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21 st Century Civic Literacy Rebecca Tinder Bowles Rice McDavid Graff & Love LLP . Primary Attorneys Greg Bailey - Morgantown Rick Boothby - Parkersburg Howard Seufer - Charleston Rebecca Tinder - Charleston Kim Croyle - Morgantown Ashley Hardesty - Morgantown Legal Assistants
21st Century Civic Literacy Rebecca Tinder Bowles Rice McDavid Graff & Love LLP
Primary Attorneys Greg Bailey- Morgantown Rick Boothby- Parkersburg Howard Seufer- Charleston Rebecca Tinder- Charleston Kim Croyle- Morgantown Ashley Hardesty-Morgantown Legal Assistants Melissa Downing - Morgantown Sarah Plantz- Charleston Dianne Wolfe- Parkersburg Adjunct Attorneys Rick Brown - Employee Disability Mark D’Antoni - Real Estate Mark Dellinger - Human Rights Kit Francis - Creditors Rights Tom Heywood - Government Relations Bob Kent - Personal Injury Defense Jeff Matherly - Health Information Ellen Maxwell-Hoffman - Ethics Edd McDevitt – Bonds & Levies Marion Ray - Workers Compensation Lesley Russo – Employee Benefits Cam Siegrist - Finance Beth Walker - Wage & Hour Ken Webb - Construction Litigation The Education Practice Group at Bowles Rice McDavid Graff & Love
21st Century Civic Literacy According to wikipedia … • Civics is the study of citizenship and government with particular attention given to the role of citizens― as opposed to external factors― in the operation and oversight of government.
21st Century Civic Literacy • Within a given political or ethical tradition, civics refers to educating the citizens about their obligations and rights within that tradition … In the United States, this is the explicit rationale for public education—to ensure the United States Constitution is upheld by citizens who must, at least, know what it is.
What is the state of our Civic Health?
Although the statistics appear bleak, there are some shining stars upon which to focus
Shining Stars • 15% of Americans, roughly 36 million people, participate and stand out as civic leaders • Well informed • Attend public meetings • Work together on community problems • Leaders in clubs and associations • Attend religious services • Vote • Volunteer
Shining Stars • An overlapping group of about 24% uses online technology quite heavily for civic purposes
Shining Stars • More Americans Want More Opportunities to Serve • 43% say they would be more involved in their communities if there were more opportunities • 80% say it is important for government to give citizens voice • 53% choose collaboration among citizens, non-profits and government as the best way to solve problems
Shining Stars • Millennials emerge as a civic force • Most positive feelings toward the government • Heavily engaged in some aspects of civic life, such as volunteering • Express the most demand for opportunities for civic engagement
“Most people born in the same generation have very similar attitudes and value systems that they acquire while they are young and remain with them throughout their lives” - Cam Marston from “Motivating the ‘What’s In It For Me?’ Workforce”
Where do we find our students? [What is the baseline?]
For Those Born in 1989 or Later • What Berlin wall? • They have grown up with bottled water • Nelson Mandela has always been free and a force in South Africa • Pete Rose never played baseball • Rap music has always been mainstream • Russia has always had a multi-party political system • Woman have always been police chiefs in major cities
1989 or Later cont’d • Wal-Mart has always been a larger retailer than Sears and has always employed more workers than GM • Thanks to MySpace and Facebook, autobiography can happen in real time • They learned about JFK from Oliver Stone and Malcolm X from Spike Lee • Most phone calls have never been private
1989 or Later cont’d • Virtual reality has always been available when the real thing failed • Tiananmen Square is a 2008 Olympics venue, not the scene of a massacre • They get much more information from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert than from the newspaper • The World Wide Web has been an online tool since they were born
Defining life events include… • Columbine High School • 9-11 • Enron, WorldCom, etc. • War in Iraq • Nuclear threat from North Korea • Emerging nations—China, India
“Although they are better educated, more techno-savvy, and quicker to adapt than those who have come before them, they refuse to blindly conform to traditional standards and time-honored institutions. Instead, they boldly ask, ‘Why?’” — Eric Chester from “Employing Generation Why?”
Why Civic Literacy • Needed to aid in understanding the local and global implications of civic decisions • Applying 21st century skills will aid in making intelligent choices as a citizen • Informed, responsible citizens are needed to participate in the political process
Why Civic Literacy cont’d • Only 33.4% of the voting-eligible population in WV voted in the 2008 democratic presidential primary (republicans caucused) • It allows individuals to express their interests/demands on government/ elected officials. • It creates a platform where voices can multiply/amplify.
