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Business Intelligence Success

Business Intelligence Success. Lori Smith Vice President Business Intelligence Universal Technical Institute Chosen by Industry. Ready to Work.™. Business Intelligence defined (Wikipedia):.

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Business Intelligence Success

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  1. Business Intelligence Success Lori Smith Vice President Business Intelligence Universal Technical Institute Chosen by Industry. Ready to Work.™

  2. Business Intelligence defined (Wikipedia): . . . a set of methodologies, processes, architectures, and technologies that transform raw data into meaningful and useful information used to enable more effective strategic, tactical, and operational insights and decision-making

  3. 60% - 80% Failure Rate • No executive sponsorship • Culture doesn’t value quantitative data • Lack of planning • Lack of funding • Business requirements not clearly defined • No definition of success • Lack of user involvement/ownership • Poor communication • Benefits not understood • “Forgetting the business” • Too complicated • Lack of data understanding • Tackling too much

  4. Why BI? What business problem(s) are you solving?

  5. Define the Vision (Success) • KPIs are clearly defined and consistent across all functional areas (i.e. the definition of a start is the same for marketing, admissions, operations, finance, etc.) • All sources of critical data are documented, and there is a process to collect, transform and normalize the data from various sources, retaining historical data, in order to accommodate reporting and analytics. • UTI’s “master data” is defined and managed so that there is only “one version of the truth”. • Data marts exist to provide reporting and analytical capabilities for specific business processes and functional areas. These data marts are unioned together to create a comprehensive data warehouse. • Users have access to, and are trained to use, various tools to access and analyze data. • Business leaders can quickly identify and respond to business changes and opportunities and resources can be leveraged and allocated based on proactive, data driven decisions.

  6. Maturity Model

  7. Strategy

  8. People “Keys to Success” • Initiative leader from the “business”, with strong business and data knowledge • Sole focus Champions - worth their weight in gold! • BI Readiness – focus on data driven decisions • Business/Data Analysts WERE the existing single version of the truth – get them on board early • No “analysis” – dumping, scrubbing, compiling data • They would validate (or refute) the “success” of the BI initiative. • Strong technical expertise to architect for the future • Continual progress

  9. Process “Keys to Success” • Align and Deliver! • Understand and ensure alignment with organizational strategic priorities • Stay connected to your champions and senior leaders • Deliver often • Don’t wait for someoneto ask – offer solutions • Deliver what they need, not necessarily what they ask for • Progress, not perfection

  10. Collaboration vs Requirements • Focus on understanding . . . . • Discovery process • Troubleshooting process • Decision making process • Business process Deliver solutions to support those processes, rather than building a list of requirements and delivering against those.

  11. Technology “Keys to Success” • Foundation • Architecture • Avoid more chaos – long term vision • Performance considerations • Data • Accuracy/Completeness • Sanity – business rules • Information(not just data) • Dashboards • Ad hoc analysis • Information delivery

  12. BI Applications • Adoption is key • Keep it simple • Number of different applications/tools • Design • Understand what tools best suited to what purpose • Keep close to your business partners • What are they buying and implementing on their own? • Training, training and more training • Follow up; new features; power users (create own visualizations) • Get creative

  13. QlikviewDashboard as workflow tool

  14. Qlikview Dashboard as workflow tool

  15. Results • Employment outcomes • Focus in FY2012 resulted in improved workflows, visibility, standardized metrics and employment rates • Marketing • Completely redefined how we measure marketing effectiveness – improved accuracy/visibility • Predictive Model • In Feb 2013, cancelled contract with external vendor to move to internal model (annual savings approx $200k) • Other departments funded BI positions within IT • Growth from 2 to 7 team members since 2009 • With the right information, can do more with less

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