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SOM control: Controls on soil organic matter in Swiss forest soils:

SOM control: Controls on soil organic matter in Swiss forest soils: The impact of forest productivity, land-use history, climate and physico-chemical stabilization. Frank Hagedorn, Urs Gimmi, Esther Thürig, Lorenz Walthert Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL .

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SOM control: Controls on soil organic matter in Swiss forest soils:

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  1. SOM control: Controls on soil organic matter in Swiss forest soils: The impact of forest productivity, land-use history, climate and physico-chemical stabilization Frank Hagedorn, Urs Gimmi, Esther Thürig, Lorenz Walthert Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL

  2. SOM: Key component of soils • Sink and source of greenhouse gases • Nutrient source • Driver for biodiversity • Retention of pollutants • Controls on water storage and soil stability

  3. SOM control Historical land-use Forest management Climate (MAT, MAP) Physico-chemical soilproperties Litter input Litter decomposition Organic matter stabilization SoilOrganic Matter

  4. SOM control SOM models SOM = f (litter inputs and climate) e.g. YASSO07; Tuomi et al., 2009; Ecol. Modelling Experimental findings SOM = f (stabilization) e.g. Kramer et al. 2012 Global Change Biology CO2 CO2

  5. SOM control Schmidt et al., Nature (2011) : In the long term or at a global scale, mechanisms of SOM stabilization and destabilization are currently not embedded in models

  6. SOM control Aim Identify the drivers of SOM storage in forest soils of Switzerland Impact of (1) Forest productivity and tree species composition (2) Land-use (history) (3) Climate: temperature and precipitation (4) Physico-chemical parameters controlling SOM stabilization

  7. SOM control: Approach WSL data base Potential Drivers Data analysis Climate Litterinput SOM Model Residual analysis SOM stocks Organiclayer Mineral soil SOM quality Historic land-use Land management Physico-chemicalsoilproperties Linear mixedmodels Multiple regression Pathanalysis ….. SOM vulnerability Swiss-SOMprojects

  8. WSL soil data base Pedothek at WSL: Archived soil samples from 1300 soil profiles

  9. WSL soil data base 1350 soil profiles

  10. Reconstruction of historical land-use Dufour original survey maps (~1850) Modern topographic map Siegfried maps (~1900, 1950) All digitized at WSL

  11. Identifcation of SOM drivers • Forest productivity, tree species: National forest inventory (NFI) • Land management: historic and actual plans • - Climate (MAT, MAP): Interpolated across Switzerland • SOM modelling: • Apply SOM modeldrivenbylitterinputs and climate (e.g. YASSO07) •  Analysis of residuals •  Improved modelling in cooperation within SwissSOM

  12. Synergies within SwissSOM SOM Fate S. Abiven & P. Niklaus SOM vulnerability SOM control F. Hagedorn et al.  Field and archivedsoils SOM sentinels T. Eglington Molecular & 14C analysis

  13. SOM control: implementation • Improve the Swiss Greenhouse Gas Inventory •  Close collaboration with rapporteurs at BAFU • Vulgarizeresults • Makedataandresultavailable • OrganizesummerschoolwithSwissSOMforstudents, practicioners, andpolicymakers

  14. SOM control: the team • PhD, N.N. • Dr. Frank Hagedorn: Leader Research Group Biogeochemistry WSL •  Project leader; SOM control • Dr. Esther Thürig: Leader Research Group Forest Resources and Functions, WSL •  National Forest Inventory • Dr. Urs Gimmi, Landscape Ecology, WSL • Historical land-use • Lorenz Walthert: Soil Functions and Soil Protection, WSL • WSL soil data base • PD Pascal Niklaus: University of Zurich •  PhD supervision; statistical advice; SOM modelling

  15. SOM control: Milestones

  16. SOM control: Selection of candidate Advertisement by Human Resources WSL, Colleagues PhD candidate: Good background in statistics, R, Soil science

  17. Thankyou!

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