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White pine inventory dynamics in Minnesota: Review of FIA data. Alan R. Ek and Grant M. Domke Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota. aek@umn.edu January 12, 2009 – Cloquet, MN. Outline. Introduction Type area (timberland) Area by age class Area by ownership
White pine inventory dynamics in Minnesota: Review of FIA data Alan R. Ek and Grant M. Domke Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota aek@umn.edu January 12, 2009 – Cloquet, MN
Outline • Introduction • Type area (timberland) • Area by age class • Area by ownership • Species and type associations • Tree numbers • Conclusions
Introduction • WP as major timber species 1860-1920 (peak harvest 1899) • Impacts of fire and land clearing • Restoration problems (Blister rust, deer, etc.) • WP management and markets 1920-1990 • WP restoration efforts 1990+
Type area Original forestland in MN by type1 1Estimates for 1850 from the U.S. Land Office Survey.
Type areaChange in WP type acreage* *For Timberland only from 1936-2008
Type areaInterpretation of inventory data • 19th Century mapping lacks precision and detail for precise interpretation / comparisons • FIA methodology has changed several times since early inventories • WP is small percentage of the forest and thus subject to large sampling error • Type classification system error is also an important factor in precision and interpretation
Area by age class Acreage x age class distribution - Federal
Area by age class Acreage x age class distribution – Local* * County, etc.
Species and type associationsWP growing stock volume by type group 2008
Species and type associations Total GS volume (all species) for WP type*
Species and type associations Annual net growth of GS for WP type
Species and type associations Annual GS mortality for WP type
Species and Type Associations WP species harvest 2004-2008 Estimates from Minnesota’s Forest Resources 2004-2008, MN DNR Division of Forestry
Tree numbers FIA Forest plots containing WP - 2008 • 1 in every 16 plots contains a live WP tree • 276 FIA plots…(1 in 16) contain a live WP tree • 6166 FIA plots in total for 2004-2008 period. • Thus 4.5 % of plots have a live WP tree • Given 16,990,266 million acres of Forest, approximately 760,000+ acres have a live WP tree • Note map includes BWCAW plots with WP
Tree NumbersNumber of WP by size class* and region** *Saplings: ≤ 4.9 inches, Poletimber: 5.0 – 8.9 inches, Sawtimber: 9.0+ inches “-” Data not available **Region 1 Aspen - Birch 2 Northern Pine 3 Central Hardwood 4 Prairie
Tree numbersNumber of WP by ownership *Saplings: ≤ 4.9 inches, Poletimber: 5.0 – 8.9 inches, Sawtimber: 9.0+ inches
Tree numbersAnnual WP mortality (Number of trees*) *Poletimber: 5.0 – 8.9 inches, Sawtimber: 9.0+ inches
Conclusions • WP was and remains present in all FIA units • WP type and tree numbers dramatically reduced in extent from early settlement period • WP now concentrated in NC and NE MN • WP tree and type restoration efforts appear to be working but are insufficient to grow the type acreage • Given WP as small percentage of forest, interpret FIA data with caution