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PROSOFT JALISCO. Jalisco. Surface : 78,588 km2. Population : 7.3 million , 6.3% of Mexico´s total. 6.6 % Mexico´s GDP. Jalisco GDP 2003 - $37.5 mil millones USD* . GDP. 6.26% Agriculture. 24.5% Manufacturing. 19.5% Commerce. 2011. 2003.
Jalisco Surface: 78,588 km2 Population: 7.3 million, 6.3% of Mexico´s total 6.6% Mexico´s GDP Jalisco GDP 2003 - $37.5 mil millones USD* GDP 6.26% Agriculture 24.5% Manufacturing 19.5% Commerce 2011 2003 Jalisco GDP 2011 - $66.6 mil millones USD* EAP primary sector GDP EAP secondary sector 6.88% Agriculture 21.6% Manufacturing EAP tertiary sector 22.8% Commerce 2001: First Jalisco State of InnovationAppraisal As a result of thisAppraisal, a new model of socio-economicdevelopmentwasformulated, basedoninnovation, Science and Technology, S&T+i *Current Mexican Pesos. Exchange Rate as of 12/12/12
WhatisanEcosystem • Itis a natural systemformedby a collection of living organismsand theirphysicalenvironmentwherethey relate toeachother. • Itis a unitcomposed of interdependentorganismsthat share thesamehabitat. • Howdoesthisbiologicaldefinitionapply in theinnovationprocess? • Aninnovationecosystemisformedbyactors (people) who are living organisms and theseactorsinteract in a pysicalenvironment (a region) wheretheyrelatetoeachothertoachievecommongoals. • Theseactors are as varied as people are boundtobe. ItisverycommonthroughoutLatinAmericatorefertotheTriple Helix(actuallySabato´sModel of 1968): Government/Industry/Academia
WhatdoestheEcosystem look like? Academia Governments: Federal & State Industry CANIETI
TheEcosystemisPivotalforJalisco´sSocio EconomicDevelopment • Lotsof ignorance in MexicoregardingtheEcosystem concept • What has made Jalisco so differentis: • a longtermvision. Thisvision has beenadoptedbyallthemajoractors • anunfalteringbelief in teamwork: OneVoice • anabsolutefaith in a strongleadership • a consistency in applyingthesamepolicyinstrumentsoverthelast 12 years • Webelieve in thePower of Policy(PROSOFT)
OneVision: Jalisco´sS&T+ibased socio-economicdevelopmentmodel HIGH TECHNOLOGIES TRADITIONAL CHAINS INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGIES 6. MEDTEC/BIOTEC/FARMA Ag Biotech FoodBiotech Biotecnología para la Salud EnvironmentalBiotech Biomedical Pharmaceutica/l 7. MICROELECTRONICS, ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MANUFACTURING ICT, DIGITAL MEDIA 8. AEROSPACE 9. GREEN TECHNOLOGIES Agribusiness: Tequila Leather–Shoes Textile – Apparel 3. Wood, furniture, handicrafts, interior design 5. Mining & jewellry 5. Metalmechanic: automotive & autoparts Strategic Sectors identified 10. SERVICES TO INDUSTRY Capital Goods, Plastics, Rubber & Latex, Transportation and Logistics, Construction, PrintingArts,Restaurants& Hotels Top Priority: EstablishtheState´sVocation
HowdidtheHighTechInnovationEcosystemEvolve: OrganicallyafterthevisionJalisco´sS&T+ibasedstrategyfor ICT4D 2005 ICT UserProjects 2004 2003 Science and TechnologyLaw COECYTJAL Founded CapacityBuilding 2008 2012 Prosoft Jalisco + Prosoft México joins in Prosoft Jalisco begins Jalisco generates 40% of Mexico´suserprojects, as well as 75 % of total addedvalue S&T+ibased Development Model 2000 Certifications Entrepreneurial SkillsDevelopment APORTIA Information (BI) Design Automation Engineering + Rapid Prototyping InnovationPublicPolicies Public – Privatepartnerships Human Capital Formation: PADTS PAFTI PROFAR PRO/TEST APORTIA CapacityBuilding Jalisco S&T+iProgramme 2002 2006 2007 2001 Infrastructure Centro SW Cd Guzmán Green IT Park Chapala Media Park Incubators ProductiveProjects S&T + innovation Appraisal SW Development Firmware,Testing, emulation, verification Semiconductor Design Advanced BPO Animation Visual Effects
Leadership • TheEcosystemismanagedthroughthe Triple Helix and some of Jalisco´spolicies are enactedthrough a PublicPrivatePartnership: IJALTI (Jalisco Stateinstitute of Information Technologies) • Everyoneisrewardedfortheircontribution: • Industrygetsgrants • Academia getsgrants and students • Governmentgetsjobs and taxes • TheStateGovernment has maintainedtherectorship of the complete Ecosystem
Jalisco State Investment in Prosoft & Expenditure in S&T+ i ?
Advances in the State Programme of S&T+i (2001-2012) Exchange Rate as of April 26, 2013
Whatkeepsthesystemrunning? RESULTS Jalisco´sS&T+ibased socio-economicdevelopmentmodel Between 2008 and2011 theupper (A/B) and Classes of thestate Between 2006 and 2012, UpperMiddle (C+) 28,600 jobs 21% Increasedonaverage ICT innovationrelated werecreated 55% In 2011, Of the total 41 thousandjobs exports ICT nowrepresents, werefromthe havebeenimproved Electronics sector , whiletequila 1.7% of representedlessthan 5% of exports Jalisco GDP Wages In theHighTechSectors Haveincreased 80% Firmswhichhavebenefittedfrom PROSOFT´ssupport, havedemonstrated Onaverage $150,000 to $2,500,000 USD valueadded per person per year
Invoicing detonated by PROSOFT 2.0 Users (Million USD) $12.66 $10.42 $15.77 $6.36 $4.78
How can theEcosystembestrengthened? • TheEcosystemisnowbeingtestedbythe new StateGovernment • Theindustrywillberesilient, albeitslowertoreacttochanges in themarketsand tochallenges in innovation • Academia has learnt a lessonortwo and isnowalso more dynamic • Industry has come todependonthe PROSOFT subsidies as a substituteforcreditswhichthepatheticMexicanbanks are notwillingtoprovide • Theanswer: Createyourownbank! Provideyourownfinancialsupport, circumventthebankingsystem
Whatisthe role of policymakers/public sector, ifany? • TheStateGovernment has alwaysintervened! It has become a de facto “dictablanda” (softdictator) giventheobviousmarketimperfections • It has championedclosingthe digital divide throughitse inclusionforan i societyprogramme(leading a trailing Federal Government) • TheStateGovernmentmustexercisetherectorship of theState´seconomy, throughsoundeconomic and innovationpolicies • TheState and Federal Governmentsmust stand watchover a greedy and hysterical Telecom sector and a uselessfinancial sector