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„The Bundes-SGK“ Social Democratic Association for Local Government Responding to a Systematic Crisis – Asian social Democrats in Search of Policy and Practical Solutions Conference Manila, 20-23 May 2009. Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK.
„The Bundes-SGK“Social Democratic Associationfor Local GovernmentResponding to a Systematic Crisis – Asian social Democrats in Search of Policy and Practical SolutionsConference Manila, 20-23 May 2009 Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
1. Importanceoflocalgovernment (andoflocalrepresentatives) forthe SPD 2. The Bundes-SGK • Tasks andaims • Positions • Structureandmembership • Howdoesthe Bundes-SGK operate? - Service provider - Lobbying and Networking • Cooperationbetween SGK and SPD Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
Importance of local government for the SPD State structure – Local government in Germany Federal structure – 3 layers • Federal state • 16 Länder (states) with own legislative, executive und judicative powers • The over 12.000 local authorities belong to the Länder • Each state (Land) has its own constitution for municipalities and counties/districts (Gemeinde- und Kreisordnungen) ( • Local self-government (autonomy) enshrined in German Basic Law (Art 28.2): “Municipalities must be guaranteed the right to regulate all local affairs on their own responsibility, within the limits prescribed by the laws. (…) The guarantee of self- government shall extend to the bases of financial autonomy” Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
Importance of local government for the SPD Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
Importance of local government for the SPD Local government close to the people: • Organising and designing the framework for the living together of people, especially of workers and employees, has always been major issue for social democracy • In municipalities social democratic ideas and concepts can be implemented directly Hamburg Programme of 2007 - Principal guidelines of the SPD “Local communities shape social welfare and everyday life of people. It is in the communities where the decision is taken whether all children get support in their early childhood. Here we observe whether people of various cultures are living together or in parallel. Here it becomes apparent whether adolescents organize their leisure time in a meaningful way, if the elderly remain integrated and if people feel safe in public places. This applies to rural areas and big cities likewise. It is the local and regional sphere of life with its unique history and culture offering a home, community and security in change.” “Therefore we are strengthening local self-government improving its quality and enlarging its freedom of organization. We are enlarging the communities’ financial scope for action without conferring tasks on them void of funds needed.” Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
Importance of local government for the SPD Local level played an important role for the SPD after World War II: • Important role of SPD mayors and local representatives in the reconstruction of the cities • In the years of opposition on the federal level: successful work in cities entails successful elections at the local level. This is the basis for successful elections of the SPD at federal and state level (Länder) in the sixties and seventies • 1975 first SPD local policy programme Willy Brandt: social democratic local representatives are backbone of the SPD • Through their work local representatives of the SPD gain important experience and expertise and can make an important contribution to the development of social democracy as well as policy making at federal and state level (Länder) • Important reservoir for the recruitment of members of parliament etc. and leading politicians: (Willy Brandt, Johannes Rau, Hans-Jochen Vogel, Franz Müntefering, Peter Struck, Kurt Beck, Matthias Platzeck etc.) Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
Importance of local government for the SPD 1978 Foundation of the Bundes-SGK • 1977 Willy Brandt and Egon Bahr: creation of an own / autonomous organisation for SPD councillors and local representatives because of the importance of local government for the SPD (Landes-SGKs had already been founded in Northrhine-Westfalia, Schleswig-Holstein and Rhineland-Palatinate before) • CDU already had an own organisation for local government since 1948 Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKTasks and aims Bundes-SGK: Federation and voice of SPD councillors and local representatives Tasks and aims • lobbying • training und information • consultation und development of working aids • development of policies and common positions • networking and representation Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKPositions Strong municipalities • Strengthen local self-government • Ensure local finances People first! Improve social cohesion – Ensure equal living opportunities preventive social welfare state - Personal responsibility and equal opportunities • Strengthen and improve public services • Economic and labour market policies designed to facilitate job creation • Better policies for children, young people („Social rise through education“), families, and aged • Improve social urban development and housing policy • Improve integration of migrants Prepare municipalities for the future • Proceed with ambitious climate protection and energy policies • Promote cooperation between municipalities • Strengthen local democracy • Modernise administration Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKStructure and membership Bundes-SGK and 16 Landes-SGKs are associations (legal form) • Bundes-SGK has approx. 