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Keystone Exams Directions. December 2012. Importance of the Keystone Exams. The Keystone Exams have replaced the PSSA Exams we used to do. Our scores affect the following : State Funding
Keystone Exams Directions December 2012
Importance of the Keystone Exams • The Keystone Exams have replaced the PSSA Exams we used to do. • Our scores affect the following: • State Funding • Ranking of our District in the state---we are currently fourth in the state based upon last year’s PSSA scores • How colleges and universities consider the quality of our students and compare our students to other districts • Appear on your student records • Used for consideration in level recommendations for courses • Students who do not score proficient will lose one or more of the following in the second semester for remediation for the Spring re-takes • Campus Pass • Electives • Study Hall
Exams • Tuesday: Literature Exam for Juniors • Wednesday: Algebra I Exam for all students who have completed Algebra I BUT ARE NOT currently enrolled in Geometry • Thursday: Biology Exam for Sophomores and Juniors • Make Up Testing: Monday, December 10…Students will report to the audion after Homeroom
Time Schedule • Module One: • Directions: 7:50 to 8AM • Testing: 8 to 9:15AM • Break: 9:15 to 9:25AM • Module Two: • Directions: 9:25-9:35AM • Testing: 9:35 to 10:50AM • Materials Collection: 10:50 to 11:05AM • Tuesday: Report to Period Six at 11:15AM • Wednesday and Thursday: Report to Homeroom at 11:05AM
Extra Testing Time • If you do not finish Module One in the allotted time, your test has to be collected. • A Guidance Counselor will come by the room to pick up the test and you to take you to an alternate room to finish Module One. • Then they will return you to my room to begin Module Two. • And the same thing will be repeated for Module Two. • You CANNOT MOVE ON to Module Two until Module One is completed.
Supplies • You need to bring AT LEAST two number two pencils that are sharpened and have good erasers for each day. • Bring your own calculator to use for some parts of the Algebra Exam. • The school does not have the budget to provide pencils and calculators to all the students taking the Keystone Exams. • Make sure you bring a book to read or some other school work to work on if you finish the test early
Bookbags and Cell Phones • All cell phones, Nooks, I-Pods, Kindles, etc…must be turned OFF and put in your school bag. • Take out of your school bag any homework or books for you to work on if you finish early and put it under your desk. • Put your bookbags in the center of the classroom on the two rugs. • You are not allowed to go into them during the testing.
Food and Bathroom Visits • No food or drink is allowed in the room during testing. • You can only eat and drink during break. • So take any of your food and drinks out of your school bag and put it under your desk as well, so it is there to grab during the common break time. • During testing, only emergency bathroom visits are allowed. • You have to be escorted by another teacher or one of the principals to the bathroom as all students are required to be kept in the “line of sight” of their Keystone Exam proctor or another educator. • Bathroom visits are to be done during the common break time.
Seating • You are to sit in alphabetical order as the roster has you. • You are to sit in the assigned seat for your row. • You cannot move around if you are done testing. • If you finish testing early and want to read a book or work on homework, you must close your test and put it under your desk. • It cannot be out and on your desk.