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Bingo Springboard” An Introductory Activity. B I N G O. Directions: Randomly fill in each box with a different phrase from your list. This will be your bingo card for the game. See sample below:. SAMPLE ONLY. I will show one cartoon at a time.  Look carefully at each cartoon. 

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bingo Springboard” An Introductory Activity B I N G O

  2. Directions: Randomly fill in each box with a different phrase from your list. This will be your bingo card for the game. See sample below: SAMPLE ONLY

  3. I will show one cartoon at a time.  Look carefully at each cartoon.  If the concept illustrated within the cartoon matches with one of the words on your Bingo card, write the letter of the cartoon in that box.    We will be playing “COVER ALL” – you must cover all of the words in order to win BINGO!

  4. A

  5. B http://www.grist.org/comments/ha/1999/05/31/radon053199.gif

  6. C

  7. D

  8. http://www.cartoonaustralia.com/nik/archives/images/poll.gif E

  9. F

  10. G

  11. http://www.claybennett.com/images/archivetoons/water_glass.jpghttp://www.claybennett.com/images/archivetoons/water_glass.jpg H

  12. I

  13. http://dcnr.nv.gov/graphic/parker0602.gif J

  14. K

  15. L

  16. M http://www.fieldchemicals.co.uk/CARTOON72.gif

  17. N

  18. O

  19. P

  20. Q

  21. http://www.nearingzero.net/screen_res/nz171.jpg R

  22. http://www.nearingzero.net/screen_res/nz324.jpg S

  23. Key to Cartoon Activity: • Obesity • Radon • Allergens • Lead • Air Pollution • Mold • UV Radiation • Water Pollution • Superfund Sites • Nuclear Wastes • Birth Defects • Plastics • Pesticides • Carcinogens • Resistant Microbes • Contaminated Foods • Infertility • Mercury • Alcohol

  24. “Tox In” The City Exploring Environmental Health Science Issues Colleen Hagadorn & Judy Moffitt Biology & Chemistry Mentors South Glens Falls High School

  25. HEADLINES • Antiperspirants Cause Breast Cancer • Warning: Febreze is Toxic to Pet! • Dioxins Released by Freezing Water Bottles • Chlorinated Water Causes Cancer What’s a person supposed to think?

  26. Environmental Health -Then & Now "If you want to learn about the health of a population, look at the air they breath, the water they drink, and the places where they live.“ - Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, in the Fifth Century BC.

  27. What is Environmental Health Science? The field of science that studies how the environment influences human health and disease.

  28. ENVIRONMENT Environment = Natural Environment + Human-made Environment + Social Environment

  29. Sources of Environmental Hazards & Hazards BRAINSTORM • Look at the Tox Town Scene for Activity #1 • Identify Potential Sources of Environmental Hazards • Identifythe Potential Hazards associated with each source

  30. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES Today, the environmental health sciences aren't entirely about pesticides and other chemical pollutants in our air and water. The definition of "environmental health" has broadened to include the environment we create for ourselves (by smoking or not smoking, and by our diet, for example). It also includes the medicines and other therapies we are prescribed, our occupations and places of work, and our lifestyles: Are we couch potatoes or joggers? Sexually reckless or responsible? Listening to loud music or keeping the volume down? http://www.niehs.nih.gov/oc/factsheets/ead/healthy.htm

  31. City Scene For Activity #1

  32. Farm Scene For Activity #1

  33. Home Scene For Activity #1

  34. For Activity #1 Town Scene

  35. How Does Environmental Health Sciences Differ From How Humans Affect the Environment (Ecology)? Activity #2 -Think, Pair, Share Do Think/Pair/Share Activity

  36. Ecology Ecology - How Humans Affect Environment May study how water pollution is harming fish

  37. Environmental Health Science Environmental HealthScientist May study how eating the fish is harming humans. Focus is on HUMANHealth

  38. Examples of Environmental Hazards that Cause Human Health Problems • Pesticides/Herbicides • Arsenic • Lead • Mold • Carbon monoxide • Asbestos • Benzene • Electromagnetic Fields • Alcohol • Radon • Ozone • Particulate Matter • Tobacco • Dioxins • Noise Pollution

  39. TOXICITY • Toxicology — the study of how environmental hazards, such as natural and human-made chemicals, can enter our bodies and make us sick • Toxicity — a measure of the danger of a chemical

  40. TOXIN • Toxicant (Poison)— A chemical capable of producing a harmful reaction in a living organism.

  41. IS THIS CHEMICAL A TOXIN? Read Activity #3 Article and Decide

  42. IS THIS CHEMICAL A TOXIN? DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE • The dangers of dihydrogen monoxide include: • Also called "hydroxylacid", a major component of acid rain; • Contributes to soil erosion; • Contributes to the greenhouse effect; •  Accelerates corrosion and breakdown of electrical equipment; • Excessive ingestion may cause various unpleasant effects; • Prolonged contact with its solid form results in severe tissue damage; • Inhalation, even in small quantities, may cause death; • Its gaseous form may cause severe burns; • It has been found in the tumors of terminal cancer patients; • Withdrawal by those addicted to it causes certain death within 168 hrs Nevertheless, governments and corporations continue using it widely, heedless of its grave dangers.

  43. Is This Chemical a Toxin? Read the news headline on the next slide:

  44. Police: Student Died From ‘Water Intoxication’ During Hazing POSTED: Tuesday, May 6, 2003 Plattsburgh, New York-- The death of a freshman pledging the Psi Epsilon Chi fraternity at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh has led to 11 members being charged with 150 crimes, including hazing and negligent homicide, at the conclusion of the police investigation. The freshman reportedly died of hydroneutremia, or water intoxication, which caused swelling of the brain. So, is water a toxicant????

  45. Any chemical can be toxic if you eat, drink, or absorb too much of it.

  46. THE DOSE MAKES THE POISON “All substances are poisons; there is none that is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy.” Paracelsus (1493-1541)

  47. SOURCE OF EXPOSURE A hazard’s point of origin, such as cars, industry, farming, etc.

  48. ENVIRONMENTAL PATHWAY Means of getting from the source to us. Can include: * air we breath * water we drink * food we eat * soil in which we play and grow food

  49. EXPOSURE EXPOSURE -- the term used to describe the total amount of a hazard that comes in direct contact with your body.


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