25.000 Members (2008) • Membership is open to all persons interested in local government who are committed to the values of social democracy (SPD members, without party membership, but no members of other parties) • Through membership in Landes-SGK automatic membership in Bundes-SGK • Membership fees are paid to the respective Landes-SGK; the Landes-SGK then pass on a fixed amount to the Bundes-SGK Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKStructure and membership Organs of the Bundes-SGK • Delegate assembly • Board • (Executive board) Office of the Bundes-SGK Working structure of the Bundes-SGK: Commissions, project groups, working groups Cooperation with the Landes-SGKs Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKStructure and membership Organs of the Bundes-SGK Delegate Assembly : • Elects board and auditors; sets membership fees; changes statutes; ratifies the acts of the board; adopts political resolutions etc. • 300 delegates of Landes-SGKs and 31 board members Delegate Assembly 2008 in Erfurt Elections: • Chairman of the Bundes-SGK: Dr. Gerhard Langemeyer; Mayor, Dortmund • Deputy Chairpersons of the Bundes-SGK Gabriele Groneberg; Member of Federal Parliament, Councillor, Cloppenburg Jürgen Kanehl; Chairman of SPD-group in the District Council of Ostvorpommern, Chairman of SGK Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Wolgast Sabine Röhl, Landrätin, District of Bad Dürkheim Annette Sawade, Deputy Chairperson of the of the SPD-group in the Council of Stuttgart Dagmar Szabados, Mayor, Halle/Saale Resolutions: Erfurt Declaration (demands to the federal state and the Länder in view of national elections 2009), Expectations and demands in view of the European elections, resolutions on climate protection, rural areas etc. Speakers: Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Hibertus Heil, Olaf Scholz, Wolfgang Tiefensee, Martin Schulz Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKStructure and membership Organs ofthe Bundes-SGK Board: • Budget; ratificationofactsofthemanagement; work plan; politicalresolutions etc. • 31 regularmembers: - 25 electedbytheDelegateAssembly :chairperson; 5 deputychairpersons; treasurer, secretary, 17 furthermembers- 4 nominatedbytheboardofthe SPD- Executive directorofthe Bundes-SGK- Secretary General ofthe SPD • Cooptedmembers- Chairpersons of Landes-SGKs- highrankingsocialdemocrats in federal non-partylocalgovernmentassociationsandfurtherhighrankingsocialdemocrats in associations- Bundesgeschäftsführer der SPD- Chairperson anddeputiesofworkinggroup on localgovernmentaffairsofthe SPD group in the Federal Parliament Managing board: preparesresolutionsoftheboardandsupportsworkofthemanagement Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKStructure and membership Office of the Bundes-SGK in Berlin (right next to headquarters of the SPD) Executive Manager: Detlef Raphael (seit 1998) • management, representaion of Bundes-SGK, counselling for direct elections (i.e. of mayors) and local elections etc. • finances, economic affairs, labour market, local democracy, rural areas etc. Deputy Executive Manager: Dr. Manfred Sternberg • administration, management, finances of the Bundes-SGK, reports on local and direct elections • public services, urban development, traffic and transport, environment, energy, big cities etc. 2 Officers: Peter Hamon • european & international affairs etc. • public relations, event management, publications etc.. Monika Müller (part-time) • social affairs, health, family etc.. 2 Secretaries: Alice Fröhling Renate Wutke Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKStructure and membership 16 Landes-SGKs have same tasksandaimsandprovidesimilarservices on thestate (Land) levelasthe Bundes-SGK on thefederallevel SGK Northrhine-Westfalia: • ownoffices in Düsseldorf • 8 employees (ofwhich 2 part-time) All other Landes-SGKs: • 5 withownoffices , 9 located in officesof SPD branches; 1 withoutoffices • 10 employees Mitarbeiter (ofwhich 2 part-time); ca. 12 voluntarystaff County/district SGKs (onlyvoluntarystafflocated in SPD branches) Some Landes-SGKs receivefundsfromthestate(Land) fortrainingandqualificationoflocalrepresentatives. Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKStructure and membership Commissionsandprojectgroups(max. 2 meetings per year) do preparatoryworkfortheboard, prepareresolutionsandparticipate in thepreparationofpublications, events etc. • Commission on „Financeandeconomy“ • Commission „Urban developmentandtechnicalinfrastructure“ • Commission „Socialaffairs, family, education und health“ • Commission „European and international affairs“ • Commission „Localdemocracy / honoraryofficeandlocalgovernment“ • Project groups on „Culture“ and „Sports“ Working groups • Working group „Big Cities“ • Working group „Rural Areas“ Meetings oftheexecutivemanagersofthe Bundes-SGK andthe Landes-SGKs • coordinationoftheworkandtheactivitiesofthe Bundes-SGK andthe Landes-SGKs • exchangeofinformationandexperience Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKStructure and membership Financesofthe Bundes-SGK Incomings - Financing • Membership fees (2008: 302.000 €) • Subsidyofthefederal SPD (310.000 €) • Other revenues (2008: 158.000 €): sponsoring, exhibitionsatconferencesanddelegateassemblies, publications, attendancefees (seminarsandconferences) Expenses 2008: ca. 