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XML and MusicXML

XML and MusicXML. Music 253/CS 275A Stanford University. XML-based codes: CMME for virtual editions (early music). Corpus Mensurabilis Musicarum ( est. 1998 ) Est. and built by Theodor Dumitrescu , Oxford-Utrecht-Berkeley).

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XML and MusicXML

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  1. XML and MusicXML Music 253/CS 275A Stanford University

  2. XML-based codes: CMME for virtual editions (early music) • Corpus MensurabilisMusicarum(est. 1998) Est. and built by Theodor Dumitrescu, Oxford-Utrecht-Berkeley) Goal: One encoding, multiple systems of notation for mensural notation cmme.org From The Virtual Score. Used by permission.

  3. CMME (2013) • Computerized Mensural Musical Editing • Based on Utrecht • Marnix van Berchum (director from 2012--) • Home of “The Other Josquin” [attribution study] • Source code publicly available (GNU license) at https://github.com/tdumitrescu/cmme-editor 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field

  4. CMME today 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field

  5. MusicXML vis-à-vis MuseData MuseData MusicXML 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field

  6. image from: http://recordare.com/xml.html Purpose • Primary function of MusicXML is data interchange between programs: Finale Guido MuseData MuseScore Sibelius Humdrum SCORE Lilypond • Designed for encoding common-practice western music notation. 2008 Craig Stuart Sapp; rev. esf 2010

  7. MusicXML: History • Developed from 2001 by Michael Good • DistribRecordare(2002-2011) • V. 1: platform-specific (2004) • V. 2: Java (2007) • V. 3: Java (2011) • Sold as add-on to Finale, Sibelius et al. • Sold to MakeMusic (Finale) in 2011 • Native in Finale; more limited capabilities in Sibelius • No longer has public DTD NAMM 2011 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field

  8. MusicXML: Main Aims • Nexus of all notation interchange schemes • Commercially based • In use over past decade by many small sw companies and a few music publishers (inc. Hal Leonard) 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field

  9. Current status (v. 3.0, 2013 • http://www.makemusic.com/musicxml/specification/dtd • Partwise/timewise conversion (v. 1.0) • “Common” DTD (v. 3.0) • Sound: timbral recognition (sounds.xml, v. 3.0) • MIDI: in absolute or delta times (v. 3.0) • Layout module (v.1.1): formatting data as elements • Notes et al: some support for recent music, no semantic support for early music 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field

  10. MusicXML: basic file structure • Row-column rotation handled through XSLT stylesheets • (partwisevstimewise) • Score/part/measure elements at top of file • Lots of metadata fields possible in score header 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field

  11. MusicXML: MIDI interface 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field

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