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Comparative Culture: Sexual Harassment

Comparative Culture: Sexual Harassment. 5/27/2013 Scott A. DeWaelsche. Final Essay. Persuasive Essay Choose a controversial social issue for your topic 750 to 1000 words Double spaced 12 point font Arial or Times New Roman font. Final Essay.

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Comparative Culture: Sexual Harassment

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  1. Comparative Culture: Sexual Harassment 5/27/2013 Scott A. DeWaelsche

  2. Final Essay • Persuasive Essay • Choose a controversial social issue for your topic • 750 to 1000 words • Double spaced • 12 point font • Arialor Times New Romanfont

  3. Final Essay • Always cite a source clearly when using their information, especially when using their exact words (In this case, a quotation should be used with a clear source citation). • You need to synthesize the information. 정보를 통합해야 한다. • Use your own words. • Paper copy to be turned in on Monday, June 10. (we will meet but not for a full session)

  4. Final Essay • Have three credible sources • Sources should not include sites like About.com, Ehow, or Wikipedia • Look at sample essays on our website for a guide. • Look for an essay template on the class site. • Turn in your essay to me by the class session in final exam week – June 10. • Please bring me a printed copy of your essay.

  5. Final Essay • Should include and introduction and conclusion. • Have a thesis statement in your introduction. A thesis statement is one sentence that states your argument. http://tipsforresearchpapersandessays.blogspot.kr/2008/12/thesis-statement-examples.html

  6. Final Essay • I recommend a standard five paragraph essay structure: P1-Introduction P2-Main point one P3-Main point two P4-Main point three P5-Conclusion

  7. Final Essay Introduction – Tell them what you’re going to tell them. P2-P4 – Tell them. Conclusion – Tell them what you told them

  8. Final essay • To find good scholarly journal articles try the libraries page on the Suwon University website. • JSTOR is a commonly used, reliable source for scholarly journal articles. You can find it in ejournals on the libraries page. • http://lib.suwon.ac.kr/DLiWeb20/components/common/WebPageLocator/WebPageLocator.aspx?m_var=469

  9. MLA Style • All citations should be in MLA style. Visit this website to see examples of citations: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ To create citations, try: http://www.easybib.com/

  10. Sexual Harassment – Scenario 1 Kylie is 16-years-old and recently started a summer job at a hamburger/hotdog take-out restaurant. She works mostly with other teens, and her manager, Jason, is 23-years-old. During her first week of work, Jason would sometimes wink or smile at Kylie, and she found it exciting to be noticed by someone attractive and older.

  11. Now, into Kylie’s second week, Jason whistles at her when she arrives for her shift every day and regularly jokes that she must get a lot of dates with a mature body like hers. He also tells her that she should consider going on a date with him because “older guys are more experienced than high school boys.”

  12. Even though Kylie has no interest in dating Jason, and these comments make her uncomfortable, she has noticed him saying similar things to other female workers who go along with it, so she worries she is overreacting. Kylie is also afraid to say something because Jason is the manager, and she needs the work to save money over the summer.

  13. Sexual Harassment – Scenario 2 While at work, Nina frequently makes personal phone calls to her friends. Her conversations are loud and generously sprinkled with foul and obscene language. Her co-workers in nearby cubicles cannot help but overhear Her conversations. Can Nina's behavior be interpreted as sexually harassing? If no, explain why not. If yes, explain why.

  14. What is sexual harassment? As a class, come up with a definition of sexual harassment. It may be difficult to develop a definition that everyone agrees on. Remember that sexual harassment is full of subtleties and gray areas, which can make it difficult to clearly define and identify.

  15. What is sexual harassment? The following questions may be helpful in developing a definition: • “What makes flirting different from sexual harassment?” • “Is it easy or difficult to tell the difference?” • “How can you tell when the line has been crossed between a flirting behavior and a harassing behavior?” • “What types of feelings may a person experience as a result of this type of behavior?”

  16. Sexual Harassment – U.S.A Definition of sexual harassment developed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): “Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects:

  17. Sexual Harassment – U.S.A • An individual’s employment, • unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or • Creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.”(EEOC, 1980)

  18. Sexual Harassment – U.S.A Summarized definition: • Unwelcomed sexual advances or requests for sexual favors • Behavior of a sexual nature that is unwanted, unwelcome, and repeated • Can be visual, verbal, or physical

  19. Sexual Harassment – U.S.A • Both harassers and victims can be anyone. • Harassment can come from fellow co-workers, supervisors, or even from people who don’t work with you (such as clients or customers). • Harassers can be the same or opposite sex as the worker.

  20. Sexual Harassment – U.S.A Types of sexual harassment: the EEOC recognizes two types of sexual harassment in the workplace: quid pro quo and hostile work environment.

  21. Sexual Harassment – U.S.A Quid Pro Quo sexual harassment means “this for that.” This type of sexual harassment usually involves a supervisor, employer, or coworker who uses threats, or promises of rewards in exchange for sexual favors.