831.000 € Annual auditing– 4 electedauditorsandauditingcompany Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKStructure and membership Membership fees Example Membership fees of the SGK Brandenburg Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKStructure and membership Union of Socialist Local and Regional Representatives in Europe (USLRRE) The USLRRE • is a network committed to the reinforcement of local self- government • promotes the exchange of ideas, information and experience amongst socialist local and regional representatives • encourages cooperation between the socialist groups in European institutions and organisations relevant to local government • encourages contacts and cooperation between the social democratic parties and their local government organisations Part ofthePES network/ Observermemberof PES Membership of the USLRRE is open to all member parties of the Party of European Socialists (PES) or their organisations for local government. 12 activemembersandfurtherassociatedmembers 2 Bureaumeetingsandconferences per year Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKHow does the BundesSGK operate? Service provider • Legal advice for SPD groups in local councils (Landes-SGKs) • Opportunities for training and qualification • Development of practical working aids for local representatives • Information on important ongoing matters relevant to local authorities (law projects etc.) • Opportunities for exchange of experience and discussion • Advice and consultation on local and direct election campaigning • Finding of candidates for direct elections • Finding of speakersfor events and of experts for projects • Report on local and direct elections Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKHow does the BundesSGK operate? Service provider • Seminars - on practical topics (i.e. budget), - on specific local policy topics (local integration policies) - soft skills (management, public relations) - preparation of local elections and direct elections of mayors and Landräte • Social Democratic Local Academy • Conferences on local policy topics (i.e. climate protection, public services etc.) • Publications – DEMO magazine, books, position papers, discussion papers, argumentation aids, magazines of Landes-SGK, Information letters by email, DEMO Newsletter, websites Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGK Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKHow does the BundesSGK operate? Lobbying and networking Representation of interests (lobby) for social democratic local representatives on the federal level (federal parliament, federal council, federal government) • attendance at meetings of the SPD group in the Federal Parliament • attendance at working groups of the SPD group in the Federal Parliament (especially in the working group on local government) • attendance at conferences of chairpersons of the SPD parliamentary groups of the Federal and the Länder Parliaments • conferences of speakers (on different policy fields) of the federal and the Länder Parliaments • attendance at coordination meetings of SPD departmental ministers of the Länder • Contacts with federal ministries • Contacts with SPD group in the European Parliament • Contacts with trade unions and associations Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKHow does the BundesSGK operate? Lobbying and networking • Chairman of the Bundes-SGK is coopted member of the SPD board • Executive manager of the Bundes-SGK is permanent guest in the meetings of the SPD board and the SPD council • attendance in meetings of the managing directors of the Land and district SPD Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKHow does the BundesSGK operate? Lobbying and networking Cooperation with organisations, associations and foundations Local government associations • coordination and organisation of SPD group • promotion of common interests and positions Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES) • conferences and seminars on local policies • european and international exchange of experience • information of foreign delegations on local government in Germany • cooperation in working groups and projects of the FES Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKHow does the BundesSGK operate? Lobbying and networking Guiding principles for sucessful lobbying and networking • Comprehensive and focussed communication • Know who knows • Be quicker and better than others • Expertise • Reliability and credibility • Confidentiality, where necessary • Successful networking is based on reciprocal information / give and take Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKCooperation between SGK and SPD • Permanent cooperation between SPD headquarters and Bundes-SGK concerning all matters relevant to local government • Development of local policy positions of SPD • Coordination of policy making • Ideas and suggestions for the development of social democratic programme • Social Democratic Local Academy • Cooperation in SPD working groups • Common events and activities (i.e during electoral campaigns) • Support and assistance in finding candidates for direct elections • Representation of SPD (i.e. in Committee on Local Authorities of the Socialist International) Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGK Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGK Thank you for your attention Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGK Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK
The Bundes-SGKCooperation between SGK and SPD Peter Hamon – Bundes-SGK