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Unit 3 Health Promotion

Unit 3 Health Promotion. 四川大学华西第二医院 彭文涛 E-mail : 670537614 @qq.com. Objectives. D escribe the purposes of health promotion U nderstand the roles of nurses in health promotion A pply the nursing process to health promotion. Vocabulary (掌握). Vocabulary (熟悉). Vocabulary (了解).

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Unit 3 Health Promotion

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  1. Unit3HealthPromotion 四川大学华西第二医院 彭文涛 E-mail:670537614@qq.com

  2. Objectives • Describe the purposes of health promotion • Understand the roles of nurses in health promotion • Apply the nursing process to health promotion

  3. Vocabulary(掌握)

  4. Vocabulary(熟悉)

  5. Vocabulary(了解)

  6. Definition of Health Promotion • Health promotion is defined as “activities directed toward • increasing the level of well being” • Positive health promotion is the process of enabling people • to increase control over and improve their own health, • aimed primarily at improving health potential and • maintaining health balance • 积极的健康促进是促使人们更好地控制和改善其健康状况的过程, • 旨在挖掘健康潜力,维持身体平衡

  7. Purpose of Health Promotion • An approach to maintain healthier behavior for the population of society

  8. Nursing Process in Health Promotion • Assessment • A thorough assessment of the client’s health status • Health history, physical examination, physical-fitness assessment, nutrition assessment, health risk appraisal, life-style assessment , health beliefs, review, and life-stress review

  9. Health promotion • Words world Community n . 社区、共同体 e.g. :  The development was bitterly opposed by the local community. 这一开发项目遭到了当地社区的愤怒抵制 Community care 社区护理 Community health 社区保健

  10. Health promotion Activities directed towards increasing the level of well being Basic : health history 健康史 physical examination 体格检查 physical-fitness assessment 体能测评 nutrition assessment营养评估 Health risk appraisal 健康风险 life-style assessment 生活方式 Health beliefs review 健康信念 life-stress review生活压力

  11. Nursing Process in Health Promotion • Diagnosis • Nursing diagnosis statements that describe motivation and wellness behavior will identify patient strengths, recognize self-care potential, reinforce healthy life-style , assist the nurse in providing comprehensive meaningful nursing care, and achieve the goals of health promotion and the prevention of illness • During the diagnosis phase, the client has determined areas of potential problems and risks as well as • areas of strength or positive health • 健康促进诊断阶段, 服务对象已经确定其潜在的健康问题和危险因素 • 及健康的优势和积极的方面

  12. Nursing Process in Health Promotion • Planning • The emphasis of health promotion is to strengthen self-care responsibility of patients or population • During the planning process a nurse acts as a resource person rather than as an adviser or counselor

  13. Nursing Process in Health Promotion • Implementing • Implementing is the “doing” part of behavior change • Self- responsibility is emphasized for implementing the plan • In this stage, the nurse will assist the patient to make decisions about their health problems

  14. Nursing Process in Health Promotion • Evaluation • Evaluation takes place on an ongoing basis , both during the attainment of short-term goals and after the completion of long-term goals • In this stage, the patient may decide to continue with the plan , reorder priorities, change strategies, or revise the health promotion contract • Evaluation of the plan is a collaborative effort between the nurse and the patient or client

  15. Health promotion programs • Health promotion programs can be categorized as • information dissemination • health appraisal and assessment • life-style and behavior change • work-site health • environmental control programs • 健康促进项目可分为信息传授、健康测评和评估、生活方式及行为改变、工作环境健康及环境控制等类型

  16. Health Promotion Means Changing Behavior at Multiple Levels A Individual: knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, personality B Interpersonal: family, friends, peers C Community: social networks, standards, norms D Institutional: rules, policies, informal structures E Public Policy: local policies related to healthy practices Source: Adapted from National Cancer Institute, Theory at a Glance: A Guide for Health Promotion (2003), available online at http://cancer.gov.

  17. Health Promotion Tools • Mass media • Social marketing • Community mobilization • Health education • Client-provider interactions • Policy communication Source: Robert Hornik and Emile McAnany, “Mass Media and Fertility Change,” in Diffusion Processes and Fertility Transition: Selected Perspectives, ed. John Casterline (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2001): 208-39.

  18. The Roles Functions of Nursing Activities in n Health Promotion • Advocates, teachers, coordinators of health care services • act as the model of healthy life-style behavior and attitudes • facilitate client’s involvement in the assessment , implementation , and evaluation of health goals • Teach client self-care strategies to enhance fitness • improve nutrition of population • Manage stress , enhance interpersonal relationships , and assist individual , families, and communities to increase their levels of health

  19. The Roles Functions of Nursing Activities in n Health Promotion • Advocates, teachers, coordinators of health care services • teach clients to be effective health care consumers; • assist clients , families and communities to develop and choose health-promoting options; • guide clients to development in effective problem solving and decision making • Reinforce clients personal and family health-promoting behaviors; and finally • advocate in the community for changes that promote a healthy environment

  20. Just for you fate doesn‘t decide everything ,people get to choose -------命运不能决定一切 我们 可以去选择(电影:全民超人)

  21. ThankYou !

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