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CHEA CHARITIES SEMINAR. Major Project Purple Pig. Mission Statement.
Mission Statement The California-Hawaii Elks Major Project, Inc., a committee of the California-Hawaii Elks Association, pledges its commitment to addressing the unmet needs of children with disabilities throughout the states of California and Hawaii by developing a program of supporting services to aid these children at no cost to their families and without discrimination.
History • On September 29, 1950, the Elks of California adopted the Major Project. • August 1951, the Northwest District started the program in Eureka . • There was one occupational therapist, one physical therapist, two station wagons, and eight children. • The program then moved on to the Sierra Foothills, the valley farmlands, and to Hawaii. • The Vision Screening and Speech Therapy programs started in 1965. • The results of the therapy provided by the Elks are manifold. The children receiving the therapy strive to develop to the best of their potential, whether that be total independence in walking or being able to communicate successfully with assistance.
Andrew Bowring - 2013-2014 THEME CHILDCALIFORNIA-HAWAII ELKSMAJOR PROJECT On December 11, 2010, Andrew joined the Bowring family. After several months, Andrew's grandmother noticed that he was behind in his motor skills. The Bowring family lives in Tehama County where services for children are very limited, especially physical therapy. Andrew was then referred to the Elks program, and at eight months of age, started treatment with Denise Wilson, Physical Therapist. It was only two weeks after he was referred that we were meeting with Denise and then started therapy right away.
How to donate Search the Web... Support Your Cause • Lodge Purple Pigs and Lodge fund raisers • Hold a company Charity Fund Raiser: http://www.chea-elks.org/CharityEmployer.pdf • Online Reoccurring Donations : https://www.chea-elks.org/majorproject/donations • Box Tops for Education • Online: http://www.goodsearch.com/ • Living Social Online daily coupons: http://partners.livingsocial.com/cities/geo?do_not_redirect=1&gwo_id=0433631901&hdnv=true&ref=AOL&ver=938&was_geo=true
S.H.A.R.E.S. Card 3% of qualifying purchases goes to CHEMPI!
Hold an event in conjunction with a local restaurant. You get a % of the event. Black Bear Diner International House of Pancakes Krispy Kreme Donuts
FUND RAISING IDEAS BBQ Event Dinner drive through Pig Races Dinner Dance Free dinner with a full piggy bank Car Show County Fair Booth Craft Fair Garage Sale Fund Raising Challenge Car Rally Scavenger Hunt Candy Sales Popcorn Sales Gift Wrap Sales Information Booth outside a Grocery Store Have a Therapist or Vision Screener come to an event (Form 11)
Donate on Line Recurring Donation Would you like to contribute to the Major Project more often? What if you could donate without writing a check, buying a stamp and addressing an envelope each time? KEEP IT SIMPLE – BECOME A RECURRING DONOR FOR THE MAJOR PROJECT AND SEE YOUR NAME IN PRINT IN EACH ISSUE OF THE CALIFORNIA-HAWAII ELK MAGAZINE! Donations are taken out at the 10th of every month.
52 ClubDonate $52.00 and join the 52 Club. You will receive a unique silver 52 Club Lapel Pin and a certificate personally signed by the CHEA President. (donate at least $52.00 to be eligible for this gift) Century ClubJoin the Century Club with your donation of $100 and receive a beautiful gold Century Club Pin engraved with the year and a certificate signed by the CHEA President. Your name will also appear in the next issue of The California-Hawaii Elk magazine. (donate at least $100.00 to be eligible for this gift) Millennium ClubJoin the exclusive Millennium Club and receive the antique gold finish lapel pin depicting a disabled child flanked by two sparkling rhinestones. Your name will also appear in the next issue of The California-Hawaii Elk magazine. (donate at least $1000.00 to be eligible for this gift)
MILLENNIUM PLUS PROGRAM RECOGNITION LEVELS Millennium Purple Pig Pin w/$2000 and a Certificate Copper Pig Pin w/$5000 and a Walnut Plaque with a Copper Plate Silver Pig Pin w/$10000 and a Walnut Plaque with a Silver Plate Gold Pig Pin w/$20000 and a Walnut Plaque with a Gold Plate
How are the Purple Pig Donations used ? Funds are addressing the unmet needs of 700 children seen by Physical and Occupational Therapists in California and Hawaii and 50,000 children are seen by Pediatric Vision Screeners each year in California. Make a 100% tax-deductible donation to California-Hawaii Elks Major Project, Inc. Your donation is credited to your Lodge total for the year! 94% of your gift goes to direct services to hundreds of children with disabilities throughout California and Hawaii to Walk, Talk, See and Play!
