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Southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, VIETNAM Gulf of Tonkin, and South China Sea, alongside China, Laos, and Cambodia National holiday: Independence Day, 2 September (1945) Area: total: 329,560 sq km land: 325,360 sq km water: 4,200 sq km Population: 81,624,716 (July 2003 est.) 81,624,716 (July 2003 est.)
The Method Wells-kind and Method of Impulse Notron • Wells - kind of geophysical researches spent for reconnaissance oil and gas fields and founded on sounding by neutrons of rocks, intercrossed by well. The neutron logging is included in group of methods of radiation logging encompassing all kinds of bore-hole surveyings with the help of radoactive radiations a method pulse neutron - neutron logging (INNC), offered in 1957. Г.Н.Флеровым [3] and founded on measurement of relation of intensity of thermal neutrons in rock from time, elapsed after a momentum of fast neutrons of a source. The pulse neutron-source is served by the generator, in which one the neutrons will be derivated at the expense of reacting D+T+He+n on thetarget with tritium under operating accelerated up to energy 100 кэv of ions of deuterium, with pulse modulation of an ionic current of a handset. The indicator is served by boric meters of thermal neutrons. The recording circuit contains a temporary analyzer, which one allows to excrete signals from neutrons, coming to the indicator in given period ò after termination a momentum of neutrons. The number of such neutrons descends on exponential law • N (t) ~exp (-t/t)? Where t - life time of thermal neutrons in rock. The more interval of delay t, the more strongly depends registered intensity n on parameter t, the value which one is connected to salinity of a seam. With such instrumentation itwas possible to receive 10-multipledistinctions in the testimonies against oil and water in regions with high salinity of waters. • The major feature of all methods NC- that with their help, due to a large penetrating power both neutron, and g-radiation, is possible to inspect a cut of rocks through a steel casing and for tubal cement, that allows to search for the leaked oil horizons in aged wells, and also to spend researches in exploited wells. • System consist of two following systems: • Data-processing system above ground. • Data-transmission system from an oil-well on a surface of the Earth
These pictures were removed on ranges: On grounds. On the sea.
Picture of present of iron range on the sea : This picture is provisional to present herself as will iron range. And really place of a presence of petroleum very deep
Picture of present of iron range : This picture is provisional to present herself as will iron range. And really place of a presence of petroleum very deep
Data-transmission system from oil-well on surface of the Earth. In the field of geologic and oil reconnaissance, in Vietnam the device so-called a neutron pulse generator will be used. It is the generator generates neutrons and beams in environment, With the help of a neutron detector, which one registers of reflected neutrons from environment, it is possible to learn interesting parameters for medium, including oil. And so after gimleting or during this of operations the pulse neutron generator with the detector in logging is released to learn property of environment. Except for the neutron generator, we made the device - head with a constant source of neutron activity of uranium - beryllium for this problem. The data-transmission system from an oil-well on a surface of the Earth or on a surface of the sea is, that for prospecting gimleting of oil on ground or by the sea, sometimes length of gimleting is reached 500-800 meters (sometimes more), that is handicapped to postpone the stall cables for data transfer from the detector, which one is in the head of gimleting. Besides in a burn-time very large oscillation between the head of gimleting and turrets, which one is above ground or oversea (specially by the sea because of flow of water in a bottom a layer), is approximately rotund in figure 4. that is longer than a cable, than worse for stability and reliability of activity of a cable, and also the cost will be more. It yet does not allow other facts influential in cables, for example corrosion and so on. Before multicore cable in it of conditions often to leave from a formation! It is necessary xchange new. To avoid from it, we made a transmission system data on a single-conductor cable from the head of gimleting on a surface of the Earth or seas (flowcharts is rotined on rice 1,2.). One temporarily we have made other installation for replacement of the pulse neutron generator. It is a constant neutron source (Plutonium - Beryllium) with the detector Neutrons. In a structure of a system are available following: - The head with the detector both repeater and neutron-source - A cable system and ropes. The flowchart of this system are demonstrated in figures 1,2,3,4. principle of operation of this system thus: The pulses registering by the detector ac in the amplifier, then in an Time-digital converter, where will be converted in a digital kind further act in the scheme URT, which one works in a simplex mode, that the data transfer only in one of directions allows, and it gives increase a transfer rate. over ground (or above the seas) from a cable the data act in receiving URT, which one is treated by these data in a digital kind and is transmitted in PC for processing.(flowcharts is rotined on rice 3,4).
Detector Amp.. p. To the cable Power-sup & HV Figure 1, Block-diagram of a nose cone of This system
Counter Display & Printer From the cable Filter-unit Power supplier Unit Figure 2, Block-diagram of the second part of this system
Detec-tor Amplifier Control system & control logic TDC-converter Power supplier & Power converter for HVower converter fo URT URT- Unit To the Cable Figure 3, Block-diagram of the maiden part of this system
Data-processing system above ground Above ground (or above the seas) we have a data-processing system going from a data-transmission system from an oil well. Above ground (or above the seas) from a cable the data go in receiving URT, which one processes these data and is passed in PC for processing. Here as personal computer Notebook Company "Sony", which one is present Frequency 266 MHz, 128Мб of memory, 4 Gb Head Disk, analog-digital converter 4096. Practically Notebook plays a role a multiway analyzer available operational modes: the accumulation of the going data, supervision of a registered spectrum, data storage is simultaneous with supervision , conclusion of the registered spectrum in the data plotter or Printer, clearing of memory, record in memory for РС. The modes can be established manually or on commands РС. The supervision of the registered spectra is made on a Screen РС or on the data plotter. The number of channels injected on an axis Х, can be established equal 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096. On an axes for spectra can is injected in linear or logarithmic scale. It is an analyzer has two operational modes: In maiden he works in a mode of the timing analysis. And in the second amplitude analysis. For irradiation the sample serves a Gamma a source Сези-137. The portative semi conducting detector - ultra-pure silicon 40 cubical centimeters with the sanction 1,3 Kev (Company Canberra). Certainly it only preliminary analysis to learn some parameters, and then in labs will conduct final analysis’s with the help of an activation analysis, where the irradiation a sample implements a booster by a microtron.
Ampl Detector ADC URT-unit PC Notebook From cable Printer Filter-unit Power supplier Unit Figure 4, Block-diagram of the second part of this system
Spect of Oil simple from Drakon-Well In the sea of provins-Vung Tau of Vietnam
Now in Vietnam gets from above of 300 millions tone of oil and more 4,5 billion of cubic meters of gases. One of oil before life a place is rosined In figure Fig. 5. It is an oil-well the White tiger " is called ", in which one most oil-wells are got by oil in Vietnam.
THE END Thank you for attention