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1st year evaluation meeting 18 – 19 May 2009 Hotel Marienlyst, Helsingor. D anish A ging R esearch C enter. VELUX FONDEN. Why do we age so differently?. - D A N I S H A G I N G R E S E A R C H C E N T E R - www.sdu.dk/darc. Overview of the first DARC year.
1st year evaluation meeting 18 – 19 May 2009 Hotel Marienlyst, Helsingor Danish Aging Research Center VELUX FONDEN Why do we age so differently? - D A N I S H A G I N G R E S E A R C H C E N T E R - www.sdu.dk/darc
Overview of the first DARC year Resources Challenges Achievements: Logistically Scientifically Out-reach
Tinna Stevnsner Kirsten Avlund Merete Osler Steen Kolvraa INTERNAL ADVISORY BOARD: Bernard Jeune, James W. Vaupel, Vilhelm Bohr, Erik Lykke Mortensen EXTERNAL ADVISORY BOARD: Tainen Rantanen, Boo Johansson, Hans Krokan Kaare Christensen Danish Aging Research Center Funded by the Velux Foundation AU KU Vejle KU SDU
DARC Profile: Aarhus (AU): Molecular Gerontology Copenhagen (KU): Social Epidemiology Odense (SDU): Genetic Epidemiology
Cohorts The Danish Twin Registry 1870- The Danish 1905-Cohort 1998- Centenarian studies 1895, 1905-Cohorts The Metropolit Study 1953-Cohort The 1914-Cohort in Glostrup, 1964-
The major challenge To integrate geographically separated units Tool: 6 collaborative Ph.D. / Post.doc. Projects
Christina Poulsen Hvitby Laila Bendix Christian Garm Anette Ekmann Mia Madsen Mette Sørensen Danish Aging Research Center Funded by the Velux Foundation AU KU SDU
Publications 2009: Christensen K. Aldring. Medicinsk Kompendium. I: (Red.)Schaffalitzky de Muckadell OB, Haunsø S, Vilstrup H. Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, vol. 1, 17, udgave, 2009.Sørensen M, Christensen K, Stevnsner T, Christiansen L. The Mn-superoxide dismutase single nucleotide polymorphism rs4880 and the glutathione peroxidase 1 single nucleotide polymorphism rs1050450 are associated with aging and longevity in the oldest old. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2009;130:308–314.Avlund K.Betydningen af god funktionsevne og godt netværk. I: (Red.) Riis P, Gerlach J. Ældre og psykisk sygdom – forebyggelse, behandling og omsorg. Ældreforum og Psykiatrifondens Forlag 2009: 197-210. Osler M, Madsen M, Andersen AMN, Avlund K, McGue M, Jeune B, Christensen K. Do childhood and adult socioeconomic circumstances influence health and physical function in middle-age? Soc Sci Med 2009; 68: 1425-1431. Vass M, Avlund K, Siersma V, Hendriksen C. A feasible model for prevention of functional decline in older home-dwelling people – the GP role. A municipality-randomised intervention trial. Fam Pract 2009; 26:56-64. 2008: Bronnum-Hansen H, Petersen I, Jeune B, Christensen K: Lifetime according to health status among the oldest old in Denmark. Age and Ageing 2008; doi: 10.1093/ageing/afn239.Bukowy Z, Harrigan JA, Ramsden DA, Bohr VA, Stevnsner T.WRN exonuclease activity is blocked by specific oxidatively induced base lesions positioned in either strand. Nucl.Acids Res. 2008, 36, 4975-4987. Christensen K: Some challenges and possibilities for aging research. Demographic Research 2008 ;19:1575-1586. Christensen K, McGue M, Petersen I, Jeune B, Vaupel JW: Exceptional longevity does not result in excessive levels of disability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2008;105(36):13274-9. Engberg H, Christensen K, Andersen-Ranberg K, Vaupel JW, Jeune B:Improving Activities of Daily Living in Danish Centenarians—But Only in Women: A Comparative Study of Two Birth Cohorts Born in 1895 and 1905. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008 Nov;63(11):1186-92.Engberg H, Christensen K, Andersen-Ranberg K, Jeune B. Cohort changes in cognitive function among Danish centenarians. A comparative study of 2 birth cohorts born in 1895 and 1905. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2008;26(2):153-160. Gunn DA, Murray PG, Tomlin CC, Rexbye H, Christensen K, Mayes AE: Perceived age as a biomarker of ageing: a clinical methodology. Biogerontology. 2008 Oct;9(5):357-64. Kimura M, Hjelmborg JvB, Gardner JP, Bathum L, Brimacombe M, Lu X, Christiansen L, Vaupel JW, Aviv A, Christensen K: Telomere length and mortality: a study of leukocytes in elderly Danish twins. American Journal of Epidemiology 2008;167:799-806. Oksuzyan A, Juel K, Vaupel JW, Christensen K: Males: good health and high mortality. Sex differences in health and ageing (Review). Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2008;20(2):91-10. Osler M, McGue M, Lund R, Christensen K: Marital status and twins’ health and behaviour: An analysis of middle-aged Danish twins. Psychosomatic Med 2008;70:482-7. Sander M, Avlund K, Lauritzen M, Gottlieb T, Stevnsner T, Wewer U, Bohr VA. Aging - From molecules to populations. Workshop Report. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2008; 129: 614-623. Stevnsner T, Muftuoglu M, Aaman MD, Bohr VA. The role of Cockayne Syndrome group B (CSB) protein in base excision repair and Aging (review). Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2008, 129, 441-448.