Therapy Services Occupational Therapy - Through individual home instruction, the goal for all children in the program is to become as independent and self-sufficient as they can. Our occupational therapists, working with the parents, teach our children the basics from feeding and dressing skills to dealing with problems in sensory integration.
Therapy Services Physical Therapy - The Elks physical therapists evaluate and treat children with a wide range of disabilities as they travel from home to home. Their focus is to help these children learn or improve important motor skills by educating or re-educating muscles and increasing strength, endurance and coordination. Parent involvement helps increase the rate of success.
Therapy Services Speech-Language Therapy - The gift of communication, the promise of the future - with thanks to the Elks. Our highly trained Elks Major Project speech-language pathologists can diagnose a variety of communication disorders and coordinate a home program of therapy with the parent. Many speech-language problems are addressed by the staff, including swallowing or feeding difficulties.
Preschool Vision Screening Services Preschool Vision Screening - The Elks Preschool Vision Screening Program screens over 50,000 children per year. It is the goal of the program to significantly decrease the number of children at risk for amblyopia ("lazy eye") and other vision problems. It is with thanks to this highly effective program that thousands of children have been saved from permanent eye damage over the years.
Evaluation and Treatment Services Requirements: Under 18 Not eligible for other therapy services because of geographical location, transportation difficulties, diagnosis, insurance or other limiting conditions. Parents are willing to be actively involved in the therapy program. Can be seen in a home setting. Not enrolled in or eligible for a program providing the same service. The Major Project is not allowed to duplicate or supplement services. Physical Therapy- A physician's referral is necessary. Occupational Therapy- A physician's referral is necessary. Speech-Language Therapy- Referrals are accepted from any source, but contact is maintained with the child's physician. Preschool Vision Screening- Children from ages 2 1/2 to six years of age are screened in preschools or daycare centers and "open" screenings. Referral is made to an eye specialist of the parent's choice.
One Scholarship is available from the California-Hawaii Elks Major Project, Inc.Undergraduate Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities Requirements Must meet Application Guideline List College Plans List Employment and Community Service Show Financial Status Dependent Students must list Parental Information Fill out Self Evaluation Survey Provide Transcripts and Letters of Recommendation
Help the cause donate today! Box Tops for Education Box Tops for Education = WEB Page: https://www.chea-elks.org/BoxTops4Education.pdf Send to: Becky Fahs 1704 Royal Court San Luis Obispo, CA 93405-6327
How would you like to make some money?PLUS get a tax break?PLUS build the future of the Major Project?PLUS help children with disabilities? Benefits to You:Life Time IncomeImmediate Tax Deduction Avoid Capital Gains Reduce Estate Taxes Tax Shelter Growth BLT Recognition Benefits to the Elks: A Gift Commitment, A Promise for the Future, Help Disabled Children
Bequests and Living Trusts “Gifts that Last Beyond Tomorrow”
What are the contribution levels? There are two separate contribution levels which serve different purposes: Contributions of less than $499 go directly to the Major Project Operating Fund instead of the Trust. Contributions of $500 or more go directly to the Commitment Trust, where income is generated from the principal amounts.
As you can see, individuals can participate in the BLT program for any amount that they wish to pledge; however, it is the amount of the pledge that determines the benefits to not only the individual but also to the Major Project. So there are many ways people can participate, it really is dependent upon what benefits they want to achieve!
How does it benefit an individual? Always one should consult with their financial advisor…..but if you are able to contribute a minimum of $10,000, you can earn money back!
