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1-2-4-8 Method

1-2-4-8 Method. Division Mrs. Turner 4 th grade Teacher NDES. Set up your problem with the dividend under the box and the divisor to the left (just like long division). Example: 383 - 26. 26. 3 83.

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1-2-4-8 Method

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  1. 1-2-4-8 Method Division Mrs. Turner 4th grade Teacher NDES

  2. Set up your problem with the dividend under the box and the divisor to the left (just like long division).Example: 383 - 26 26 383

  3. Write 1x= to the left of the divisor. Then write 2x= and double the divisor. Repeat for 4x= and 8x=. You will double the previous number to determine the multiples. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 383 x2 26 x 2= 52 52 x 2=104 104 x 2=208 x2 x2

  4. Choose the highest 1x, 2x, 4x, or 8x multiple that is less than or equal to the dividend. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 383 I think I should use 8x=208 because it is the highest number I can use without going higher than 383.

  5. Write the multiple under the dividend. Write the factor to the right outside of the line based on your choice of 1x, 2x, 4x, or 8x. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 383 -208 The 208 will go under my dividend and 8 will go to the right outside of the line. 8

  6. Subtract the multiple from the dividend. This will be your new dividend. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 7 13 383 -208 175 Now, I should subtract 383 minus 208. Okay, now 175 is my dividend. 8

  7. Choose the highest 1x, 2x, 4x, or 8x multiple that is less than or equal to the dividend. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 7 13 383 -208 175 I think I should use 4x=104 because it is the highest number I can use without going higher than 175. 8

  8. Write the multiple under the dividend. Write the factor to the right outside of the line based on your choice of 1x, 2x, 4x, or 8x. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 7 13 383 -208 175 -104 The 104 will go under my dividend and 4 will go to the right outside of the line. 8 4

  9. Subtract the multiple from the dividend. This will be your new dividend. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 7 13 383 -208 175 -104 71 Now, I should subtract 175 minus 104. Okay, now 71 is my dividend. 8 4

  10. Choose the highest 1x, 2x, 4x, or 8x multiple that is less than or equal to the dividend. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 7 13 383 -208 175 -104 71 I think I should use 2x=52 because it is the highest number I can use without going higher than 71. 8 4

  11. Write the multiple under the dividend. Write the factor to the right outside of the line based on your choice of 1x, 2x, 4x, or 8x. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 7 13 383 -208 175 -104 71 -52 8 4 2 The 52 will go under my dividend and 2 will go to the right outside of the line.

  12. Subtract the multiple from the dividend. This will be your new dividend. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 7 13 383 -208 175 -104 71 -52 19 8 4 2 Now, I should subtract 71 minus 52. Okay, now 19 is my dividend.

  13. Once you are no longer able to choose a multiple that will be less than or equal to the dividend, you can determine you quotient and remainder. 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 7 13 383 -208 175 -104 71 -52 19 Hey! There aren’t any multiples that are less than or equal to 19. Now I can find my answer. 8 4 2

  14. The remainder will be the number, if any, that was leftover when you subtracted your last multiple. This should be less than your divisor. r19 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 7 13 383 -208 175 -104 71 -52 19 8 4 2 Okay, I had 19 leftover. That is less than my divisor 26. So… I should write my remainder as 19.

  15. To find the quotient, find the sum of the factors you wrote on the right outside of the line. 14 r19 1x= 2x= 52 4x=104 8x= 208 26 7 13 383 -208 175 -104 71 -52 19 I should add 8 + 4 which is 12. Then, 12 + 2 is 14. I should write my quotient as 14. 8 4 +2 14

  16. For additional practice: • http://www.doubledivision.org/

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