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**"Innovations in 3D Imaging: Techniques and Applications"**

Explore advanced techniques in structured light and active ranging for geometric computer vision applications, with insights into unstructured light, time-of-flight methods, and space-time analysis. Dive into the challenges and solutions for triangulation scanners, material properties, and space-time analysis advancements. Get ready to delve into multi-stripe triangulation methods, time-coded light patterns, and pulsed time-of-flight technologies for precise depth imaging.

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**"Innovations in 3D Imaging: Techniques and Applications"**

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Structured light and active ranging techniquesClass 8

  2. Geometric Computer Vision course schedule(tentative)

  3. Today’s class • unstructured light • structured light • time-of-flight (some slides from Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Brian Curless)

  4. A Taxonomy

  5. A taxonomy

  6. Unstructured light project texture to disambiguate stereo

  7. Space-time stereo Davis, Ramamoothi, Rusinkiewicz, CVPR’03

  8. Space-time stereo Davis, Ramamoothi, Rusinkiewicz, CVPR’03

  9. Space-time stereo Zhang, Curless and Seitz, CVPR’03

  10. Space-time stereo Zhang, Curless and Seitz, CVPR’03 • results

  11. Triangulation

  12. Triangulation: Moving theCamera and Illumination • Moving independently leads to problems with focus, resolution • Most scanners mount camera and light source rigidly, move them as a unit

  13. Triangulation: Moving theCamera and Illumination

  14. Triangulation: Moving theCamera and Illumination (Rioux et al. 87)

  15. Laser Camera Triangulation: Extending to 3D • Possibility #1: add another mirror (flying spot) • Possibility #2: project a stripe, not a dot Object

  16. Triangulation Scanner Issues • Accuracy proportional to working volume(typical is ~1000:1) • Scales down to small working volume(e.g. 5 cm. working volume, 50 m. accuracy) • Does not scale up (baseline too large…) • Two-line-of-sight problem (shadowing from either camera or laser) • Triangulation angle: non-uniform resolution if too small, shadowing if too big (useful range: 15-30)

  17. Triangulation Scanner Issues • Material properties (dark, specular) • Subsurface scattering • Laser speckle • Edge curl • Texture embossing

  18. Space-time analysis Curless ‘95

  19. Space-time analysis Curless ‘95

  20. Projector as camera

  21. Multi-Stripe Triangulation • To go faster, project multiple stripes • But which stripe is which? • Answer #1: assume surface continuity e.g. Eyetronics’ ShapeCam

  22. Real-time system Koninckx and Van Gool

  23. Real-time scanning system Rusinckiewicz et al. Siggraph02 SzymonRusinckiewicz talk Friday 20/11 at 11:15 in ETZ E9 (in context of PhD defense Thibaut Weise, also 20/11 at 15:00 in ETF C109)

  24. In-hand modeling Weise et al. CVPR08

  25. Multi-Stripe Triangulation • To go faster, project multiple stripes • But which stripe is which? • Answer #2: colored stripes (or dots)

  26. Multi-Stripe Triangulation • To go faster, project multiple stripes • But which stripe is which? • Answer #3: time-coded stripes

  27. Time-Coded Light Patterns • Assign each stripe a unique illumination codeover time [Posdamer 82] Time Space

  28. An idea for a project? Bouget and Perona, ICCV’98

  29. Pulsed Time of Flight • Basic idea: send out pulse of light (usually laser), time how long it takes to return

  30. Pulsed Time of Flight • Advantages: • Large working volume (up to 100 m.) • Disadvantages: • Not-so-great accuracy (at best ~5 mm.) • Requires getting timing to ~30 picoseconds • Does not scale with working volume • Often used for scanning buildings, rooms, archeological sites, etc.

  31. Depth cameras 2D array of time-of-flight sensors e.g. Canesta’s CMOS 3D sensor jitter too big on single measurement, but averages out on many (10,000 measurements100x improvement)

  32. Depth cameras 3DV’s Z-cam • Superfast shutter + standard CCD • cut light off while pulse is coming back, then I~Z • but I~albedo (use unshuttered reference view)

  33. AM Modulation Time of Flight • Modulate a laser at frequencym ,it returns with a phase shift  • Note the ambiguity in the measured phase! Range ambiguity of 1/2mn

  34. AM Modulation Time of Flight • Accuracy / working volume tradeoff(e.g., noise ~ 1/500 working volume) • In practice, often used for room-sized environments (cheaper, more accurate than pulsed time of flight)

  35. Shadow Moire

  36. Depth from focus/defocus Nayar’95

  37. Next class: structure from motion

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