What is the B.L.T? The Bequest & Living Trusts Committee (BLT) is closely connected with the CHEA Major Project, and benefits it directly. The BLT was created to separate out gifts of property and money, customarily arising as the result of the death of a Lodge Member. It’s similar to ENF in that the principal is never spent, however, the income generated each year is used to benefit the Major Project.
BLT Chair Duties: • Simple yet invaluable….remind the members of your lodge that there is a Major Project BLT Committee and about the Legacy Trust Fund. • To present the information, but not act as their financial advisor in any way. • Direct all inquiries to the CHEA office where they can be further directed with the information they may need to make their decisions. • Promote the BLT in your lodge through newsletter articles, fliers, and posters. • Set up a time to present it at a lodge meeting a few times a year. • Partner with your Purple Pig chair in promotion of the BLT. • Report to the District chair on a quarterly basis about what you have done in your lodge. Where can I get more information? • Your District Chairperson • The CHEA website (chea-elks.org) under the • “Major Project” tab and or “Committees” tab. • Your BLT manual
I’ve been appointed as the new ENF Chair for my Lodge. What do I do first?
ENF Chair Certification Courseshttp://www.elks.org/enf/learningCenter.cfm
ENF Mission Helping Elks Build Stronger Communities We have the power to replace sorrow and despair with hope and confidence Our programs are the cornerstone values of knowledge, integrity, and community
Our Legacy to the Future In 1928, one man's dream became a reality for all Elks and the communities we serve. Then-National President John F. Malley envisioned a plan that would "unite the forces of the Order into a mighty army for the service of mankind." During the annual Grand Lodge Convention in Miami that year, Malley's call to service inspired delegates to take action by voting to establish the Elks National Foundation with an initial $100,000 grant.
April ENF Scholar Month of Service April is the Elks Scholar Month of Service! Throughout the month, Elks scholars across the nation are getting together to serve their communities in the name of the Elks. Alice Chuang 2007 Most Valuable Student Top Female WinnerSponsored by Orange, Calif. went on to study bioengineering at Brown University. She was accepted into an eight-year medical school program, and after her undergraduate studies, went right into medical school.
2013 -2014 ENF Budget Distribution • Community Investments Program $8.5 million • State Elks Association Grants $8 million • Scholarship Programs $3.74 million • Elks National Veterans Service Program $1.144 million • Elks Hoop Shoot Free Throw Contest $692,750 • Elks Drug Awareness Program $682,200 • Elks Memorial Building Maintenance $653,380
Donations • Donations are payable by check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or American Express. • The ENF is a public, non-profit, tax-exempt corporation as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Tax Reform Act of 1959. Donations to the Elks National Foundation, Inc. are deductible for federal income and estate tax purposes.
The ENF Fidelity Club No Checks? No Stamps? No Problem! • The easiest way to support the ENF all year round!
Ways to Give Pledge Annual Donation Recurring Gifts Corporate Gifts Tribute (Memorial/Honor) Planned Gifts Online Donations Alternative Online Giving Opportunities:American Express, eBay, and the online shopping website, iGive.com, provide you with unique online donation options.
Individual Annual Recognition Pins • Peace • Justice • Mercy • Faith • Hope • Charity
Individual Cumulative Recognition • Participating Member • Sustaining Member • Distinguished Member • Honorary Founder • Permanent Benefactor • Bronze • Silver • Gold • Platinum • Diamond
Community Investments Program • Beacon Grants • Gratitude Grants • Promise Grants • Impact Grants
How is the Elks National Foundation Helping California-Hawaii? Stronger Communities in 2013-14This just in! At its meeting in San Antonio on February 13, 2013, the ENF Board of Trustees approved appropriations and distributions for the 2013-14 fiscal year totaling a record $26 million, an increase of 10 percent over the current year. For every dollar the Foundation received from California Lodges last year, we got back $2.03. That doesn't even include the money that Lodges in California will get back through our Community Investments Program. For the 2011-2012 year, ENF awarded a total of $ 321,450 to 122 California-Hawaii Lodges.