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‘Useful Psychology’ Memory and Mind-set

‘Useful Psychology’ Memory and Mind-set. Harriet Ennis. Perceptual Set. Useful interpretation shortcuts - but you can’t ‘turn them off’ http://www.exploratory.com/illusions/flash/index.htm. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjmHofJ2da0 twins (0:59)

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‘Useful Psychology’ Memory and Mind-set

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ‘Useful Psychology’ Memory and Mind-set

    Harriet Ennis
  2. Perceptual Set
  3. Useful interpretation shortcuts - but you can’t ‘turn them off’ http://www.exploratory.com/illusions/flash/index.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjmHofJ2da0 twins (0:59) http://www.exploratory.com/illusions/flash/index.htm proof of Müller-Lyer
  4. MINDSET http://prezi.com/8j73_hknv4og/mindset/http://prezi.com/8j73_hknv4og/mindset/ Cara’s Prezi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTXrV0_3UjY Carol Dweck and praise 3.5 mins
  5. Wonder woman power pose http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are.html
  6. Body language
  7. Group identity and Group membership
  8. Task – write about ‘Why I love being a Man U fan’ Staged accident (Man U shirt, Liverpool shirt, unbranded) 80% 20% 20% Task – write about ‘Why I love being a football fan’ 80% 80%! 20% So… if we can prime people to see us all as the same team (including all life on Earth – even insects – perhaps we need the aliens to land)
  9. Distinctive and dual-coded
  10. L’affiche
  11. plus the Method of Loci http://www.smartmemorypower.com/how-to-memorize-a-deck-of-cards/ http://www.ted.com/talks/joshua_foer_feats_of_memory_anyone_can_do.html
  12. Can’t see the wood for the trees Can’t see the trees for the wood
  13. Memories are our reference system yet they are repeatedly reconstructed Post-event information can alter your memory traces Memory retrieval – no back up copy!
  14. Leading questions Research by Loftus … “How fast were the cars going when they (‘smashed’ / ‘hit’ / ‘collided’ / ‘bumped’) into each other?” … and was there any broken glass?
  15. What box? Erase memory ‘Men in Black’ style http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=forgetting-eternal-sunshine-drug-makes-rat-forget – video and article! http://www.gizmag.com/memory-erasing-and-restoring-molecule/18083/ ZIP & SacktorPKMzeta gene
  16. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  17. EMDR PTSD therapy eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) EMDR is a psychological treatment for PTSD which has received considerable empirical validation (Carlson et al., 1998; Marcus et al., 1997; Rothbaum, 1997; Scheck et al., 1998; Wilson et al., 1995). http://www.skepdic.com/emdr.html
  18. NeuroScienceversus Neurotrash Some think it works something like acupuncture (which allegedly unblocks chi): rapid eye movements allegedly unblock "the information-processing system." Some think it works by a sort of ping-pong effect between the right and left sides of the brain, which somehow restructures memory. Or perhaps it works, as one therapist suggested, by the rapid eye movements sending signals to the brain which somehow tame and control the naughty part of the brain which had been causing the psychological problems.
  19. Playing tetris http://www.tomshardware.com/news/PTSD-Tetris-Prevent-Flashbacks-Study-Oxford,15514.html
  20. The Solution – NeuroNonsense Sensitivity Training. NeuroNonsense Alert
  21. Lefty or righty? A new study links a larger anterior cingulate cortex (left) to politically liberal views and a larger right amygdala to conservatism.
  22. National Security Neuroscience– Real World Delusions Meixner, JP and Rosenfeld, JP (2010). A Mock Terrorism Application of the P300 based Concealed Information Test. Psychophysiology:1-6 A simple slide show could be the next weapon against terrorists. Using a brain-electrode cap and imagery, scientists at Northwestern University can pick the date, location and means of a future terrorist attack from the minds of America's enemies.
  23. Scanning dead salmon in fMRI machine highlights risks of red herrings fMRI and ‘mind reading’ – can anyone do it? Smoothing; normalisation; template brain SPM; AFNI Group studies Inverse solution:dipoles, beamformers? What is the ‘baseline’ task Voodoo/puzzlingly high correlations Bootstrapping? Bayesian?
  24. NeuroTrash – what is the problem? Pseudoscience – misleading; misunderstood misrepresented Biology is Destiny; sustaining stereotypes; propping up prejudice
  25. The power of “Neuro-...”
  26. Misrepresented Cross crawl – underpins academic skills that involve crossing the midline, such as reading and handwriting.
  27. Real people research? “Boys physically cannot hear the cues in the intonation of adult human voices that girls can”
  28. NeuroNonsense Alert This Author is from Uranus
  29. In summary – useful psychology action points Always consider the possibility that you are mistaken – perception is constructed and memories reconstructed Tame your traumatic memories performing a cognitively demanding task as you think of them Dual encode your revision – visuals linked to the meanings Question Neuro-nonsense Power-pose before you present to alter your biochemistry Prime your mind-set to make the most out of life
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