Why Civic Literacy cont’d • It instills habits of cooperation and public spiritedness. • It provides an opportunity to learn the social and civic skills necessary for active participation. • It creates forums of thoughtful deliberation over vital public issues. • It allows Americans to take responsibility for building our communities. • It provides an avenue to contribute diverse talents and energies to solve local, national, and global problems
21st Century Civic Literacy • Three parts to civic literacy - • Civic-related knowledge • --historical and contemporary • Cognitive and participatory skills • --and associated behaviors • Dispositions • --motivations for behavior and values/attitudes
21st Century Civic Literacy What do our students need to know, do and understand to be responsible, civically literate 21st Century citizens?
21st Century Civic LiteracyContent • What charters define our freedoms? • Declaration of Independence • Constitution • Bill of Rights
An effective program should empower students to • understand, analyze and participate in government • understand and develop a commitment to the principles and values found in our core documents • participate effectively in the local, state, national and global community
An effective program should empower students to • apply 21st century skills to make intelligent decisions that reflect understandings of historic implications • understand the role and influence of leaders • develop a broader sense of political awareness
21st Century Civic Literacy • Learning Skills • Information and Communication • Thinking and Problem-Solving • Interpersonal and Self-Directional
21st Century Civic Literacy Information Communication Technology Skills *Computers *Word Processing *Email *WebEx *Decision Support *Web Development *Presentation Tools *Search Tools *E-learning *Collaboration Tools
21st Century Civic Literacy Dispositions • Civic Virtues: • Active Participation • Trustworthiness • Reciprocity
21st Century Civic Literacy Dispositions • Take an interest in the actions of public officials • --be informed • --attend school board/city council meetings • --voice your opinions • Provide for the common good • --Participate in community activities • --Volunteer/ Give to charities • Participate in the political process • --Vote/ Serve on juries • --Obey laws
21st Century Civic Literacy How do we reach students in today’s classrooms to become informed citizens prepared to participate in our political process?
21st Century Civic Literacy We as Americans know that it is a rare and precious gift to live in a society that permits and values citizen participation. We must deliberately teach it. --It does not come naturally
21st Century Civic Literacy • We must deliberately teach it. • Work with your local communities • Support the efforts of your staffs to learn and to incorporate these concepts • We must provide real-world experiences that empower students and give them opportunities to participate in citizenship activities
21st Century Civic Literacy • Desirable Outcomes • Students should posses a reasoned commitment to those fundamental values and principles of our political heritage that are contained in such documents as the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, and others. • This commitment to these values and principles should serve as a moral compass guiding their participation in both their private and public relationships.
21st Century Civic Literacy • Desirable Outcomes • Students should have acquired the knowledge of politics and government and the intellectual and participatory skills that are required for informed and competent participation. • Finally, they should have developed the public and private dispositions of character such as civility, tolerance, and compassion that enhance their inclination and capacity to participate fully in our democratic process.
21st Century Civic Literacy How does this tie in with your roles at your schools?
Content Standards & Objectives(Social Studies) • The word “citizen” appears for kindergarten, and second through twelfth grades • The word “independence” appears for fourth, and tenth through twelfth grades • The word “constitution” appears for fifth, and eighth through twelfth grades • The phrase “bill of rights” appears for fifth, tenth and twelfth grades
State Board Goals Include • All students shall • master or exceed grade level educational standards that reflect 21st century skills and learning. • receive a seamless pre-kindergarten through twenty curriculum designed and delivered with broad stakeholder involvement to promote lifelong learning in a global society. • develop and promote responsibility, citizenship, strong character and healthful living.
The goal of promoting Citizenship and Character must be inculcated into • all content areas • all grade levels
Resources & Activities • WVDE collaboration with WV Treasurer’s Office on financial literacy initiatives concerning personal finance • WVDE collaboration with WV Auditor’s Office on investment and financial literacy initiatives • Supreme Court West Virginia Law Adventure Program for middle school
Other Resources & Activities • Court case Comic Books (Graphic Novels) for high school seniors • Robes to Schools for elementary students • SS Summer Institute mock trial presentation • WV Cultural Center – History and Archives Golden Horseshoe test consultation and online resources for students