  22. Examples of Threats: • Getting fired • Getting a bad evaluation • Not getting a raise or promotion • Being excluded from a group • Not getting a preferred work schedule • Reduced work hours

  23. Examples of Rewards: • Getting hired • Getting a promotion • Getting a raise or other special treatment • Getting a preferred work schedule • Being included as part of a group • Getting a better grade or review on an evaluation

  24. The second type of sexual harassment in the workplace is when a hostile work environment is created. This type of sexual harassment is caused by repeated actions, comments, behaviors or objects that create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

  25. behaviors that are repeated by the harasser, unwelcome and unwanted by the victim qualify as sexual harassment. For example, if a supervisor makes a comment the behavior is never repeated, the single incident is not likely to qualify as sexual harassment unless it is repeated.

  26. Examples of a hostile work environment: • Regular use of sexually offensive language • Sexual jokes • Sexual gestures • Sexual pictures or graphic calendars • Lewd notes • Sexual graffiti • Screen saver with nude or scantily clad bodies • Emails with sexual jokes, pictures, or comments • One incident of sexual assault

  27. Flirting versus harassing? Sometimes it can be confusing to draw the line between flirting and sexual harassment, making it difficult to identify whether sexual harassment is occurring. With a partner or in a small group, discuss what you think the differences are between flirting and harassing.

  28. Flirting versus harassing The difference between flirting and sexual harassment is the nature of the behavior and how it makes the other person feel.

  29. Flirting versus harassing? Flirting can feel exciting, silly, fun, and playful or make a person feel good to be noticed, or attracted to the other person. Flirting is mutual, wanted on both sides, and makes each person feel in control. Unlike flirting, sexual harassment is unwanted, makes a person feel threatened, uncomfortable, uneasy, disgusted, embarrassed or lacking control of the situation.

  30. Harassment training video The following video is a common training video human resources departments may show employees at a sexual harassment awareness meeting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAxu68ZlQwQ

  31. Three methods There are three methods through which harassment can be carried out: visual, verbal, and physical. What are some examples of each?

  32. Pair work - scenarios Read each scenario with your partner and answer the following questions. Be prepared to share your scenario and answers with the class.

  33. Pair work - scenarios Is this sexual harassment? Quid pro quo or hostile work environment? What behaviors tell you what type of sexual harassment this is or isn’t? Who are the harasser and target? What can or should the target do?

  34. Sexual harassment: Korea Sexual harassment in Korea According to the Gender Equal Employment Act (GEEA – Ariticle 12) Sexual harassment in the workplace refers to behavior or language by an employer (CEO), manager or worker who through her/his position at work or who in a work-related situation causes a worker  1. to experience feelings of sexual humiliation or aversion; or2. to suffer disadvantages in employment for having refused a sexual approach or request.

  35. Sexual harassment: Korea According the GGE Act, the intent of the accused harasser does not determine whether his/her language or behavior constituted sexual harassment, but rather 1. the subjective feelings of the victim 2. how any other reasonable person would have judged and reacted under the circumstances3. Whether or not work efficiency was impeded.

  36. Sexual harassment: Korea Harassers can be- employers, managers, workers , co-workers and subordinates, third party (not employed by the same company), including vendors and customers. They can be female or male. Victims can be - colleagues, workers, subordinates, job applicants, male or female

  37. Sexual harassment: Korea Inside or Outside the WorkplaceIf it occurs outside the workplace in a work-related event, the behavior may be considered sexual harassment. Circumstances outside the workplace can include inside a car on a business trip, dinner events, parties, karaoke, etc.

  38. Sexual harassment: Korea Examples of Workplace Verbal Sexual Harassment1. unwanted pressure for sexual favors2. repeatedly asking out a person who is not interested3. requiring someone from work to pour drinks at a restaurant, bar or dinner event4. calling someone a babe, girl, honey, hunk or stud.....5. telling sexual jokes

  39. Sexual harassment: Korea 6. making comments about a person's body or physical appearance7. telling lies or spreading rumors about a person's sex life 8. asking someone about her/his sexual fantasies, history or preferences9. asking personal questions someone's social or sexual life

  40. Sexual harassment: Korea Examples of Workplace Non-verbal Workplace Sexual Harassment1. hanging around or following a person2. repeatedly giving personal gifts3. displaying sexually suggestive visuals4. sending inappropriate e-mail, faxes, or letters

  41. Sexual harassment: Korea 5. making facial expressions such as winking, throwing kisses, or licking lips6. making sexual hand gestures or body movements7. giving a person an 'up-and-down' look8. staring at someone (ogling)

  42. Sexual harassment: Korea Consequences for VictimsAccording to the Act, employees who have complained about sexual harassment are not to be penalized for that complaint.  Nor are they to be subject to any intimidation by the alleged harasser, her/his team, or the employer.

  43. Differences between US and Korea Review the handout about laws in the US and Korea. With your group discuss the differences and similarities. Do employers and managers follow these rules in Korean businesses? If not, how are things changing?

  44. Differences between US and Korea Watch the following video clip from the American drama Mad Men. It is a shoe about the advertising business in the 1960s in New York. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2FZOCgZe8k

  45. Differences between US and Korea Are there similarities between what Peggy experiences in her office in Mad Men and the office environment in Korean offices? Explain.

  46. Firing of the Presidential aide What impact will the firing of the presidential aide have on office policy, if any? What do you believe should be done to the aide? What should happen to anyone who behaves this way? What arguments would you make for solutions to this problem in Korea?

  47. Class Website www.sdewaelscheusw.weebly.com

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