Chapitre 6 Grammaire 1
The imparfait • The imparfait(imperfect) tense tells _______________or what ___________________ repeatedlyin the past. It is also translated as _____________________________. To form the imperfect drop the –ons from the present tense nous form and add these endings: • Je -_____ Nous -_____ • Tu -_____ Vous-_____ • Il/Elle -_____ Ils/Elles-_____
The imparfait • Verbs like manger and commencer that have spelling changes in the nous form keep the spelling change in the imperfect in all forms except in the nous and vousforms. • (nous mangeons) • (nous commençons)
The imparfait • Etre is the only verb that has an irregular stem: _____
The passé composéand the imparfait • Use both the passé composéand the imparfaitto talk about the past. • Use the imparfait to tell how things were or what used to happen over and over. • Quandj’étaisjeune, nous allions à la plagechaqueété. • (When I was young, we used to go to the beach every summer.)
The passé composéand the imparfait • You also use the imparfait to give descriptions. • Il faisaittrès beau. Il y avait beaucoup de fleurs. • (It was very nice out. There were a lot of flowers.)
The passé composéand the imparfait • Us the passé composéto say what happened or what someone did in a set period of time. • Unefois, j’ai fait un château de sable incroyable! • (One time, I made an incredible sandcastle!)
The passé composéand the imparfait • Sometimes you need to use both the passé composéand the imparfaitin the same sentence. You can tell what was going on (imparfait) when another action happened (passé composé). • Je jouais aux dames quand le téléphonea sonné. • (I was playing checkers when the phone rang.)
The passé composéand the imparfait • Use the mnemonic device CHEATED to help remember when to use the imparfait • Continuous action • Habitual action • Endless action (weather, age) • Time (only when saying what time it was) • Emotion • Description
Adverb placement • Generally place adverbs that tell how much, how often, or how well someone does something after the conjugated verb. • Je jouesouvent aux dames et hier, j’aibienjoué. • (I often play checkers and yesterday, I played well.)
Adverb placement • Commecicommeça, quelquefois, and de temps en temps are exceptions, place them at the beginning or end of a sentence. • Je joue aux dames commecicommeça. De temps en temps, je joue avec ma soeur. Quelquefois je gagne, mais je perdsquelquefoisaussi. • (I’m alright at checkers. From time to time I play with my sister. Sometimes I win, but sometimes I lose too.)
Adverb placement • Most other adverbs, such as those of time (hier, maintenant) and those ending in -ment usually go at the beginning or end of the sentence. • Normalement je passe le samedi avec mescopains. • (Normally I spend every Saturday with my friends.)