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The Si licon D etector Design Study SiD Organization & Status

The Si licon D etector Design Study SiD Organization & Status. SiD kick off meeting at ACFA-7 meeting Taipei, Taiwan Nov 9-12, 2004. H.Weerts Fermilab/Michigan State Univ. SiD kick-off meeting agenda. Agenda Intro Harry Weerts

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The Si licon D etector Design Study SiD Organization & Status

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  1. The Silicon Detector Design StudySiD Organization & Status SiD kick off meeting at ACFA-7 meeting Taipei, Taiwan Nov 9-12, 2004 H.Weerts Fermilab/Michigan State Univ.

  2. SiD kick-off meeting agenda Agenda • Intro Harry Weerts • Critical Questions for SiD Jim Brau • Simulation status Norman Graf • Goals/Organization Harry Weerts • Discussion/Interest? All • Other talks at ACFA-7 earlier today: • The Sid Concept by John Jaros

  3. Goals for SiD Design Study Develop an integrated detector design well-matched to LC physics at .5 and 1 TeV, startingfrom the SiD Detector Concept. • Generate a realistic picture of detectors, supports,readout, and services for each subdetector technology. • Optimize overall detector physics performance for benchmark reactions, constrained by rational cost. • Define the R&D needed to prove the design concept. • Estimate detector costs in time for the Machine CDR. • Write a CDR describing the design and its expected physics performance. Refine costs estimates in time for the Machine TDR.

  4. Goals and time line--draft Benchmarks physics ( agree with other designs) Conceptual design  CDR Cost estimate ( need guidelines & standards) Show technical feasibility of subsystems Define necessary R&D Goal: WWS Fall 2004 – Summer 2005: Hadr. Showers Algorithms Design Studies agree on common assumptions Optimize design Make design realistic ( necessary support, etc.) Establish simulation ( common with all others ?) Performance/Response to benchmark processes August 2005, Int. Lin. Coll. Wrkshp at Snowmass Agree on strawman design Start final series of benchmark and simulations Define work needed to complete by end 2005

  5. Detector R&D efforts & Design Studies Nearly all detector R&D efforts are represented in the Design Studies (DS) At least one representative of each R&D effort in each DS Goal:

  6. Draft Organization of SiD Obvious: center of gravity in US, and at SLAC & Fermilab, however this IS a global effort and we would like to see active participation from all regions of the world. Wan to reflect this in organization. Suggestions welcome….

  7. More Organization There is a SiD website: www-sid.slac.stanford.edu On this Web site you will find: Talks/presentations on SiD SiD Hypernews discussion forum Sign up for interested parties

  8. Meetings now & future Weekly/bi-weekly ( phone/video): • Tracking meetings every week on Friday morning; now more emphasis on SiD tracker layout and design • Monthly solenoid meetings • Bi weekly calorimeter meetings will start in Dec. 2004 • Start other “subsystem” meetings soon Subsystem leader meeting in Jan/Feb 2005 March 14-16 CALICE at NIU/FNAL March 17, 2005 ( Day before LCWS2005 at SLAC): One Day SiD Meeting …….. More to be defined August ILCWS 2005 @ Snowmass Big opportunity for SiD collaborative effort

  9. Summary Why are we here ? Invite your participation in the SiD Design Study We have a starting point for the SiD Design Study, but the end result will depend very much on input from participants all around the globe over the next year and beyond

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