Media appearance Kirsten Avlund: Bestemmes din alder af jobbet? Interview til Nyhedsbrevet 3F, 5. maj 2009. K. Avlund: Forskningsprofessorat i gerontologi ved Københavns Universitet. Gerontologi, nr. 2, 2009, s. 8-11. Raphaëlle Rérolle: Regards de centenaires/Le temps des centenaires. Le Monde, nr. 252, 13. december 2008: s. 23-28. Elsebeth Poulsen: Sådan kommer du med blandt verdens ældste. Magasinet Helse, nr.12, december 2008: s. 40-43. Kaare Christensen: Kristina Lund Jørgensen. Ældre holder kroppen ung – Ældre vil være fit. Interview i Fyens Stiftstidende, Januar 31 2009. DR2: Stress gør ung og livet langt, Viden Om: 20. januar 2009. Mona Østerlund. En sjælden familie. Interview til Jydske Vestkysten (WAUW), 3. januar 2009. Interview til TV2 nyhederne: Kønsforskelle i praktiserende lægers henvendelser og hospitaliseringer, 19. december 2008 Lone Frank. Den grå tsunami. Interview til Weekendavisen, 12. december 2008 Thomas B.L. Kirkwood. Healthy old age (about the recently published article in PNAS on longer lives and disability). Nature (News & Views), vol. 455,9:739-740, October 2008. New York Times: Vital signs: Longevity: Independent, even in old age. The study published in PNAS “Exceptional longevity does not result in excessive levels of disability” mentioned in New York Times, 26. august 2008. KRDO News Radio/News Channel 13 (USA). Living to 100 doesn’t mean living poor, 19. august 2008. Berlingske Tidende, Fyens Stiftstidende, Kristeligt Dagblad, Jydske Vestkysten, Nordjyske Tidende, bl.a.: De ældste klarer sig selv. 20. august 2008. Berlingske Tidende: Antallet af 100-årige vokser eksplosivt. 27. juli 2008. DR, P4 (Copenhagen): Stadigt flere bliver 100 år gammel. 27. juli 2008. Political talk-radio Air America: “The Thom Hartmann program”: Danes and happiness, 25. juni 2008. DR, P1. Serien “Det optimerede menneske”: Kampen for det evige liv, 19. juni 2008. Fyens Stiftstidende: Tvivl kom lægestudie til gode, 12. juni 2008. Dagens Medicin (Fokus: Ældre): Jeg går ikke ind for hopla-gerontologi, 23. maj 2008. TV2, News: Udviklingen i mænds og kvinders middellevetid, 7. marts 2008. BT: Udviklingen i mænds helbred, 5. marts 2008. Tinna Stevnsner: DR1 Radio: Det optimerede menneske. Efterår 2008 DR1 Radio: Videnskabens verden. Efterår 2008. DR2: Stress gør ung og livet langt, Viden Om - 20. januar 2009.
Budget Estimated 80% used of budget the 1st year
DARC Following proposals closely: Logistically Scientifically Education Out-reach