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The Power of Small Grants

The Power of Small Grants. Supporting social change at the grassroots in the developing world. Global Grantmaking for Small Grants Workshop, Washington, DC February 7, 2005 Chet Tchozewski, Global Greengrants Fund.

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The Power of Small Grants

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  1. The Power of Small Grants • Supporting social change • at the grassroots • in the developing world Global Grantmaking for Small Grants Workshop, Washington, DC February 7, 2005 Chet Tchozewski, Global Greengrants Fund

  2. Mission:To strengthen the grassroots environmental movement in developing regions by making small grants to groups striving for environmental sustainability

  3. The Greengrants Model Overview • Small grants to grassroots groups • Minimize bureaucracy • Maximize trust • Focus on small startup groups • Wide range of local and global issues • Wide range of grantee initiatives • Reliance on volunteer advisors

  4. The Greengrants Model Grantmaking Advisors • Activist Leaders • Community Leaders • Scientists & Academics • Doctors & Nurses • Journalists • Engineers • Foresters • Attorneys • Economists • Non-Governmental Organization Managers

  5. The Greengrants Model Grantmaking Advisors (Value to Us) • Local wisdom and expertise • Reduced grantmaking costs • Simplified grantmaking procedures • Ability to tap local and regional networks • Ability to mentor and monitor grantees • Ability to respond to opportunities • Ability to work with fellow advisors to make grants strategically

  6. The Greengrants Model Grantmaking Advisors (Value to Donors) • Access to expertise in a geographic area • Access to expertise in an issue area • Ability to pool funds with other donors for economy of scale and leverage • Reduce in-house staff costs • Reduce transaction costs per grant • Make smaller, appropriately-sized grants

  7. The Greengrants Model Grantmaking Advisors (Value to All) • Distributes decision making & costs • Enables culturally appropriate solutions • Combines the experience of many & taps the strength of social networks • Cultivates collective creativity & social entrepreneurship • Supports nascent social movements • Peer community promotes collaboration & accelerates social capital • Peer accountability increases transparency & reduces corruption

  8. The Greengrants Model Grantmaking Advisors (Value to Advisors) • Supports their agenda & goals • Supports members of their network • Provides unencumbered funds • Provides political leverage • Raises their standing and credibility • Provides further access to international philanthropy • Stimulates indigenous philanthropy

  9. The Greengrants Model Grantmaking Advisors (Trade-offs) • Added intermediary bureaucracy • Cost of coordinating advisors & network • Un-democratic proposal solicitation • Grantee pool limited by advisor network • Diluted resources spread very thin • Potential for abuse and corruption • Less central control of grant decisions • Less central control of strategy • Less direct contact with grantees

  10. Greengrants Advisory Board Network • To identify prospective grantees we rely on an integrated global network of more than 100 volunteer advisors who freely share their local knowledge to help us identify and respond to the most urgent and promising opportunities to catalyze social change • with small cash grants.

  11. Brazil Advisory Board • Our first formal board • Focus on supporting growth of rural environmental networks, especially in Pantanal, Cerrado, Caatinga & Atlantic Forest regions

  12. Brazil Advisory Board • Amália Souza, Coordinator • Alexandre Araújo, Associação Pernambucana de Defesa da Natureza • Rubens Born, Vitae Civilis • Renato Cunha, Grupo Ambientalista da Bahia • Alcides Faria, Ecologia e Acão / Rios Vivos Coalition • Sérgio Guimarães, Instituto Centro de Vida • Miriam Prochnow, Associação de Preservação do Meio Ambiente do Vale do Itajai

  13. Andes Advisory Board • Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador • Focus on extractive industries, trade, sustainable livelihoods and the rights of indigenous communities

  14. Andes Advisory Board • Denise Bebbington, Coordinator • Maria Elena Canedo, Independent Conservation Consultant • Maria Fernanda Espinosa, World Conservation Union (IUCN) • Martin Scurrah, Oxfam America

  15. Central America Advisory Board • Primarily Honduras, Belize, Guatemala and Costa Rica • Focus on helping citizens and communities gain a greater voice in major development and trade decisions

  16. Central America Advisory Board • Denise Bebbington, Coordinator • E. Roy Cayetano, Belize Ministry of Rural Development and Culture • Ibis Colindres, Independent Consultant • Elmer Lopez, Independent Consultant • Ruben Pasos, Independent Consultant

  17. Mexico Advisory Board • Primarily Northwest Mexico • Focus on coastal and marine resource management and development of environmentally-sound livelihoods

  18. Mexico Advisory Board • Denise Bebbington, Coordinator • Maryló Mandujano, Administrator • Luis Bourillón, Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C. • Artemisa Castro, Sistemas Naturales y Desarrollo • Serge Dedina, Wildcoast • Sandra Guido, Centro de Investigación en Alimentatión y Desarrollo, A.C.

  19. Russia Advisory Board • Primarily Siberia and Russian Far East • Focus on encouraging citizen leadership, education and sustainable resource use

  20. Russia Advisory Board • Elena Repetunova, Coordinator • Pacific Environment, Facilitator • Tanya Karpetchenko, Administrator • Aleksandr Arbachakov, Taiga Research and Protection Agency • Irina Bogdan, ECODAL • Natalia Kovalenok, Dauria Public Ecological Center • Arthur Mayass, ISAR Far East Office • Yuri Shirokov, Initiative for Social Action and Renewal in Eurasia • Svetlana Titova, Amur Socio-Ecological Union

  21. China Advisory Board • Focus on pollution and sustainable development and supporting the growth of student environmental movements

  22. China Advisory Board • Wen Bo, Coordinator • Pacific Environment, Facilitator • Xie Mei, Administrator • Li Bing, Wildlife Conservation Society • Li Hao, Environmental Education Television Project for China • Hu Kanping, China Green Times • Lu Zhi, College of Life Sciences, Peking University / Conservation International

  23. India Advisory Board • Focus on curbing environmental toxins, pesticides and incineration through support of workers’ rights, community antipollution initiatives and citizen networks

  24. India Advisory Board • Ann Leonard, Coordinator • Ardhendu Chatterjee, Development Research Communication and Service Centre • Deepika D'Souza, India Centre for Human Rights and Law • Nityanand Jayaraman, Journalist • Anand Mazgaonkar, Paryavaran Suraksha Samiti • Thelma Narayan, Community Health Cell

  25. Southeast Asia Advisory Board • Primarily Indonesia & the Philippines • Focus on support of rural and coastal communities for development of environmentally-sound livelihoods and locally-managed waters, lands and resources

  26. Southeast Asia Advisory Board • Nonette Royo, Coordinator • Anny Andaryati, Administrator • Noer Fauzi, Executive Body of the Agrarian Reform Consortium • Edtami Mansayagan, Philippine National Commission of Indigenous Peoples • Cristi Nozawa, Birdlife International • Titayanto Pieter, The Nature Conservancy Indonesia Program

  27. Pacific Advisory Board • Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, Fiji, Palau, New Caledonia, Samoa, Tonga and others • Focus on building the capacity of community-based organizations working to protect coastal and marine resources and upland forests

  28. Pacific Advisory Board • Cedric Schuster, Coordinator • Ani Kartikasari, Administrator • Damien Ase, Center for Environmental Law and Community Rights, Inc. • John Ericho, Research and Conservation Foundation of Papua New Guinea • Rex Horoi, Federation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International • Bill Raynor, The Nature Conservancy

  29. East Africa Advisory Board • Primarily Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania • Focus on forests, mining, sustainable community development and community management of resources

  30. East Africa Advisory Board • Violet Matiru, Environment Liaison Centre International • Godber Tumushabe, Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment

  31. Southern Africa Advisory Board • South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique • Focus on pollution, mining, forests, sustainable development and corporate accountability

  32. Southern Africa Advisory Board • Aurelio Gomes, Livaningo • Anabela Lemos, Justiça Ambiental • Cynthia Mwase, Oxfam UK, Southern Africa • Bobby Peek, groundWork

  33. West Africa Advisory Board • Primarily Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Cameroon • Focus on forests, mining, oil and gas development and sustainable community development

  34. West Africa Advisory Board • Nnimmo Bassey, Environmental Rights Action • Abdulai Darimani, Third World Network Africa • Dembele Souleymane, GUAMINA

  35. Global Advisory Board Earth Island Institute Friends of the Earth International International Rivers Network Pesticide Action Network Rainforest Action Network

  36. International Financial Institutions Advisory Board Members from five continents Support citizen groups and communities working to gain a voice in large scale development decisions and activities of the World Bank and other institutions

  37. International Financial Institutions Advisory Board Shalmali Guttal, Focus on the Global South Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Pesticide Action Network Juliette Majot, International Rivers Network Samuel Nguiffo, Centre for Environment and Development Doug Norlen, Pacific Environment Daniel Jorge Taillant, Centro de Derechos Humanos y Medio Ambiente Tomasz Terlecki, CEE Bankwatch Network Mishka Zaman, Bank Information Center

  38. Recent Grantees • The East Foundation – Nepal

  39. Recent Grantees • Persatuan Perempuan Sama– Indonesia (Women’s Union for Equality)

  40. Recent Grantees • Guapiruvú Neighborhood Association (AGUA)–Brazil

  41. Recent Grantees • National Association of Professional Environmentalists - Uganda

  42. Recent Grantees • Za Zemiata – Bulgaria

  43. Small grants in action Pacific Advisory Board member, Damien Ase of the Center for Environmental Law and Community Rights (CELCOR) in Papua New Guinea, presents grant check to the Coordinator of Namiai Community Development Association.

  44. 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Global Greengrants Fund 1998–2006 Grants Per Year FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 Grants Awarded, 1998–2004 Projected Grants , 2005–2006

  45. Lessons Learned to Date Global Greengrants Fund 1993 –2005

  46. Small grants yield high return on investment Fill vacuum of funding at the local level, especially in the developing worldFill vacuum of environment progress & pick low-hanging fruitEnergize local action which creates a wider ripple effectCapitalize on high levels of volunteerismHelp groups in crucial early stages of development

  47. Small grants can be more nimble and responsive Reduce financial risk associated with any single grantAllow donors to meet ‘unanticipated opportunities’ that are critical to the success of social movementsAllow donors to mobilize resources quickly

  48. Small grants nurture the growth of a diversity of groups Support a range of problem-solving approachesAllow more voices to be heardReduce dependence on single (or dominant) organizationProvide more people new opportunities to lead

  49. Small grants especially appropriate in developing world Groups often need only small amounts of moneyHelp support marginalized voicesHelp encourage growth of citizen sector and democracyHelp encourage development of homegrown philanthropy

  50. Small grants encourage innovation Encourage donors to take risksEncourage grantees to incubate and test new ideasSupport social entrepreneurshipDiversity, diversity, diversity

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